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Slika:Metrication by year map.svg

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Izvorna datoteka (Datoteka SVG, nominalno 2.754 × 1.398 pikslov, velikost datoteke: 1,07 MB)


English: World Map, colour-coded to show the years the countries started of the process of official conversion to the metric system. Using data from PhD thesis by Hector Vera[1] and NIST[2]. Magenta is preliminary 1795, and cyan is 1998; black is for countries having not adopted metric system yet, and grey is for countries with no data on their adoption year. The data used by this map can be viewed by pressing the "Edit" tab and viewing the underlying code.
  1. Vera, Hector (2011-09) The Social Life of Measures: Metrication in the United States and Mexico, 1789–2004 (PhD dissertation)[1], Sociology and Historical Studies, New School for Social Research, pages 51, 494–497
  2. (20. maj 1975) The International Bureau of Weights and Measures 1875–1975: NBS Special Publication 420, Washington, D.C.: National Bureau of Standards, p. 244
Vir Lastno delo na podlagi: BlankMap-World.svg od various authors
Avtor Authors of BlankMap-World.svg
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SVG razvoj
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 Ta datoteka uporablja vdelano besedilo, ki ga lahko preprosto prevedete z urejevalnikom besedil.
SVG razvoj
Izvorna koda te SVG-datoteke je veljavna.
To vektorsko sliko je s programom Inkscape, uporabnik pa jo je nato ročno urejal.
Ta datoteka uporablja vdelano besedilo.
Ta slika naj bi bila vedno najnovejša. Po potrebi jo lahko posodobite.
To datoteko je morda treba posodobiti za uskladitev z novimi informacijami. Če želite uporabiti določeno različico te datoteke brez zrcaljenja novih posodobitev, naložite potrebno različico kot ločeno datoteko.
Warning This map should always be accompanied by suitable text for the benefit of readers who suffer from red–green colour-blindness. Suitable text can be extracted from the perl code below
urejevalnik besedil za popravek izvorne kode XML in sofisticirane možnosti, ki jih ni mogoče uporabljati v Inkscapu, ali zmanjšanje velikosti datoteke. Urejevalcem močno odsvetujemo prepis te SVG-datoteke z datoteko, shranjeno v Inkscapu, tudi če je v formatu »Plain SVG«. Za ohranitev urejenosti kode je treba uporabiti obhodne rešitve, da lahko drugi urejevalci brez težav dostopajo do te datoteke v urejevalniku besedil. }}
Izvorna koda

SVG code

SVG code
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use v5.12;
use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Graphics::ColorObject;
use Math::Trig;
use SVG::Parser;
use CSS;

use constant DATE_MIN => 1795;
use constant DATE_MAX => 2000;
use constant HUE_START => -60;
use constant HUE_LENGTH => 240;
use constant SATURATION => 0.7;
use constant LIGHTNESS => 0.6;
use constant LEGEND_XLABEL_SIZE => 60;
use constant LEGEND_XPOS => 245;
use constant LEGEND_YPOS => 1250;
use constant LEGEND_XOFF => 100;
use constant LEGEND_YOFF => 50;
use constant LEGEND_WIDTH => 2752.766;
use constant LEGEND_HEIGHT => 250;

