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Predloga:Slog navajanja - dokumentacija/language/dok

Iz Wikipedije, proste enciklopedije

cs1|2 templates validate the content of |language= against language codes and names supported by MediaWiki. This page lists the language codes and names that MediaWiki supports. Language name and code pairs marked with a super-scripted dagger () are codes / names that are overridden by codes / names defined in Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration. See §Overridden codes / names. Use of language codes / names not found in these lists will cause Module:Citation/CS1 to place the article in kat:CS1 vzdrževanje: Neprepoznan jezik‎.

2-character codes

[uredi kodo]

Napaka Lua v Modul:Cs1_documentation_support v vrstici 137: attempt to index local 'override_list' (a nil value).

3-character codes

[uredi kodo]

Napaka Lua v Modul:Cs1_documentation_support v vrstici 137: attempt to index local 'override_list' (a nil value).

IETF language tags

[uredi kodo]

This list contains legitimate IETF language tags, tags that look like IETF tags but are not or are malformed, and 'codes' that are not codes. cs1|2 templates support most of these IETF-like tags.

IETF language tags (ISO 639-1)

[uredi kodo]

These language tags have the form xx-yy... where xx is an ISO 639-1 language tag and yy... is a two-or-more-character subtag that specify country, script, or other information; be-x-old is an exception. Napaka Lua v Modul:Cs1_documentation_support v vrstici 137: attempt to index local 'override_list' (a nil value).

IETF language tags (ISO 639-2, -3)

[uredi kodo]

These language tags have the form xxx-yy... where xx is an ISO 639-2, -3 language tag and yy... is a two-or-more-character subtag that specify country, script, or other information. Napaka Lua v Modul:Cs1_documentation_support v vrstici 137: attempt to index local 'override_list' (a nil value).

Language names

[uredi kodo]

This list contains legitimate IETF language tags, tags that look like IETF tags but are not or are malformed, and 'codes' that are not codes. For these reasons, cs1|2 templates do not support IETF-like tags and associated names. When these names are used in |language=, cs1|2 will attempt to validate them but such attempts are not likely to succeed.

Napaka Lua v Modul:Cs1_documentation_support v vrstici 137: attempt to index local 'override_list' (a nil value).

Overridden codes / names

[uredi kodo]

Codes and names marked with a super-scripted dagger () are overridden by cs1|2:

  • Alemannisch – not an ISO 639 language name; when encountered, cs1|2 treats this as gsw
  • als – MediaWiki returns Alemannic (als is the subdomain for the Alemannisch Wikipedia: als.wikipedia.org); cs1|2 uses the ISO 639-3 definition:
  • bh – MediaWiki returns Bhojpuri (bh is the subdomain for the Bhojpuri Wikipedia: bh.wikipedia.org); cs1|2 uses a modified form of the ISO 639-1 definition:
  • Bhojpuri – ISO 639 language code for this language is bho; MediaWiki returns the Bihari languages code: bh; cs1|2 uses the correct code bho
  • Blackfoot – not an ISO 639 language name; when encountered, cs1|2 treats this as bla blackfootsko
  • bn – MediaWiki returns Bangla which is the language endonym; cs1|2 uses the ISO 639-3 definition (the exonym form):
  • crh – MediaWiki returns Crimean Tatar; cs1|2 uses the ISO 639-3 definition:
  • ilo – MediaWiki returns Iloko; cs1|2 uses the English Wikipedia's preferred definition: ilokansko
  • ksh – MediaWiki returns Colognian; cs1|2 uses the ISO 639-3 definition:
  • ksh-x-cologkölnsko; there is no ISO 639 code for this language
  • mis-x-ripuarripuarsko; there is no ISO 639 code for this language
  • nan-twTaiwanese Hokkien; to distinguish from nan (Minnan)
  • Valencian – not an ISO 639 language name; cs1|2 uses an IETF language tag ca-valencia, the Valencian variant of Catalan: valencijsko