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Slika:20170721 Gotham Shield NYC Aerials-225 medium.jpg

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English: New York, N.Y., Jul. 21, 2017--The New Jersey Army National Guard (NJANG) Aviation Program has generously offered their support to conduct an aerial view/survey of the Gotham Shield Exercise covering the New York / New Jersey area. FEMA Region II and NYCEM personnel were among those who took part in the flights. The overall objective is to gain increased training knowledge and experience from an ‘outside-in’ approach and to improve our national capacity to build, sustain, and deliver core capabilities. FEMA/K.C.Wilsey
Vir https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/images/133494
Avtor FEMA/Kenneth Wilsey


Public domain
This image is a work of a Federal Emergency Management Agency employee, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As works of the U.S. federal government, all FEMA images are in the public domain in the United States. Additional media usage information may be found at https://www.fema.gov/photo-video-audio-use-guidelines

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21. julij 2017



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trenutno23:05, 2. junij 2018Sličica za različico z datumom 23:05, 2. junij 20181.024 × 678 (180 KB)MarginalCostUser created page with UploadWizard

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