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Slika:Cutaneous abscess MRSA staphylococcus aureus 7826 lores.jpg

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This 2005 photograph (low resolution version) depicted a cutaneous abscess located on the hip of a prison inmate, which had begun to spontaneously drain, releasing its purulent contents. The abscess was caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, referred to by the acronym MRSA.

S. aureus bacteria are amongst the populations of bacteria normally found existing on ones skin surface. However, over time, various populations of these bacteria have become resistant to a number of antibiotics, which makes them very difficult to fight when attempting to treat infections where MRSA bacteria are the responsible pathogens. These antibiotics include methicillin and other more common antibiotics such as oxacillin, penicillin and amoxicillin.

Staph infections, including MRSA, occur most frequently among persons in hospitals and healthcare facilities such as nursing homes and dialysis centers, who have weakened immune systems, however, the manifestation of MRSA infections that are acquired by otherwise healthy individuals, who have not been recently hospitalized, or had a medical procedure such as dialysis, or surgery, first began to emerged in the mid- to late-1990's. These infections in the community are usually manifested as minor skin infections such as pimples and boils. Transmission of MRSA has been reported most frequently in certain populations, e.g., children, sports participants, or as was the case here, jail inmates. (CDC) High resolution image (15.56 MB) available at PHIL.

Ta datoteka izvira iz Javne slikovne medicinske knjižnice (PHIL) Centra za nadzor in preprečevanje bolezni, kjer ima identifikacijsko številko #7826.

Opomba: Vse slike PHILA niso v javni domeni. Preverite avtorskopravni status gradiva in navedite avtorje in ponudnike vsebine.

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Avtor CDC/Bruno Coignard, M.D.; Jeff Hageman, M.H.S.
(Nadaljnja uporaba datoteke)
Public domain
Ta slika je delo, ki ga je med opravljanjem uradnih dolžnosti posnel ali napravil uslužbenec Centra Združenih držav Amerike za nadzor in preprečevanje bolezni, dela Ministrstva Združenih držav Amerike za zdravje in človeške vire. Kot delo Zvezne vlade Združenih držav Amerike je slika v javni domeni.


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trenutno21:57, 12. julij 2014Sličica za različico z datumom 21:57, 12. julij 20142.800 × 1.850 (1,77 MB)SplintercellguyUpload higher-resolution version
18:30, 18. april 2006Sličica za različico z datumom 18:30, 18. april 2006700 × 462 (52 KB)Patho{{Information| |Description=ID#: 7826 Description: This 2005 photograph depicted a cutaneous abscess located on the hip of a prison inmate, which had begun to spontaneously drain, releasing its purulent contents. The abscess was caused by methicillin-res

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