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The Pyramid of Unas at Saqqara dates back to the end of the 5th Dynasty (24th century BC) and while the Pyramid's external appearance has been reduced to a large ruined mound, its internal chambers remain intact and are decorated with hieroglyphic texts, the first used in any king's tomb, giving spells and incantations to assist the journey of the deceased's soul into the afterlife. Called the Pyramid Texts, the spells and incantations guide the pharaohs soul safely into the afterlife.

A total of 283 spells appear on the subterranean walls of Unas' pyramid. These spells are the smallest and best-preserved corpus of the Pyramid texts in the Old Kingdom of Egypt.
Vir https://www.flickr.com/photos/amthomson/42802363745/
Avtor Aidan McRae Thomson
w:sl:Creative Commons
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Avtorstvo: Aidan McRae Thomson
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To sliko je prvotno objavil Aidan McRae Thomson na strani https://flickr.com/photos/24141292@N02/42802363745 v Flickru. 27. januar 2025 jo je pregledal robot FlickreviewR 2 in potrdil, da je bila tam na razpolago pod licenco cc-by-sa-2.0.

27. januar 2025


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13. oktober 2017

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trenutno14:16, 27. januar 2025Sličica za različico z datumom 14:16, 27. januar 20252.560 × 1.920 (2,74 MB)Leoboudv{{Information |Description=The Pyramid of {{w|Unas}} at {{w|Saqqara}} dates back to the end of the 5th Dynasty (24th century BC) and while the Pyramid's external appearance has been reduced to a large ruined mound, its internal chambers remain intact and are decorated with hieroglyphic texts, the first used in any king's tomb, giving spells and incantations to assist the journey of the deceased's soul into the afterlife. Called the {{w|Pyramid Texts}} the spells and incantations guide the pha...

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