OpisArp 107 (NIRCam and MIRI Image) (2024-132).png
English: This composite image of Arp 107, created with data from the James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) and MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) reveal a wealth of information about the star-formation and how these two galaxies collided hundreds of million years ago.
The near-infrared data, shown in white, shows older stars, which shine brightly in both galaxies, as well as the tenuous bridge of gas and stars that runs between them. The vibrant background galaxies are also brightly illuminated in this wavelength.
On the other hand, MIRI data shows the young stars and star-forming regions in vibrant orange and red. Our view in the mid-infrared provides the best view of the collision point, given the noticeable gap at the top of the spiral galaxy. This collision not only began a new bout of star formation in the region, but also an endearing smile.
Ta slika je v javni domeni, ker so jo ustvarile NASA, ESA in CSA. Nasino gradivo teleskopa Webb ni avtorskopravno varovano in se lahko prosto in brezplačno uporablja, kot da bi bilo v javni domeni, pod pogojem, da se kot vir gradiva navedejo samo NASA, STScI in/ali ESA/CSA. Ta licenca ne velja, če se uporablja izvorno gradivo drugih organizacij. Gradivo je za NASO pod pogodbo NAS5-0312 ustvaril Znanstveni inštitut za vesoljske teleskope. Izjava o avtorskih pravicah na webbtelescope.org. Za gradivo, ki ga je ustvarila Evropska vesoljska agencija in je na voljo v spletišču esawebb.org, uporabite oznako {{ESA-Webb}}.
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Space Telescope Science Institute Office of Public Outreach
Imetnik avtorskih pravic
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Arp 107 (NIRCam and MIRI Image)
NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, M. Garcia Marin (STScI) and A. Pagan (STScI)