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Predloga:Infopolje Kastrum

Iz Wikipedije, proste enciklopedije
(Preusmerjeno s strani Predloga:Infobox castrum)
Dokumentacija za predlogo[poglej] [uredi] [zgodovina] [osveži]

Uporaba[uredi kodo]

{{Infopolje Kastrum
| image                  =
| name                   =
| alt_names              =
| known_as               =
| built_during_reign_of  = 
| founded                =
| abandoned              =
| attested_by            =
| previous_fortification =

| type                   = 

| robust_struct_material = 
| robust_struct_built_during_reign_of = 
| robust_struct_built    = 
| robust_struct_abandoned= 
| robust_struct_dim1     = 
| robust_struct_dim2     = 
| robust_struct_area     =
| robust_struct_shape    = 
| robust_struct_thickness=
| robust_struct_technique=
| robust_struct_towers   =

| weak_struct_material   = 
| weak_struct_built_during_reign_of = 
| weak_struct_built      = 
| weak_struct_abandoned  = 
| weak_struct_dim1       = 
| weak_struct_dim2       = 
| weak_struct_area       = 
| weak_struct_shape      = 
| weak_struct_thickness  =
| weak_struct_technique  =
| weak_struct_towers     =

| commanders             =
| legions		 =
| cohorts		 =
| alae			 =
| classis                =
| numberi		 =

| events                 = 

| province               =
| capital_of             =
| admin_unit_1           =
| admin_unit_2           =
| limes                  =
| nearby_water           =
| links                  =

| latitude               = 
| longitude              = 
| latd                   = 
| latm                   = 
| lats                   = 
| latNS                  = 
| longd                  = 
| longm                  = 
| longs                  = 
| longEW                 = 
| altitude_m             =
| altitude_ref           = 
| map                    = <!-- Ime lokacije, kot za Predloga:Lokacijska karta -->
| map_alt                = <!-- Alternativno besedilo za zemljevid -->
| map_caption            = <!-- Napis pod zemljevidom, prepiše privzetega -->
| map_size               = <!-- Širina zemljevida, prepiše privzeto širino 250 pikslov -->
| map_relief             = <!-- Katerakoli vrednost za nadomestitev praznega zemljevida -->

| place_name             =
| location_town          =
| location_county        =
| location_state         =
| location_country       =
| iso_region             =

| ref:UK:OSNG            =
| ref:RO:LMI             =
| ref:RO:RAN             =
| ref:UNESCO             =

| coins_found            =
| discovery_year         =
| condition              =
| controlled_by          =
| excavations            =
| archaeologists         =
| exhibitions            =
| website                =
| notes                  =
| commons                = <!-- katerakoli vrednost za prikaz povezave na Wikimedijino zbirko -->

Zgled[uredi kodo]

Castra Potaissa
Napaka Lua v Modul:Location_map v vrstici 502: Navedena lokacijska karta ne obstaja. Niti "Modul:Location map/data/Romunije" niti "Predloga:Lokacijska karta Romunije" ne obstajata.
Druga imenaPatavissa, Patabissa, Patauissa, Patrouissa, Patreuissa
Ustanovljen za časa vladanjaTrajan
Ustanovljenok. 106 n.št.
Opuščenok. 4.-5. stol. n.št.
Izpričan vTabula Peutingeriana
Predhodna fortifikacijadačanska
Lega v rimskem svetu
Rimska provincaDakija
Administrativna enotaDacia Porolissensis
Administrativna enotaDacia Superior
Neposredno povezan s/z
— Kamnita struktura —
Zgrajena168 n.št.
Velikost573 m x 408 m (23,37 ha)
Stacionirane vojaške enote
V. legija Macedonica (168 n.št. - 274 n.št.)
Krajevno imeDealul cetății
DržavaZastava Romunije Romunija
Opombe o najdišču
Priznanje National Historical Monument
RazstaveMuzeul de Istorie Turda
Wikimedijina zbirka vsebuje več gradiva na temo: Castra PotaissaCastra Potaissa
{{Infopolje Kastrum
| name                   = Castra Potaissa
| image                  = 2006 0602TurdaPotaissaBath0109.jpg
| caption                = terme
| alt_names              = Patavissa, Patabissa, Patauissa, Patrouissa, Patreuissa
| built_during_reign_of  = [[Trajan]]
| founded                = ok. 106 n.št.
| abandoned              = ok. 4.-5. stol. n.št.
| attested_by            = [[Tabula Peutingeriana]]
| previous_fortification = [[Dačani|dačanska]]

| type                   = 

| robust_struct_material = Kamnita
| robust_struct_built_during_reign_of = 
| robust_struct_built    = [[168]] n.št.
| robust_struct_abandoned= 
| robust_struct_dim1     = 573
| robust_struct_dim2     = 408
| robust_struct_area     = 23.37
| robust_struct_shape    = kvadratna
| robust_struct_thickness=
| robust_struct_technique=
| robust_struct_towers   =

| weak_struct_material   = 
| weak_struct_built_during_reign_of = 
| weak_struct_built      = 
| weak_struct_abandoned  = 
| weak_struct_dim1       = 
| weak_struct_dim2       = 
| weak_struct_area       = 
| weak_struct_shape      = 
| weak_struct_thickness  =
| weak_struct_technique  =
| weak_struct_towers     =

| commanders             =
| legions		 = [[V. legija Macedonica]] (168 n.št. - [[274]] n.št.)
| cohorts		 =
| alae			 = 
| numeri		 =

| events                 = 

| province               = [[Rimska Dakija|Dakija]]
| admin_unit_1           = [[Dacia Superior]]
| admin_unit_2           = [[Dacia Porolissensis]]
| limes                  =
| links                  = {{flatlist|
* [[Castrum Clus|Clus]]
* [[Castrum of Colțești|(Colțești)]]
* [[Castrum of Războieni-Cetate|(Războieni-Cetate)]]
* [[Castrum of Sânpaul|(Sânpaul)]]

| latitude               = 
| longitude              = 
| latd                   = 46
| latm                   = 34
| lats                   = 13
| latNS                  = N
| longd                  = 23
| longm                  = 46
| longs                  = 21
| longEW                 = E
| altitude_m             =
| map                    = Romunija

| place_name             = Dealul cetății
| location_town          = [[Turda]]
| location_county        = [[Cluj]]
| location_region        = [[Transilvanija]]
| location_state         = 
| location_country       = {{ROU}}
| iso_region             =

| ref:UK:OSNG            =
| ref:RO:LMI             = CJ-I-s-A-07208
| ref:RO:RAN             = 52268.01

| discovery_year         =
| condition              = porušen
| controlled_by          =
| excavations            =
| archaeologists         =
| exhibitions            = Muzeul de Istorie Turda
| website                =
| notes                  = 
| commons                = da