From a contemporary illustration (1808). Recent archaeological evidence indicates that the event took place on a site in Bloomsbury, London, now underneath the Chadwick Building, University College London. This is off Gower Street, (opposite University Street, previously Carmarthen Street).
Trevithick's steam circus on which ran the locomotive "Catch me who can". There is evidence that this "illustration" is not contemporary but was made long after the event. See the Catch me who can talk page and the Richard Trevithick talk page about this matter.
V nekaterih državah trajajo avtorske pravice več kot 70 let: v Mehiki trajajo 100 let, na Jamajki 95 let, v Kolumbiji 80 let, v Gvatemali in na Samoi trajajo 75 let. Avtorske pravice se lahko podaljšajo na delih Francozov, ki so umrli za Francijo v drugi svetovni vojni (več o tem), Ruse, ki so služili na vzhodni fronti druge svetovne vojne (v Rusiji poznani kot velika domoljubna vojna) in posmrtno za rehabilitirane Ruse (več o tem).
From a contemporary illustration (1808). Trevithick's steam circus on which the locomotive "Catch me who Can" ran. Sourced from category:Railways of Great Britain
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