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Slika:Map of the Xiongnu, circa 150 BCE.png

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English: Map of the Xiongnu, circa 150 BCE.
Asia 200 BC
Asia in 100 BC
image extraction process
Ta datoteka je izvlečena iz naslednje predstavnostne datoteke
: Map Asia physical (continental).png
original file
  • (angleščina) (1999) The Northern Frontier in Pre-Imperial China. „"Modu Chanyu expanded the Xiongnu empire in all directions. To East and south he conquered Inner Mongolia and eastern Manchuria. To the north he conquered a number of nomadic peoples, including the Dingling of southern Siberia. He crushed the power of the Donghu people of eastern Mongolia and Manchuria as well as the Yuezhi in the Hexi Corridor of Gansu, where his son, Jizhu, made a skull cup out of the Yuezhi king. Modu also retook the original homeland of Xiongnu on the Yellow River, which had previously been taken by the Qin general Meng Tian."“
  • (angleščina) (2016) "First Radiocarbon Chronology for the Early Iron Age Sites of Central Kazakhstan (Tasmola Culture and Korgantas Period)". „"The end of the Korgantas period is marked by the expansion of the Xiongnu."“
  • (angleščina) (2002) "Atlas of World History"., Oxford University Press „"Xiongnu conquered and ruled the oasis cities of the Turfan Basin."“
  • (angleščina) (2002) " "The European Handbook of Central Asian Studies"., BoD – Books on Demand Press „map in Article."“
  • (angleščina) (1986) " The Cambridge History of China: Volume 1, The Ch'in and Han Empires, 221 BC-AD 220"., Cambridge University Press „Xiongnu under their supreme leader's Modu conquered Manchuria to East, to west Yuezhi, to north conquered several tribes including Dingling, to south they conquered Ordos. Modu shortly before his death made a number of important Conquests, not only drove Yuezhi out of kansu, He Asserted his presence in Western Regions which stretch into Central Asia. From a position of strength Modu the turn to the china to renegotiate the treaty. He wrote threatening letter, styling himself the 'Great Chanyu of the xiongnu established by heaven' after a discussion in Chinese court they accept Modu's terms. Modu had a energic successor his son Jiyu known in Chinese historical records as Laoshang Chanyu. Laoshang continued his father's expansionists policies to west and east. He made further inroads into han territories. On one occasion his scouts penetrated to a point as deep as vicinity of Chang'an, the Han capital. He also introduced new elements into marriage treaties."“
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Map of the Xiongnu, circa 200 BCE

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23. februar 2023


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trenutno14:03, 4. februar 2025Sličica za različico z datumom 14:03, 4. februar 20253.196 × 1.840 (13,41 MB)पाटलिपुत्रUpdated
08:49, 11. december 2023Sličica za različico z datumom 08:49, 11. december 20233.196 × 1.840 (13,64 MB)पाटलिपुत्रtweak
08:46, 11. december 2023Sličica za različico z datumom 08:46, 11. december 20233.196 × 1.840 (13,64 MB)पाटलिपुत्रCorrected per sources in the English Wikipedia infobox
08:18, 23. februar 2023Sličica za različico z datumom 08:18, 23. februar 20233.196 × 1.840 (13,52 MB)पाटलिपुत्रUploaded a work by naturalearthdata.com, offered to the Public Domain [http://www.naturalearthdata.com/about/terms-of-use/ per Terms of Use] from {{extracted from|File:Map of Eurasia.png}} with UploadWizard

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