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Predloga:Infopolje Letalska nesreča

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(Preusmerjeno s strani Predloga:Infobox aircraft occurrence)
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[uredi kodo]
{{Infopolje Letalska nesreča
| name = 
| image = 
| image_upright =
| image_size = 
| alt = 
| caption = 
| occurrence_type = <!-- Use "Accident", "Incident" or (default) "Occurrence" -->
| date = <!-- {{start date|1993|02|24|df=y}}-->
| summary = 
| site = 
| coordinates = <!--{{coord|LAT|LON|type:event|display=inline,title}} -->

<!-- Following entries are for an occurrence involving a single aircraft: -->
| passengers = 
| crew = 
| injuries =
| fatalities = 
| missing =
| survivors = 
| aircraft_type = 
| aircraft_name = 
| operator = 
| tail_number = 
| origin = 
| stopover = 
| stopover0 = 
| stopover1 = 
| stopover2 = 
| stopover3 = 
| stopover4 =
| stopover5 =
| last_stopover = 
| destination = 

<!-- Following entries are for an occurrence involving two/three aircraft: -->
| total_injuries = 
| total_fatalities = 
| total_missing = 
| total_survivors = 
| plane1_image = 
| plane1_image_upright =
| plane1_image_size = 
| plane1_alt = 
| plane1_caption = 

| plane1_type = 
| plane1_name = 
| plane1_operator = 
| plane1_tailnum = 
| plane1_origin = 
| plane1_stopover = 
| plane1_stopover0 = 
| plane1_stopover1 = 
| plane1_stopover2 = 
| plane1_stopover3 = 
| plane1_stopover4 =
| plane1_stopover5 =
| plane1_laststopover = 
| plane1_destination = 
| plane1_passengers = 
| plane1_crew = 
| plane1_injuries = 
| plane1_fatalities = 
| plane1_missing =
| plane1_survivors = 

| plane2_image = 
| plane2_image_upright =
| plane2_image_size = 
| plane2_alt = 
| plane2_caption = 
| plane2_type = 
| plane2_name = 
| plane2_operator = 
| plane2_tailnum = 
| plane2_origin = 
| plane2_stopover = 
| plane2_stopover0 = 
| plane2_stopover1 = 
| plane2_stopover2 = 
| plane2_stopover3 = 
| plane2_stopover4 =
| plane2_stopover5 =
| plane2_laststopover = 
| plane2_destination = 
| plane2_passengers = 
| plane2_crew = 
| plane2_injuries = 
| plane2_fatalities = 
| plane2_missing =
| plane2_survivors = 

| plane3_image = 
| plane3_image_upright =
| plane3_image_size = 
| plane3_alt = 
| plane3_caption = 
| plane3_type = 
| plane3_name = 
| plane3_operator = 
| plane3_tailnum = 
| plane3_origin = 
| plane3_stopover = 
| plane3_stopover0 = 
| plane3_stopover1 = 
| plane3_stopover2 = 
| plane3_stopover3 = 
| plane3_stopover4 =
| plane3_stopover5 =
| plane3_laststopover = 
| plane3_destination = 
| plane3_passengers = 
| plane3_crew = 
| plane3_injuries = 
| plane3_fatalities = 
| plane3_missing =
| plane3_survivors = 


[uredi kodo]

Required parameters in bold. Alternative names for use when only one aircraft involved are shown in italics.

