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Slika:Marta Kos, Radosław Sikorski 2.jpg

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English: Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Radosław Sikorski with EU Commissioner for Enlargement Marta Kos, in Warsaw
Polski: Minister Radosław Sikorski z unijną Komisarz ds. Rozszerzenia Martą Kos, w Warszawie
Vir https://web.archive.org/web/20250111153153/https://www.gov.pl/web/diplomacy/minister-radoslaw-sikorski-meets-with-commissioner-for-enlargement-marta-kos
Avtor Konrad Laskowski/MFA


This work was obtained from the official website of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Poland and it is copyrighted.
The work is distributed under the license Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Poland.
In short: You may distribute, modify and use it for any purpose (including commercial use), but with mandatory reference to the original source (in case of using the materials from the website - an interactive link).

Note: On 19 August 2022, the Government of Poland switched the old sitewide license for all uploads from CC-BY 3.0 to CC-BY-NC-ND 3.0 which does not meet the licensing requirements for Commons. Therefore, media published on this website from 19 August 2022 onwards is not considered to be freely licensed and can't be uploaded on Commons. Files uploaded to Commons after this date should be subject to careful license review, verifying that the publication date on Gov.pl is prior to 19 August 2022.
However, photos published on the English-language website of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Poland are covered by the Attribution 3.0 Poland license and meet the licensing requirements for materials on Commons.

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Dodajte enovrstični opis, kaj ta datoteka predstavlja
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Radosław Sikorski with EU Commissioner for Enlargement Marta Kos, in Warsaw

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10. januar 2025

0,004 sekunda


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trenutno16:44, 11. januar 2025Sličica za različico z datumom 16:44, 11. januar 20254.000 × 2.668 (2,54 MB)NiegodzisieUploaded a work by Konrad Laskowski/MFA from https://web.archive.org/web/20250111153153/https://www.gov.pl/web/diplomacy/minister-radoslaw-sikorski-meets-with-commissioner-for-enlargement-marta-kos with UploadWizard

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