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BillyMills_Crossing_Finish_Line_1964Olympics.jpg (678 × 532 točk, velikost datoteke: 101 KB, MIME-vrsta: image/jpeg)


English: Billy Mills winning the 10,000m in the 1964 Olympics: 1stLt William “Billy” Mills, USMCR (No. 722),[1] wove through a field of lapped runners and passed the race favorite, Ron Clarke (No. 12, "1" visible on shirt)[1] of Australia, to win the 10,000 meters race at the 1964 Olympic Games. His victory is described as one of the greatest upsets in Olympic history and he is still the only American to ever win a gold medal in that event. Mohammed Gammoudi (615)[1] won the silver medal.
Datum Template:Take on
Vir History Division, United States Marine Corps (main page on 2008-08-14)
Avtor Official Marine Corps Photo # A411758
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Public domain as a work of the U.S. Marine Corps
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  1. a b c Meek, Richard (1964). USA Billy Mills (772), Australia Ron Clarke (12) Tunisia Mohamed Gamoudi (615), and others in action at the start of Men's 10,000M Final at National Olympic Stadium.. Best of Billy Mills. Getty Images. Retrieved on 2015-06-17.

[[Category:Black and white photographs of Japan in the 1960s]


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14. oktober 1964



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trenutno02:01, 15. avgust 2008Sličica za različico z datumom 02:01, 15. avgust 2008678 × 532 (101 KB)ERcheck{{Information |Description={{en|1='''Billy Mills''' winning the 10,000m in the 1964 Olympics: 1stLt William “Billy” Mills, USMCR, wove through a field of lapped runners and passed the race favorite, Ron Clarke of Australia, to win the 10,000 meters r

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