[[File:Flag of the Eurasian Economic Union.svg|border|96x176px]]
Slika prikazuje zastavo, grb, pečat ali drugo uradno insignijo. Uporaba tovrstnih simbolov je v številnih državah omejena. Te omejitve niso odvisne od statusa avtorskih pravic.
Copyright protection shall not be afforded to: a) expressions of traditional folklore and art; b) daily news or information on current facts and events; c) official documents: legal acts, treaties and the official translations thereof; d) official symbols and signs (flags, coats of arms, medals, coins);; e) political speeches, speeches delivered in the court; f) results obtained by technical means without the intervention of human creative activity.
Copyright shall not cover scientific discoveries, ideas, principles, methods, procedures, viewpoints, systems, ceremonies, scientific theories, mathematical formulas, statistical diagrams, rules of games, even if they are expressed, described, disclosed, commented in works.
This work is not an object of copyright according to the Law of the Belarus No. 370-XIII of May 16, 1996 on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights.
Article 8. Works that are not Objects of Copyright
Shall not be objects of copyright:
formal documents (laws, judgements, other texts of legal, administrative and judicial nature), and also their official translations;
state symbols and signs (flag, coat of arms, anthem, awards, banknotes and other signs[1]);
works of folk arts, authors of which are not known.
Copyright does not cover ideas, processes, systems, methods of operation, concepts, principles, discoveries or simply information as such, even if they are expressed, reflected, explained or embodied in the work.
↑Postage stamps are state signs according to the Article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 258-З of December 15, 2003 on Mail Service (ru) почтовая марка – государственный знак почтовой оплаты, отпечатанный на бумаге и имеющий художественное изображение, а также надписи «БЕЛАРУСЬ», «BELARUS», год выпуска (арабскими цифрами) и номинальную стоимость (арабскими цифрами). Допускается литерное обозначение номинальной стоимости почтовой марки;
Comment – According to interstate and international compacts the Republic of Belarus is the legal successor of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, therefore this license tag is also applicable to official symbols and formal documents of the Byelorussian SSR.
Warning – This license tag cannot be applied to proposed official symbols and drafts of the formal documents, which can be copyrighted.
Article 8. Works Not Protected by Copyright
The following shall not be protected by copyright:
official documents (laws, court decisions and other texts of a legislative, administrative, judicial or diplomatic nature) together with official translations thereof;
State emblems and official signs (flags, armorial bearings, decorations, monetary signs and other State symbols and official signs);
works of folklore,
communications concerning events and facts that have an informational character.
Skladno s 1259. členom Civilnega zakonika Ruske federacije št. 230-FZ z dne 18. decembra 2006 to delo ni predmet avtorskih pravic.
Avtorskopravno niso varovani:
uradni dokumenti vladnih organov zveznih držav in lokalnih vladnih organov občinskih struktur, vključno z zakoni, drugimi pravnimi besedili, sodnimi odločbami, drugim gradivom zakonodajne, upravne in sodne narave, uradnimi dokumenti mednarodnih organizacij ter njihovimi uradnimi prevodi;
državni simboli in znaki (zastave, emblemi, redi, vse oblike denarja in podobno) ter simboli in znaki občinskih struktur;
dela ljudske umetnosti (folklore), ki nimajo posameznih avtorjev;
poročila o dogodkih in dejstvih, ki imajo zgolj informativni značaj (dnevna poročila, televizijske oddaje, vozni redi in podobno).
Opozorilo – Ta oznaka licence se ne uporablja za osnutke uradnih dokumentov, predlagane uradne simbole in znake, ki so lahko avtorsko varovani.
Opozorilo – Ta ruski uradni dokument, državni simbol ali znak (predvsem poštne znamke, kovanci in bankovci) lahko vključuje eno ali več del, ki so lahko avtorsko varovana, če so ločena od tega dokumenta, simbola ali znaka. V takem primeru to delo ni predmet avtorske pravice, če se znova uporabi v celoti, hkrati pa lahko izločitev določenih delov iz tega dela pomeni kršitev avtorskih pravic. Na primer pri poštnih znamkah je treba ohraniti vrednost in ime države.
Datoteka vsebuje še druge podatke, ki jih je verjetno dodal za njeno ustvaritev oziroma digitalizacijo uporabljeni fotografski aparat ali optični bralnik. Če je bila datoteka pozneje spremenjena, podatki sprememb morda ne izražajo popolnoma.