Parameter / alternate Explanation
name Occurrence's commonly-known name (defaults to {{PAGENAME}}).
occurrence_type "Accident", "Hijacking" or (default) "Occurrence". Few notable occurrences are classified as "incidents"; see Aviation accidents and incidents.
image Picture of the accident or incident or its aftermath, or, if involving a single aircraft, that aircraft. If a free image of the actual aircraft is not available then an aircraft of the same type can be used, be aware that aircraft in other operators markings may be misleading and focus on an operator not related to the accident. Representations or computer generated images should not be used. Please consider searching Wikimedia Commons which has an extensive library of aircraft images, many of which are categorised and searchable by aircraft registration.
image_upright Scale the main infobox thumbnail from its default size by the given factor, rounding the result to the nearest multiple of 10 pixels (e.g. "1.20").
image_size DEPRECATED/DISCOURAGED. Width of the image to present to the user, in pixels (e.g. "220 px"). Use of this parameter is discouraged as per WP:IMGSIZE. Use image_upright instead.
alt Alt text for image.
caption Caption for image.
date Date on which accident or incident occurred. Use {{start date}}.
summary Brief factual summary of the occurrence.
site accident or incident's location (e.g. placename, nearest city/town, country).
coordinates accident or incident's site coordinates. Za koordinate, uporabite {{koord novi}} z display=inline,title. Prosim, da pri vnosu koordninat niste prenatančni.
total_injuries (Two/three-aircraft occurrences only) Total number of people injured in the accident or incident. Add in parentheses if any of this number were people other than crew or passengers, or if it was everyone involved (e.g. "123 (4 on ground)", "123 (all)").
total_fatalities (Two/three-aircraft occurrences only) Total number of people killed in the accident or incident. As above, add in parentheses if any of this number were other than crew or passengers, or if everyone involved died.
total_missing (Two/three-aircraft occurrences only) Total number of people missing in the accident or incident. As above, add in parentheses if any of this number were other than crew or passengers, or if everyone involved is missing.
total_survivors (Two/three-aircraft occurrences only) Total number of people who survived the accident or incident. As above, add in parentheses if any of this number were people other than crew or passengers, or if everyone involved survived.
plane1_image (Two/three-aircraft occurrences only) A picture of the first aircraft involved.
plane1_image_upright (Two/three-aircraft occurrences only) Scale the plane1 thumbnail from its default size by the given factor, rounding the result to the nearest multiple of 10 pixels (e.g. "1.20").
plane1_image_size (Two/three-aircraft occurrences only) DEPRECATED/DISCOURAGED. Width of the plane1 image to present to the user, in pixels (e.g. "220 px"). Use of this parameter is discouraged as per WP:IMGSIZE. Use plane1_image_upright instead.
plane1_alt (Two/three-aircraft occurrences only) Alt text for the plane1 image.
plane1_caption (Two/three-aircraft occurrences only) Caption for the plane1 image.
plane1_type / aircraft_type (First) aircraft's type (e.g. Boeing 747).
plane1_name / aircraft_name (First) aircraft's name (e.g. Atlantic Clipper).
plane1_operator / operator Name of the airline or company operating the (first) aircraft.
plane1_tailnum / tail_number (First) aircraft's tail number (registration).
plane1_origin / origin Origin of (first) aircraft's flight (airport/airfield, city/town, country).
plane1_stopover / stopover (First) aircraft's stopover location, if it made only one stopover. Displays in infobox as Stopover.
plane1_stopover0 / stopover0 (First) aircraft's first stopover location. Displays in infobox as 1st stopover.
plane1_stopover1 / stopover1 (First) aircraft's second stopover location.
plane1_stopover2 / stopover2 (First) aircraft's third stopover location.
plane1_stopover3 / stopover3 (First) aircraft's fourth stopover location.
plane1_stopover4 / stopover4 (First) aircraft's fifth stopover location.
plane1_stopover5 / stopover5 (First) aircraft's sixth stopover location.
plane1_laststopover / last_stopover (First) aircraft's last stopover location. Displays in infobox as Last stopover.
plane1_destination / destination (First) aircraft's destination (airport/airfield, city/town, country).
plane1_passengers / passengers Number of passengers onboard (first) aircraft.
plane1_crew / crew Number of crew onboard (first) aircraft.
plane1_injuries / injuries If a single-plane occurrence, the total number of injuries caused by the occurrence; add in parentheses if any of this number were people other than crew or passengers, or if it was everyone involved (e.g. "123 (4 on ground)", "123 (all)"). Otherwise, for a two/three-aircraft occurrence, the number of people injured onboard the first aircraft.
plane1_fatalities / fatalities If a single-plane accident or incident, the total number of deaths caused by the accident or incident; as above, add in parentheses if any of these people were other than crew or passengers, or if everyone involved died. Otherwise, for a two/three-aircraft occurrence, the number of people killed onboard the first aircraft.
plane1_missing / missing If a single-plane accident or incident, the total number of people missing in the accident or incident; as above, add in parentheses if any of these people were other than crew or passengers, or if everyone involved is missing. Otherwise, for a two/three-aircraft occurrence, the number of people missing from the first aircraft.
plane1_survivors / survivors Number of people involved who survived. If a single-plane accident or incident, add in parentheses (as above) if any of these people were other than crew or passengers, or if everyone involved survived. Otherwise, for a two/three-aircraft occurrence, the number of people onboard the first aircraft who survived.
The parameters for a second and third aircraft involved in the accident or incident (i.e. plane2_* and plane3_*) follow the same pattern, but without the alternate names.