my $dates = {
        '1795' => [ 'fr' ],
        '1816' => [ 'nl', 'be', 'lu' ],
        '1840' => [ 'sn', 'dz' ],
        '1849' => [ 'es' ],
        '1852' => [ 'pt' ],
        '1853' => [ 'co', 'mc' ],
        '1857' => [ 'mx', 've' ],
        '1858' => [ 'cu' ],
        '1861' => [ 'it' ],
        '1862' => [ 'pe', 'uy', 'br' ],
        '1864' => [ 'ro' ],                 
        '1865' => [ 'ec', 'cl' ],
        '1867' => [ 'do' ],
        '1868' => [ 'de' , 'bo' ],
        '1869' => [ 'tr' ],
        '1871' => [ 'sr', 'at', 'cz', 'sk', 'hr', 'li', 'si', 'me' ],  
        '1873' => [ 'rs' ],    
        '1874' => [ 'hu', 'se' ],
        '1875' => [ 'ch' ],
        '1876' => [ 'mu' ],
        '1877' => [ 'ar' ],
        '1878' => [ 'ba', 'sc' ],
        '1881' => [ 'cr' ],
        '1882' => [ 'no' ],
        '1884' => [ 'cg', 'ci', 'bj', 'mr', 'ne', 'td' ],
        '1885' => [ 'sv' ],
        '1886' => [ 'fi' ],
        '1888' => [ 'bg', 'mk' ],
        '1891' => [ 'st' ],
        '1893' => [ 'tn', 'ni' ],
        '1895' => [ 'hn' ],
        '1898' => [ 'dj' ],
        '1899' => [ 'py', 'pr' ],
        '1900' => [ 'gq', 'is' ],
        '1901' => [ 'gn' ],   
        '1905' => [ 'mz', 'ao' , 'gw', 'cv' ],  
        '1906' => [ 'ph' ],
        '1907' => [ 'dk', 'sm', 'gl', 'fo' ],    # GL and FO as part of DK
        '1910' => [ 'gt', 'mt', 'bz', 'bi', 'rw', 'cd' ],  
        '1911' => [ 'vn' ],
        '1912' => [ 'th' ],
        '1913' => [ 'cnx' ],    
        '1914' => [ 'km' ],
        '1915' => [ 'pa' ], 
        '1916' => [ 'mn' ],    
        '1918' => [ 'ru' ],
        '1919' => [ 'pl' ],
        '1920' => [ 'ht' ],
        '1922' => [ 'kh', 'ma', 'eh', 'kz', 'kg', 'tj', 'tm', 'uz', 'am', 'az', 'by', 'ee', 'ge', 'lv', 'lt', 'md', 'ua' ],
        '1923' => [ 'ly', 'id', 'af' ],
        '1924' => [ 'tg' ],
        '1927' => [ 'ir' ],
        '1930' => [ 'iq' ],
        '1934' => [ 'sy', 'ad', 'lb' ],
        '1947' => [ 'il' ],
        '1948' => [ 'kp', 'al' ],
        '1949' => [ 'kr' ], 
        '1951' => [ 'eg', 'bt', 'jp' ],
        '1952' => [ 'jo', 'tw' ], 
        '1954' => [ 'sd', 'ss', 'in' ],         # SS was part of SD
        '1957' => [ 'gr', 'mo', 'tl', 'mg' ],
        '1959' => [ 'mv' ],        
        '1960' => [ 'so', 'ga', 'bf', 'ml', 'cf' ],        
        '1961' => [ 'kw', 'cm', 'ae' ],
        '1962' => [ 'et', 'er', 'ng' ],
        '1963' => [ 'np', 'la' ],  
        '1964' => [ 'sa' ],
        '1965' => [ 'gb' ],
        '1967' => [ 'na', 'ie', 'za', 'ke', 'ug', 'tz',  'pk' ],       # NA was part of ZA
        '1968' => [ 'sg'], 
        '1969' => [ 'au', 'nz', 'bs', 'zw', 'bw', 'sz', 'bh', 'gd', 'dm', 'vc', 'kn' ],
        '1970' => [ 'ca', 'lk', 'tt', 'zm', 'ls', 'pg', 'sb' ],
        '1971' => [ 'bm', 'gy', 'my'],        # BM is grouped with GY and MY on the NIST list on p.244
        '1972' => [ 'gh', 'cy', 'fj', 'qa' ],
        '1973' => [ 'bb', 'jm', 'nr' ],
        '1974' => [ 'om', 'ag' ], 
        '1975' => [ 'to' ],
        '1976' => [ 'sl', 'mw', 'gm'], 
        '1978' => [ 'tv' ],
        '1981' => [ 'ye' ],
        '1982' => [ 'bd' ],
        '1984' => [ 'ki' ],
        '1985' => [ 'bn' ],
        '1988' => [ 'vu' ],
        '2000' => [ 'lc' ]
my $css = new CSS( { 'parser' => 'CSS::Parse::Lite', 'adaptor' => 'CSS::Adaptor::Pretty' } ); 

