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Slika:Tonci Valcic 01.jpg

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Deutsch: Tonči Valčić, kroatischer Handballspieler bei RK Zagreb, am 22. August 2009 in Ehingen (Donau), beim Schlecker Cup 2009.
English: Tonči Valčić, Croatian handball player, playing for RK Zagreb, on August 22nd, 2009 in Ehingen (Germany), during the Schlecker Cup 2009.
Vir lastno delo
Avtor Kuebi = Armin Kübelbeck. In case of questions regarding usage of my work, please see here — after you have read the license below.
Lokacija fotoaparata48° 17′ 22,1″ S, 9° 41′ 53,2″ V Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Ta in druge slike po lokaciji: OpenStreetMapinfo

Author / Autor: Kuebi = Armin Kübelbeck


This image is not in the Public Domain

To be able to make this picture, I've spent lots of my own money (mainly equipment) and time. If you want to use this picture (even commercially), you can use it free of charge — if you comply with the license under which this image is released. This is required in any medium (internet, print, ...). The image has to appear with a copy of, or a full (hyperlinked) URL to the license. In addition, attribution of this image to "Armin Kübelbeck" is required in a prominent location near to the image. You can modify this image in any way you like, as long as you respect the personality rights of people probably shown in this image. You are required to release the image, or any subsequent derivatives of it, under the same license. No other conditions may be added to, or removed from this license without my permission.
I would be happy to receive a specimen copy or the URL of the website where my image is used. To negotiate terms & conditions for a less restrictive commercial license, please contact me here.

Example for usage:
Photographer: Armin Kübelbeck, CC-BY-SA, Wikimedia Commons
Fotograf: Armin Kübelbeck, CC-BY-SA, Wikimedia Commons

This image has been released under a license which is incompatible with Facebook's licensing terms (§ 2.1). It is not permitted to upload this image to Facebook.

Jaz, imetnik avtorskih pravic na tem delu, ga objavljam pod naslednjo licenco:
w:sl:Creative Commons
priznanje avtorstva deljenje pod enakimi pogoji
Dovoljeno vam je:
  • deljenje – reproducirati, distribuirati in javno priobčevati delo
  • predelava – predelati delo
Pod naslednjimi pogoji:
  • priznanje avtorstva – Navesti morate ustrezno avtorstvo, povezavo do licence in morebitne spremembe. To lahko storite na kakršen koli primeren način, vendar ne na način, ki bi nakazoval, da dajalec licence podpira vas ali vašo uporabo dela.
  • deljenje pod enakimi pogoji – Če boste to vsebino predelali, preoblikovali ali uporabili kot izhodišče za drugo delo, morate svoj prispevek distribuirati pod isto ali združljivo licenco, kot jo ima izvirnik.


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22. avgust 2009

48°17'22.099"N, 9°41'53.200"E

0.00555555555555555555 sekunda

100 milimeter


Zgodovina datoteke

Kliknite datum in čas za ogled datoteke, ki je bila takrat naložena.

Datum in časSličicaVelikostUporabnikKomentar
trenutno20:45, 25. avgust 2009Sličica za različico z datumom 20:45, 25. avgust 20093.600 × 3.600 (1,28 MB)Kuebi{{Information |Description={{de|Tonči Valčić, kroatischer Handballspieler bei RK Zagreb, am 22. August 2009 in Ehingen (Donau), beim Schlecker Cup 2009.}} {{en|Tonči Valčić, Croatian handball player, playing for RK Zagreb, on A

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