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Slika:Larry Chief Mouser (cropped).jpg

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English: Larry, Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office
Français : Larry, souricier en chef du Bureau du Cabinet (Royaume-Uni)
Español: Larry, ratonero en jefe de la Oficina del Gabinete (Reino Unido)
Vir https://assets.digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk/government/assets/history/buildings/larry-the-cat-a47549e08bdbc6cd0e3e042eea943f65b7a4590d95642586e51acb44bb2dcea2.jpg
Avtor Her Majesty's Government
Druge različice
image extraction process
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: Larry Chief Mouser.jpg
original file


Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom
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Dodajte enovrstični opis, kaj ta datoteka predstavlja
Larry the cat.

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27. januar 2016


786 piksel

571 piksel


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trenutno23:00, 24. december 2020Sličica za različico z datumom 23:00, 24. december 2020571 × 786 (46 KB)Tym2412File:Larry Chief Mouser.jpg cropped 71 % horizontally, 41 % vertically using CropTool with precise mode.

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