my $svg=SVG::Parser->new()->parsefile($ARGV[0]);
my $css_container = $svg->getElementbyID('style_css_sheet');
my $css_data = $css_container->{-cdata};
$css_data =~ s!/\*.*?\*\/!!gs;
$css->read_string( $css_data );
my $hue_start = deg2rad(HUE_START);
my $hue_length = deg2rad(HUE_LENGTH, 1);
foreach my $date( sort keys %$dates ) {
	my $hue = $hue_start + (1-(DATE_MAX - $date)/(DATE_MAX - DATE_MIN)) * $hue_length;
	$css->read_string( sprintf 
		"%s {\n\tfill: #%s;\n}\n",
		join (', ', map { ".$_" } @{$dates->{$date{{),
		Graphics::ColorObject->new_HSL([rad2deg($hue), SATURATION, LIGHTNESS])->as_RGBhex()
$css->read_string( ".us, .mm, .lr { fill: #333 } " );

# say($css->output());
$css->get_style_by_selector( '.landxx' )->get_property_by_name( 'stroke' )->{values} = [new CSS::Value({value => 'black'})];
$css->get_style_by_selector( '.landxx' )->get_property_by_name( 'fill' )->{values} = [new CSS::Value({value => '#FFFFD0'})];
# $css->get_style_by_selector( '.lake' )->get_property_by_name( 'stroke' )->{values} = [new CSS::Value({value => '#1821DE'})];
$css->get_style_by_selector( '.oceanxx' )->get_property_by_name( 'fill' )->{values} = [new CSS::Value({value => '#9EC7F3'})];
my $coastxx = $css->get_style_by_selector( '.coastxx' );
$coastxx->add_property( new CSS::Property( { property => 'stroke', value => '#1821DE' } ) );
$coastxx->add_property( new CSS::Property( { property => 'stroke-opacity', value => '1.0' } ) );
$coastxx->add_property( new CSS::Property( { property => 'stroke-width', value => '0.5' } ) );
my $legend = $svg->group( 
	id => 'legend',
	transform => 'translate('.LEGEND_XPOS.','.LEGEND_YPOS.') scale(0.8)'
my $gradient = $legend->gradient(
	-type => "linear",
	id    => "legend_gradient"
my $legend_box = $legend->rectangle(
	x     => 0, y      => 0,
	width => LEGEND_WIDTH, height => LEGEND_HEIGHT,
	rx    => 10, ry     => 10,
	id    => 'legend_box'

my $gradbox = $legend->rectangle(
	x     => LEGEND_XOFF, y      => LEGEND_YOFF,
	width => LEGEND_WIDTH - LEGEND_XOFF * 2, height => 100,
	id    => 'legend_grad'

	my $span = scalar keys %$dates;
	my $counter = 0;
	foreach my $date( sort keys %$dates ) {
		my $hue = $hue_start + (1-(DATE_MAX - $date)/(DATE_MAX - DATE_MIN)) * $hue_length;
			offset => sprintf( "%d%%", $counter / $span * 100 ),
			'stop-color' => '#'.Graphics::ColorObject->new_HSL([rad2deg($hue), SATURATION, LIGHTNESS])->as_RGBhex(),
	my $datespan = DATE_MAX - DATE_MIN;
	foreach my $id(0..10) {
		my $xpos = LEGEND_XOFF + $id / 10 * (LEGEND_WIDTH - LEGEND_XOFF * 2);
			x1 => $xpos - 2,
			x2 => $xpos - 2,
			y1 => LEGEND_YOFF,
			y2 => 170,
			'stroke-width' => '4',
			x =>  $xpos - LEGEND_XLABEL_SIZE,
			y => 220,
			fill => 'black',
			'font-family' => 'sans-serif',
			'fill-opacity' => 1,
			'font-size' => LEGEND_XLABEL_SIZE,
			'stroke' => 'none',
		)->cdata(DATE_MIN + int($id/10 * $datespan) );

