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Slika:Earl of Dundonald Coat of Arms.svg

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English: Coat of arms of Earls of Dundonald, chief of Clan Cochrane; ref: The Scots peerage: founded on Wood's ed. of Sir Robert Douglas's Peerage of Scotland; containing an historical and genealogical account of the nobility of that kingdom; p. 368; by Paul, James Balfour, Sir, 1846-1931; Edinburgh: D. Douglas; Not in copyright; see also clancochrane.org and The peerage of Scotland By John Almon, p.157; and scaned from "The Fighting Cochranes". NOTE: several sources give the arms of the Earl of Dundonald as Cochrane (ar. a chevron gu. betw. three boars heads erased az.) quartered with Blair (ar. on a saltire sa. nine lozenges of the field), see see The general armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales; comprising a registry of armorial bearings from the earliest to the present time, page.208, and the arms drawn on page 350 of scots peerage. Note also that there are variations in the suporters colour of the collar and lead, and one reference (The general armory) gives the crest as Or not Ar.
Vir Own work by uploader.
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Earl Coronet.svg (od Ipankonin).
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Buonaparte.svg (od Bastianow).
Ta vektorska slika vključuje elemente, vzete ali prirejene iz datoteke:
Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom (Scotland).svg (od Chabacano).
Ta vektorska slika vključuje elemente, vzete ali prirejene iz datoteke:
Clan member crest badge - Clan Cochrane.svg (od Celtus).
Avtor Czar Brodie
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This image shows an emblazonment of a coat of arms granted by or under protection of the Lord Lyon Kings of Arms in Scotland. The usage of such symbols is governed by legal restrictions, independent of the copyright status of the depiction shown here. Even if this specific emblazonment (e.g. image) is free to use (per the license), its use is restricted according to the Lyon King of Arms Act 1692, Lyon King of Arms Act 1669, Lyon King of Arms Act 1672, Lyon King of Arms Act 1867 violation of which is subject to criminal penalty. Restrictions include but are not limited to:
  • Unauthorised use of arms is a criminal offence. Without authorisation, arms cannot be borne, used, or displayed by anyone other than their rightful owner.
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avgust 2009

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trenutno13:53, 8. april 2013Sličica za različico z datumom 13:53, 8. april 20132.485 × 2.080 (997 KB)Czar Brodie~commonswikiReverted to version as of 14:47, 10 August 2009, no reason given for changing to arms without supporters, also an image of the arms without supporters already exists File:Earl of Dundonald Arms.svg
18:27, 17. februar 2013Sličica za različico z datumom 18:27, 17. februar 2013600 × 660 (231 KB)OBGIreReverted to version as of 14:45, 10 August 2009
15:47, 10. avgust 2009Sličica za različico z datumom 15:47, 10. avgust 20092.485 × 2.080 (997 KB)Czar Brodie~commonswikiadd motto (from correct file)
15:45, 10. avgust 2009Sličica za različico z datumom 15:45, 10. avgust 2009600 × 660 (231 KB)Czar Brodie~commonswikiadd motto
15:42, 10. avgust 2009Sličica za različico z datumom 15:42, 10. avgust 20092.485 × 2.041 (979 KB)Czar Brodie~commonswiki{{Information |Description={{en|1=Coat of arms of Earls of Dundonald, chief of Clan Cochrane; ref: [http://www.archive.org/stream/scotspeeragefoun03pauluoft The Scots peerage: founded on Wood's ed. of Sir Rober

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