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Slika:Veg All ad -The Ladies' home journal (1948) (14578740269) (cropped).jpg

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Identifier: ladieshomejourna65janwyet (find matches)
Title: The Ladies' home journal
Year: 1889 (1880s)
Authors: Wyeth, N. C. (Newell Convers), 1882-1945
Subjects: Women's periodicals Janice Bluestein Longone Culinary Archive
Publisher: Philadelphia : (s.n.)
Contributing Library: Internet Archive
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive

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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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Text Appearing Before Image:
oonsbutter or margarine. Add 3 tablespoonslemon juice and pour over shrimps. Sea-son well with salt and pepper. Broil undermoderate heat until shrimps turn pinkand the fat sizzles. Serve on toast to getthe benefit of the sauce. California Iotatofs Cook 2 cups diced potatoes in 1 cup saltedwater. When just done, there should bevery little liquid. Dont pour it off. Add2 tablespoons cream and 2 tablespoonsbutter or margarine. Season with saltand pepper. Toss over low heat untilpotatoes are coated with cream andbutter or margarine. Wuifk Fruitfalif This tastes much like your grand-mothers Sunday-night spicccake. Ormaybe your grandmother wasnt givento making a raisin spicecake every Sat-urday. To 1 package of gingerbread mix,add lA cup canned mincemeat and !£ cupcold water. Mix well. Pour into greasedcupcake pans or a greased 8x8x2 squarepan. Bake in moderate oven, 350 F. 30minutesforcupeakes, 45minutes for loaf.The wife of one of the JOURNAL editorsinvented this and we think its a honey.
Text Appearing After Image:
Just try this recipe with Veg-AllMixed Vegetables . . . see howmuch color and zip they addto salads. Beautiful to behold ...rich in flavor . . . high in vitaminretention . . . Veg-All makes thesalad. Zippy Veg-All Salad Soften 1 tbsp. gelatine in % cup coldwater. Drain liquid from 1 can Veg-All.Heat. Combine with gelatine. Stir untildissolved. Add 2 tbsp. lemon juice, 2tbsp. cider vinegar, 3/t tsp. salt, 2 tbsp.sugar, 1 tbsp. grated onion. Chill untilit begins to thicken; fold in drainedVeg-All. Place tomato wedges aroundedge of IVi quart mold rinsed in coldwater. Put gelatine in mold; chill untilfirm. Unmold. Fill center with chilledVeg-All and mayonnaise. VEG-ALL VEGETABLES MAIL COU TODAY THE LARSEN COMPANYDepl. J-148, Green Bay, WisconsinPlease send me FREE Star Veg-All Recipes byAmericas Cooking Stars. Favorite recipes of cook-ing experts . . . illustrated. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE LADIES HOME JOURNAL January, )

Note About Images

Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.


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: The Ladies' home journal (1948) (14578740269).jpg
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1948-01 to 1948-06
Flickr tags
  • bookid:ladieshomejourna65janwyet
  • bookyear:1889
  • bookdecade:1880
  • bookcentury:1800
  • bookauthor:Wyeth__N__C___Newell_Convers___1882_1945
  • booksubject:Women_s_periodicals
  • booksubject:Janice_Bluestein_Longone_Culinary_Archive
  • bookpublisher:Philadelphia____s_n__
  • bookcontributor:Internet_Archive
  • booksponsor:Internet_Archive
  • bookleafnumber:122
  • bookcollection:internetarchivebooks
  • bookcollection:china
Flickr posted date
28. julij 2014


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