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Slika:Arch at entrance to walled kitchen garden - geograph.org.uk - 935467.jpg

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English: Arch at entrance to walled kitchen garden. Supporting several varieties of gourds (Cucurbita spec.) Gourds > 935471 are the fruits of various climbing plants in the Cucurbitaceae (cucumber) family, most of which originated in the tropics. More familiar plants in the same family are melons (Cucumis melo), squashes, pumpkins and marrows. Gourds are among the earliest cultivated plants, as they are of considerable value as sources of food, and for making utensils and ornaments. http://www.kew.org/ksheets/gourds.html Salle Hall > https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/935141 was built in 1761 for Edward Hase; alterations were made in 1862, and east and west service blocks were added in 1910 for Sir Woolmer White. The east wing contains an Orangery > https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/935153. (N. Pevsner & B. Wilson, The Buildings of England, Norfolk 1: Norwich and North-East, 2002). Presently, Salle Hall and gardens are part of the Salle Park Estate, owned by Sir John White. Salle Park gardens consist of two sections, one of which being a Georgian style pleasure garden with formal lawns and topiary, rose gardens, specimen trees and shrubs > https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/935157 - https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/935166 . The walled kitchen garden was created in the 1780s and retains many of the original features.
Vir From geograph.org.uk
Avtor Evelyn Simak
(zahtevano z licenco)
Evelyn Simak / Arch at entrance to walled kitchen garden / 
Evelyn Simak / Arch at entrance to walled kitchen garden
Lokacija fotoaparata52° 46′ 34″ S, 1° 07′ 53″ V  Heading=202° Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Ta in druge slike po lokaciji: OpenStreetMapinfo
Lokacija objekta52° 46′ 32″ S, 1° 07′ 52″ V  Heading=202° Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Ta in druge slike po lokaciji: OpenStreetMapinfo


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Avtorstvo: Evelyn Simak
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  • deljenje pod enakimi pogoji – Če boste to vsebino predelali, preoblikovali ali uporabili kot izhodišče za drugo delo, morate svoj prispevek distribuirati pod isto ali združljivo licenco, kot jo ima izvirnik.


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Arch at entrance to walled kitchen garden

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24. avgust 2008

52°46'34.07"N, 1°7'52.68"E

usmeritev: 202 stopinja

52°46'32.48"N, 1°7'51.60"E

usmeritev: 202 stopinja



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480 piksel

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trenutno06:51, 22. februar 2011Sličica za različico z datumom 06:51, 22. februar 2011480 × 640 (207 KB)GeographBot== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |description={{en|1=Arch at entrance to walled kitchen garden Supporting several varieties of gourds (Cucurbita spec.) Gourds > http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/935471 are the fruits of various climbing plants in the C

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