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Slika:Lancaster I NG128 Dropping Load - Duisburg - Oct 14 - 1944 new.jpg

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English: Lancaster I NG128 coded "SR-B" of 101 Sqn out of Ludford Magna and flown by Fg Off R. B. Tibbs as part of a thousand-bomber raid, dropping its load over Duisburg on Oct 14/15, 1944.

The new two Airborne Cigar - antenna (ABC) against german radar can be seen at the top of the plane.

  • Left image: the aircraft releases the main part of its load, a 4000lb HC "cookie" and 108, 30lb "J" incendiaries.
  • Right image: a fraction of a second later, the Lancaster releases its load of 1,170, 4lb stick incendiaries.

Titles and Captions in Published Books

  • In an RAF daylight raid on Duisberg, showers of incendiaries released from the bomb bay of this British Lancaster bomber hurtle down through the cloud cover to the city of Duisburg below. ... Imperial War Museum, London"[1]
Image of the exterior main entrance to the Imperial War Museum in London. This photograph CL 1404 comes from the collections of the Imperial War Museums. Flag of the United Kingdom.
Image of the exterior main entrance to the Imperial War Museum in London. This photograph CL 1405 comes from the collections of the Imperial War Museums. Flag of the United Kingdom.
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To umetniško dejo, ki ga je ustvarila Vlada Združenega kraljestva, je v javni domeni.

Za to delo velja ena od naslednjih postavk:

  1. Gre za fotografijo, ki jo je Vlada Združenega kraljestva ustvarila pred 1. junijem 1957.
  2. Gre za fotografijo, objavljeno v pridobitni namen pred letom 1975.
  3. Gre za umetniško delo, ki ni fotografija ali gravura (npr. za sliko), in ga je Vlada Združenega kraljestva ustvarila pred letom 1975.

Založniški urad Njenega veličanstva (HMSO) je razglasil, da velja iztek kronskih avtorskih pravic po vsem svetu (vir: e-poštni odgovor HMSO)
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References and Notes

  1. Gurney, Gene (Major, USAF) (1962) The War in the Air: a pictorial history of World War II Air Forces in combat, Category:New York: Bonanza Books, p. p216

This image is annotated: View the annotations at Commons


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oktober 1944


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trenutno01:48, 19. januar 2010Sličica za različico z datumom 01:48, 19. januar 2010839 × 359 (162 KB)Drdoht{{Information |Description={{en|Lancaster I ''NG128'' coded "SR-B" of 101 Sqn out of Ludford Magna and flown by Fg Off R. B. Tibbs as part of a thousand-bomber raid, dropping its load over Duisburg on Oct 14/15, 1944. The new two Airborne Cigar-antenn

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