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Slika:Edwin Armstrong and superregenerative receiver.jpg

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English: American radio researcher Edwin H. Armstrong and his new invention, the superregenerative receiver in 1922. This was probably taken at the June 28, 1922 meeting of the Radio Club of America in room 306, Havemeyer Hall, Columbia University, New York, at which Armstrong demonstrated the superregenerative receiver. The receiver used only 3 vacuum tubes (visible), but was as sensitive as existing receivers with 9 tubes. However it didn't prove as useful as the other receiver circuits he invented: the regenerative receiver and the superheterodyne receiver, which is used in virtually every radio and television today. The black metal bell (left) is the horn loudspeaker (modern cone loudspeakers hadn't been invented yet), and the wires on the frame (right) is the loop antenna for the radio. The caption of the photo read:

"THE MAN WHO ORIGINATED THE ARMSTRONG CIRCUIT Hertz, Marconi, De Forest - and now Edwin H. Armstrong, head the list of scientists who have made radio, as we know it today, possible. Armstrong has the honor of making three definite contributions to radio. FIRST, he originated the regenerative feedback vacuum tube circuit. SECOND, he originated the super-heterodyne circuit, the most sensitive receiver ever produced. THIRD, he invented the superregenerative receiver, which has just taken the world by storm and which bears his name."
Vir Downloaded August 26, 2013 from Popular Radio (Popular Radio Inc., New York), Vol. 2, No. 3, November 1922, p. 159 on Google Books
Avtor NeznanUnknown author


Public domain

To delo je v javni domeni tudi v državah in na območjih, kjer trajajo avtorske pravice za časa avtorjevega življenja in še 70 let ali manj po tem.

Delo je v Združenih državah Amerike v javni domeni, saj je bilo objavljeno (ali registrirano pri Uradu za avtorske pravice ZDA) pred 1. januarjem 1930.

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trenutno18:58, 3. maj 2021Sličica za različico z datumom 18:58, 3. maj 20211.568 × 1.940 (1,02 MB)Materialscientisttidied
06:39, 27. avgust 2013Sličica za različico z datumom 06:39, 27. avgust 20131.612 × 1.980 (587 KB)Chetvorno{{Information |Description ={{en|1=American radio researcher en:Edwin H. Armstrong presenting his new invention, the en:superregenerative receiver in 1922. This was probably at the meeting of the Radio Club of America at Columbia Univer...

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