The rock relief of Sasanian king Shapur III (383-388 CE) at Taq-e Bostan, also known as Taq-e Bustan II marks a new step in the royal Iranian iconography.
Although nominated by his Father Shapur II as the legitimate successor for the throne of the sasanian empire, Shapur III accessed the power only after the death of his uncle Ardashir II, who usurpated the throne after the death of Shapur II. Vanden Berghe sees in that historical fact, the main explanation of the new theme and iconography this relief shows. After he accessed the throne, Shapur II was in need to restore and reinsure his legitimacy, so, was the choice of Taq-e Bustan, a site already were his father Shapour II was the first who carved a rock relief of investiture. The relief is carved above a rectangular surface left plane, on the back wall of the Iwan, and shows a completely innovating scene, unrecorded in the Sasanian iconography: Shapur III at the left and his father Shapur II are standing, hands on the handle of their swords whose peak is whipped down on the ground. Both kings are completely rid of any movement, entirely statics. If their bodies are facing the spectator, both monarchs turn their head to each other, exchanging a glance. The scene is isocephalic (heads on the same level), and perfectly symmetric, father & son are seen like reflects of each other in a mirror wearing the same clothes, jewels, weapons. The only difference seen is their different crowns: Shapur II has a crenellated and riboned one, while Shapur III has a pearl diadem with a moon crescent. Both of them wear a korymbos, big spherical hairdressing maintained by a veil. 2 inscriptions in pehlevi (Middle Persian) allowing the identification of both monarchs.
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