Delo je v Združenih državah Amerike v javni domeni, saj je bilo objavljeno (ali registrirano pri Uradu za avtorske pravice ZDA) pred 1. januarjem 1929.
Dela v javni domeni so v Zbirki lahko objavljena, če so prosta avtorskih pravic v Združenih državah Amerike in v državi izbora. Če delo ne izvira iz ZDA, mora imeti dodatno oznako avtorskih pravic, ki razloži avtorskopravno stanje dela v državi izvora.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
This photograph is currently in the public domain in India because it meets one of the following conditions:
it was published prior to 1 January 1964 (as per the S.25 of The Indian Copyright Act, 1957);
its author died prior to 1 January 1964.
This file may not be in the public domain outside India. A United States public domain tag is also required ({{PD-1996}} usually applies to photographs created before 1946).
To delo je v Združenih državah Amerike v javni domeni, ker izpolnjuje tri zahteve:
je bilo prvič objavljeno zunaj Združenih držav (in v ZDA v naslednjih 30 dneh ni bilo objavljeno)
je bilo prvič objavljeno pred 1. marcem 1989 brez oznake avtorskih pravic ali pred letom 1964 brez obnovitve avtorskih pravic ali preden je država izvora z Združenimi državami vzpostavila avtorskopravne odnose.
je bilo v državi izvora na datum URAA (1. januarja 1996 za večino držav) v javni domeni.
Podrobnejša razlaga je na razpolago na strani Non-U.S. copyrights. Opomba: Ta oznaka naj se ne uporablja za zvočne posnetke.
Following the mandate of the National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP) of the Government of India that applies to all shareable non-sensitive data available either in digital or analog forms but generated using public funds by various agencies of the Government of India, all users are provided a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use, adapt, publish (either in original, or in adapted and/or derivative forms), translate, display, add value, and create derivative works (including products and services), for all lawful commercial and non-commercial purposes, and for the duration of existence of such rights over the data or information.
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Exemptions: The license does not cover the following kinds of data: a. personal information; b. data that is non-shareable and/or sensitive; c. names, crests, logos and other official symbols of the data provider(s); d. data subject to other intellectual property rights, including patents, trade-marks and official marks; e. military insignia; f. identity documents; and g. any data that should not have been publicly disclosed for the grounds provided under section 8 of the Right to Information Act, 2005. Open Data License – Indiatrue
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Dodajte enovrstični opis, kaj ta datoteka predstavlja
Great Buddha of Sahri Bahlol 1909 excavation (upright)
Datoteka vsebuje še druge podatke, ki jih je verjetno dodal za njeno ustvaritev oziroma digitalizacijo uporabljeni fotografski aparat ali optični bralnik. Če je bila datoteka pozneje spremenjena, podatki sprememb morda ne izražajo popolnoma.