English: Prime meridian in Villers-sur-Mer, the northernmost location of the prime meridian on the continent; Calvados, France. The meridian runs meanwhile (2018) about 30 m east of the landmark → continental drift.
Deutsch: Nullmeridian in Villers-sur-Mer, nördlichster Punkt des Nullmeridians auf dem europäischen Festland; Calvados, Frankreich. Der Meridian verläuft mittlerweile (2018) rund 30 m weiter östlich der Markierung → Kontinentaldrift.
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The values of focal length and aperture in the metadata need to be read with precaution!
I'm still using older manual focused lenses therefore lens data has to be changed on the camera manually when changing the lens. This may be forgotten sometimes. The 28 mm shift lens aperture is not assigned – by 3.5 is always displayed the largest aperture.
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== {{int:filedesc}} == {{location|49|19|32.08|N|0|0|1.56|W|region:FR_heading:N}} {{Information |Description={{en}}Prime meridian in Villers-sur-Mer, the northernmost location of the prime meridian on the continent; Calvados, France. {{de}}Nullmeridian in
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