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Izvorna datoteka (Datoteka SVG, nominalno 784 × 740 pikslov, velikost datoteke: 940 bajtov)


An architectural trefoil -- the double outline of the area of three overlapping circles. This appears in Gothic architecture, and is a minor Christian Trinitarian symbol. Can also appear with one lobe on top (the vertical reflection of what is shown).

In the version of the trefoil shown, the circles are pulled as far apart as they can be without creating a gap in the center (i.e. the radius of the three innermost circular white areas is the distance of the separation between the centers of each pair of circles divided by the square root of three). This is more or less the "canonical" form of the trefoil.

See also Image:Trefoil-Architectural-Equilateral-Triangle-outlined.png , Image:Trefoil-Architectural-Equilateral-Triangle-interlaced.png , and Image:Quatrefoil-Architectural.png .

For a sketch of a trefoil actually used in architecture, see Image:Rose.cathedrale.Sees.png .

This is an SVG version of Image:Trefoil-Architectural.png .

Converted from the following PostScript code:

300 396 translate
.75 dup scale
18.22 setlinewidth
/a{-157.78983 91.1 b c 157.78983 91.1 b c 0 -182.2 b c}def
/b{d 0 360 arc}def/s{setgray}def
/c{0 s stroke}def/d{206.49333}def
a/c{1 s fill}def a
/c{0 s stroke}def/d{182.2}def
a/c{1 s fill}def a

Izvorna koda te SVG-datoteke je veljavna.
Ta vektorska slika je bila ustvarjena z urejevalnikom besedil..


Public domain Jaz, imetnik avtorskih pravic na tem delu, izročam to delo v javno domeno. To velja po vsem svetu.
V nekaterih državah to pravno morda ni mogoče. Če je tako,
Vsakomur dajem (v okviru zakonskih omejitev) brezpogojno pravico, da gradivo uporablja v kateri koli namen.


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Datum in časSličicaVelikostUporabnikKomentar
trenutno10:44, 3. marec 2012Sličica za različico z datumom 10:44, 3. marec 2012784 × 740 (940 bajtov)AnonMoosadjusting margin
17:11, 20. december 2009Sličica za različico z datumom 17:11, 20. december 2009800 × 760 (1 KB)AnonMoosReverted to version as of 02:43, 13 July 2006 -- earlier version has opaque background inside emblem, which is sufficient
06:01, 18. december 2006Sličica za različico z datumom 06:01, 18. december 2006800 × 760 (1 KB)AnonMoosadding white background
03:43, 13. julij 2006Sličica za različico z datumom 03:43, 13. julij 2006800 × 760 (1 KB)AnonMoosAn architectural trefoil -- appears in Gothic architecture, and is a minor Christian Trinitarian symbol. Can also appear with one lobe on top (the vertical reflection of what is shown). In the version of the trefoil shown, the circles are pulled as far

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