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Slika:India Ladakh adm location map.svg

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Izvorna datoteka (Datoteka SVG, nominalno 1.722 × 1.276 pikslov, velikost datoteke: 225 KB)


Deutsch: Positionskarte des Unionsterritoriums Ladakh, Indien
English: Location map of the Union Territory of Ladakh, India

Equirectangular projection, vertical stretching 120 %
Border coordinates

 Info This map is part of a series of location maps with unified standards: SVG as file format, standardised colours and name scheme. The boundaries on these maps always show the de facto situation and do not imply any endorsement or acceptance. In case of changes of the shown area the file is updated. The old version will be uploaded as a new file and thus is still available.

Lastno delo z uporabo:

  • United States National Imagery and Mapping Agency data
  • World Data Base II data
Avtor NordNordWest
Ta zemljevid je izdelal ali izboljšal nemški Kartenwerkstatt (Laboratorij za zemljevide). Tudi vi lahko predlagate zemljevide za izboljšanje.


Usage of this file with:

explanatory notes: Legally binding is only the full legalcode. For a free usage I recommend to respect the following licence conditions:
1. Provide my name as given above: NordNordWest,
2. a copy of, or the URI for, the applicable license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/de/legalcode,
3. the title of the work,
4. in the case of an adaptation, a credit identifying the use of the work in the adaptation.
This license and the rights granted hereunder will terminate automatically upon any breach by you of the terms of this license. Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. If you have questions or wish differing conditions, please contact me through nnwest@t-online.de or my discussion page

w:sl:Creative Commons
priznanje avtorstva deljenje pod enakimi pogoji
Avtorstvo: Karte: NordNordWest, Lizenz: Creative Commons by-sa-3.0 de
Dovoljeno vam je:
  • deljenje – reproducirati, distribuirati in javno priobčevati delo
  • predelava – predelati delo
Pod naslednjimi pogoji:
  • priznanje avtorstva – Navesti morate ustrezno avtorstvo, povezavo do licence in morebitne spremembe. To lahko storite na kakršen koli primeren način, vendar ne na način, ki bi nakazoval, da dajalec licence podpira vas ali vašo uporabo dela.
  • deljenje pod enakimi pogoji – Če boste to vsebino predelali, preoblikovali ali uporabili kot izhodišče za drugo delo, morate svoj prispevek distribuirati pod isto ali združljivo licenco, kot jo ima izvirnik.


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10. september 2019

Zgodovina datoteke

Kliknite datum in čas za ogled datoteke, ki je bila takrat naložena.

Datum in časSličicaVelikostUporabnikKomentar
trenutno17:19, 5. november 2020Sličica za različico z datumom 17:19, 5. november 20201.722 × 1.276 (225 KB)NordNordWestcorr
17:49, 11. november 2019Sličica za različico z datumom 17:49, 11. november 20191.722 × 1.276 (238 KB)NordNordWestcorr
19:00, 10. september 2019Sličica za različico z datumom 19:00, 10. september 20191.127 × 995 (154 KB)NordNordWest== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description= {{de|1=Positionskarte des Unionsterritoriums Ladakh, Indien}} {{en|1=Location map of the Union Territory of Ladakh, India}} {{Location map series N |stretching=120 |top=36.1 |bottom=32.2 |left=75.2 |right=80.5 }} |Source={{Own using}} * United States National Imagery and Mapping Agency data * World Data Base II data |Date=2019-09-10 |Author={{U|NordNordWest}} |Permission= |other_versions= }} {{Kartenwerkstatt}} == {{int:license-header}} == {...

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