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English: The Eastern Eurasian Steppe was home to historic empires of nomadic pastoralists, including the Xiongnu and the Mongols. However, little is known about the region’s population history. Here, we reveal its dynamic genetic history by analyzing new genome-wide data for 214 ancient individuals spanning 6,000 years. We identify a pastoralist expansion into Mongolia ca. 3000 BCE, and by the Late Bronze Age, Mongolian populations were biogeographically structured into three distinct groups, all practicing dairy pastoralism regardless of ancestry. The Xiongnu emerged from the mixing of these populations and those from surrounding regions. By comparison, the Mongols exhibit much higher eastern Eurasian ancestry, resembling present-day Mongolic-speaking populations. Our results illuminate the complex interplay between genetic, sociopolitical, and cultural changes on the Eastern Steppe.
Datum Published: November 5, 2020
Vir Jeong C, Wang K, Wilkin S, Taylor WTT, Miller BK, Bemmann JH, Stahl R, Chiovelli C, Knolle F, Ulziibayar S, Khatanbaatar D, Erdenebaatar D, Erdenebat U, Ochir A, Ankhsanaa G, Vanchigdash C, Ochir B, Munkhbayar C, Tumen D, Kovalev A, Kradin N, Bazarov BA, Miyagashev DA, Konovalov PB, Zhambaltarova E, Miller AV, Haak W, Schiffels S, Krause J, Boivin N, Erdene M, Hendy J, Warinner C. A Dynamic 6,000-Year Genetic History of Eurasia's Eastern Steppe. Cell. 2020 Nov 12;183(4):890-904.e29. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2020.10.015. Epub 2020 Nov 5. PMID: 33157037; PMCID: PMC7664836.
Avtor Choongwon Jeong, Ke Wang, Shevan Wilkin, William Timothy Treal Taylor, Bryan K Miller, Jan H Bemmann, Raphaela Stahl, Chelsea Chiovelli, Florian Knolle, Sodnom Ulziibayar, Dorjpurev Khatanbaatar, Diimaajav Erdenebaatar, Ulambayar Erdenebat, Ayudai Ochir, Ganbold Ankhsanaa, Chuluunkhuu Vanchigdash, Battuga Ochir, Chuluunbat Munkhbayar, Dashzeveg Tumen, Alexey Kovalev, Nikolay Kradin, Bilikto A Bazarov, Denis A Miyagashev, Prokopiy B Konovalov, Elena Zhambaltarova, Alicia Ventresca Miller, Wolfgang Haak, Stephan Schiffels, Johannes Krause, Nicole Boivin, Myagmar Erdene, Jessica Hendy, Christina Warinner
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trenutno02:39, 9. januar 2021Sličica za različico z datumom 02:39, 9. januar 2021996 × 996 (1,29 MB)Was a bee{{Information |Description={{en1=The Eastern Eurasian Steppe was home to historic empires of nomadic pastoralists, including the Xiongnu and the Mongols. However, little is known about the region’s population history. Here, we reveal its dynamic genetic history by analyzing new genome-wide data for 214 ancient individuals spanning 6,000 years. We identify a pastoralist expansion into Mongolia ca. 3000 BCE, and by the Late Bronze Age, Mongolian populations were biogeographically structured int...

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