V nekaterih državah trajajo avtorske pravice več kot 70 let: v Mehiki trajajo 100 let, na Jamajki 95 let, v Kolumbiji 80 let, v Gvatemali in na Samoi trajajo 75 let. Avtorske pravice se lahko podaljšajo na delih Francozov, ki so umrli za Francijo v drugi svetovni vojni (več o tem), Ruse, ki so služili na vzhodni fronti druge svetovne vojne (v Rusiji poznani kot velika domoljubna vojna) in posmrtno za rehabilitirane Ruse (več o tem).
§ 5. Results of intellectual activities to which this Act does not apply
1) ideas, images, notions, theories, processes, systems, methods, concepts, principles, discoveries, inventions, and other results of intellectual activities which are described, explained or expressed in any other manner in a work;
2) works of folklore;
3) legislation and administrative documents (acts, decrees, regulations, statutes, instructions, directives) and official translations thereof;
4) court decisions and official translations thereof;
5) official symbols of the state and insignia of organisations (flags, coats of arms, orders, medals, badges, etc.);
6) news of the day;
7) facts and data;
8) ideas and principles which underlie any element of a computer program, including those which underlie its user interfaces.
Hence it is assumed that this image has been released into the public domain. However, in some instances the use of this image might be regulated by other laws.
Datoteka vsebuje še druge podatke, ki jih je verjetno dodal za njeno ustvaritev oziroma digitalizacijo uporabljeni fotografski aparat ali optični bralnik. Če je bila datoteka pozneje spremenjena, podatki sprememb morda ne izražajo popolnoma.