"Historical Galley, 24 Pairs of Oars
It is built with carvel planking and has clipper bow and cruiser stern. At the bow, there are gold-leaf symbols of star, crescent, sun, stylized leaves and also flowers in engraving and relief. Its bow extends forward as a ram. The sides of the kiosk mounted on Bursa arched pillars are surrounded by banisters with latticework and covered by barrel vault. The interior and the exterior part of the barrel vault of the kiosk are ornamented with geometrical patterns, mother-of-pearl, tortoise shell and semiprecious stone. There are silver plates, mother-of-pearl engraving couplet, compositions of geometrical and stylized flower motifs. The galley has two masts and 24 pairs of oars. Each oar is propelled by three people; thus totally it makes 144 oarsmen. It is a galley which Ottoman Sultans used at inshore waters. The continuing researches about the galley known as being used in the period of Sultan Avcı (Hunter) Mehmet IV. (August 8th, 1648 – November 8th, 1687) show that it was built at the end of the 16th century. It is the only original galley in the world. Length: 40 m; Width: 5.70 m"
From notice in museum (my condensation): It is of a “Çektiri” class (rowing and sailing), a kalita. Being the excursion ship of the sultan it lacks cannon or places for warriors. Woods used are: iron oak, cedar, elm, beech, sycamore, ash tree, boxwood, black pine and walnut tree. The dragon or basilisk figures in relief on the bow and the sculptures of sea monstrers on the stern were the symbols of the Byzantine Empire. Thus the impression is made they were spoils from Mehmet II’s conquest. This research denies. Also a suggestion this galley was a gift to Sultan Mehmet the Hunter (1648-1687) from the Venetian Doge was proven wrong, the ship being older and built in Istanbul during the reign of Mehmet III (1595-1603).
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