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Slika:PIA10741 Possible Ice Below Phoenix.jpg

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PIA10741_Possible_Ice_Below_Phoenix.jpg (512 × 256 točk, velikost datoteke: 33 KB, MIME-vrsta: image/jpeg)



The Robotic Arm Camera on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander captured this image underneath the lander on the fifth Martian day, or sol, of the mission. Descent thrusters on the bottom of the lander are visible at the top of the image.

This view from the north side of the lander toward the southern leg shows smooth surfaces cleared from overlying soil by the rocket exhaust during landing. One exposed edge of the underlying material was seen in Sol 4 images, but the newer image reveals a greater extent of it. The abundance of excavated smooth and level surfaces adds evidence to a hypothesis that the underlying material is an ice table covered by a thin blanket of soil.[1]

The bright-looking surface material in the center, where the image is partly overexposed, may not be inherently brighter than the foreground material in shadow.

The Phoenix Mission is led by the University of Arizona, Tucson, on behalf of NASA. Project management of the mission is by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. Spacecraft development is by Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver.


To sliko ali ta video je katalogiziral Jet Propulsion Laboratory Nacionalne uprave za aeronavtiko in vesolje (NASA) Združenih držav Amerike pod oznako fotografije: PIA10741.

Ta predloga ne označuje avtorskopravnega stanja dela. Ob njej mora stati tudi običajna oznaka avtorskopravnega stanja gradiva. Glejte Commons:Navedba licence.
Drugi jeziki:
Avtor NASA/Jet Propulsion Lab-Caltech/University of Arizona/Max Planck Institute
(Nadaljnja uporaba datoteke)
NASA public domain image


Public domain Ta datoteka je v javni domeni, ker jo je izdelala izključno NASA. Avtorskopravna politika NASE pravi, da »gradivo NASE ni avtorskopravno varovano, razen če je navedeno drugače.« (glejte Template:PD-USGov, stran z avtorskopravno politiko NASE ali politiko uporabe slik JPL.)
  1. Smith, P., et al. 2009. H2O at the Phoenix Landing Site. Science: 325, 58-61.


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30. maj 2008

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trenutno01:10, 1. junij 2008Sličica za različico z datumom 01:10, 1. junij 2008512 × 256 (33 KB)WolfmanSF{{Information |Description=The Robotic Arm Camera on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander captured this image underneath the lander on the fifth Martian day, or sol, of the mission. Descent thrusters on the bottom of the lander are visible at the top of the image.

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