$css->read_string( "#legend { fill: #D0D0D0; fill-opacity: .3; stroke: black; stroke-width: 10; } " );
$css->read_string( "#legend_grad { fill: url(#legend_gradient); fill-opacity: 1; stroke: black; stroke-width: 1; } " );

$css_container->CDATA( "\n".$css->output() );

print $svg->xmlify();


Jaz, imetnik avtorskih pravic na tem delu, ga objavljam pod naslednjo licenco:
Public domain Jaz, imetnik avtorskih pravic na tem delu, izročam to delo v javno domeno. To velja po vsem svetu.
V nekaterih državah to pravno morda ni mogoče. Če je tako,
Vsakomur dajem (v okviru zakonskih omejitev) brezpogojno pravico, da gradivo uporablja v kateri koli namen.
Any autoconfirmed user can overwrite this file from the same source. Please ensure that overwrites comply with the guideline.


Dodajte enovrstični opis, kaj ta datoteka predstavlja
World map showing countries' year of metrication

Predmeti, prikazani v tej datoteki


18. marec 2009


Zgodovina datoteke

Kliknite datum in čas za ogled datoteke, ki je bila takrat naložena.

(najnovejše | najstarejše) Prikazujem (novejših 10 | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).
Datum in časSličicaVelikostUporabnikKomentar
trenutno15:36, 6. september 2019Sličica za različico z datumom 15:36, 6. september 20192.754 × 1.398 (1,07 MB)Cherkashchanged legend background color
00:42, 6. september 2019Sličica za različico z datumom 00:42, 6. september 20192.754 × 1.398 (1,07 MB)Cherkashadded Faroe Islands
00:00, 6. september 2019Sličica za različico z datumom 00:00, 6. september 20192.754 × 1.398 (1,07 MB)Cherkashupdated to the newest baseline blank map, added circles; reused latest version's legend/data with updates: Turkey updated (per Vera ref); no mention in refs of Palestine's differing from Israel; Bermuda moved by one year (per NIST ref)
20:25, 19. julij 2019Sličica za različico z datumom 20:25, 19. julij 20192.560 × 1.314 (1,13 MB)De728631added Turkey, Greenland, West Bank
15:45, 19. junij 2018Sličica za različico z datumom 15:45, 19. junij 20182.560 × 1.314 (1,06 MB)AzaTothHue moved 60° down and increased length to 240° from 120°; other changes applied since before.
10:40, 31. julij 2012Sličica za različico z datumom 10:40, 31. julij 2012940 × 477 (1,54 MB)HtonlAlter CSS to apply same colour to Namibia as South Africa - Namibia (SWA) was at the time part of South Africa and the South African metrication law applied.
03:21, 23. marec 2009Sličica za različico z datumom 03:21, 23. marec 2009940 × 477 (1,54 MB)AzaTothcorrectify the gradient
03:13, 23. marec 2009Sličica za različico z datumom 03:13, 23. marec 2009940 × 477 (1,54 MB)AzaTothdon't want to have ugly gray there :/
03:11, 23. marec 2009Sličica za različico z datumom 03:11, 23. marec 2009940 × 477 (1,54 MB)AzaTothforgot to readd the ocean color
03:07, 23. marec 2009Sličica za različico z datumom 03:07, 23. marec 2009940 × 477 (1,54 MB)AzaTothupdated with legend
(najnovejše | najstarejše) Prikazujem (novejših 10 | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).

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