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Andrea di Bonaiuto: Via veritas  wikidata:Q27628947 reasonator:Q27628947
Andrea di Bonaiuto  (14. stoletje
date QS:P,+1350–00–00T00:00:00Z/7
Nadomestna imena
Andrea da Firenze, Andrea Bonaiuti, Andrea de Bonaiuto
Opis italijanski slikar
Italian fresco painter and stained-glass designer
Datum rojstva/smrti 1343 Uredite to v Wikipodatkih 1379 Uredite to v Wikipodatkih
Kraj rojstva/smrti Firence Uredite to v Wikipodatkih Firence Uredite to v Wikipodatkih
Obdobje ustvarjanja 1343-1377
Kraj ustvarjanja
Normativna kontrola
creator QS:P170,Q495419
 Uredite to v Wikipodatkih
image of artwork listed in title parameter on this page
Triumph of the Church, Church Militant and Triumphant

Alternativni naslov(i):
Allegory of the Active and Triumphant Church and the Dominican order
Del od Španska kapela Uredite to v Wikipodatkih
Vrsta objekta freska / stensko delo / al secco Uredite to v Wikipodatkih
English: The Way of Salvation fresco is in the Spanish Chapel (Cappella Spagnuolo, or Guidalotti Chapel, after the patron) of the Spanish chapel. The black-cloaked figures are Dominican priests (the Blackfriars, the Order of Preachers, O.P.), and the black-and-white dogs are their symbol. (Founded by St. Dominic to preach against heresies, they were referred to as "domini canes", hounds of God.)

In the left foreground there is a group of about five dozen figures representing Christendom, and illustrating the religious and secular hierarchies. At the center are Pope Innocent VI and emperor, and at their feet are black-and-white dogs protecting the sheep. The secular figures range from the emperor down to beggars and cripples. Behind them is the great Florentine Duomo, representing the Church. In the right foreground are three Dominican saints. (Their identification varies among sources.) St. Peter Martyr sends the dogs to round up lost sheep and fight off wolves. St. Dominic preaches to the people while St. Thomas debates heretics.

Behind the preachers, in the right middleground, there is a group of worldly pleasure-seekers (above Thomas and the heretics) and two more Dominican figures (above St. Peter and St. Dominic). The faithful are being blessed and ushered to the gate of Heaven, where St. Peter welcomes them. Above all is a scene of Christ in Majesty, with the emblems of the Evangelists. The overall composition, with the heretics on the right and faithful on the left, echoes many more conventional Judgment scenes.
Upodobljeni ljudje
Datum od 1365 do 1367
date QS:P,+1365-00-00T00:00:00Z/8,P580,+1365-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P582,+1367-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
/ 1366 Uredite to v Wikipodatkih
Medij freska, tempera in mavec Uredite to v Wikipodatkih
Velikost višina: 930 cm Uredite to v Wikipodatkih; širina: 1.091 cm Uredite to v Wikipodatkih
dimensions QS:P2048,+930U174728
dimensions QS:P2049,+1091U174728
institution QS:P195,Q51175
Vir posnetka/fotograf ~
Druge različice
Image extraction process Ta datoteka ima izvlečeno sliko: Way-of-salvation-church-militant-triumphant-andrea-di-bonaiuto-1365 (cropped).jpg.
Smaller version, less detail & more contrast; WGA version; smaller, blurry version
This image is annotated: View the annotations at Commons


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Dodajte enovrstični opis, kaj ta datoteka predstavlja
The Church Militant and Church Triumphant, A. Firenze fresco/ Santa Maria Novella (1365)

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Via veritas angleščina


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Datum in časSličicaVelikostUporabnikKomentar
trenutno23:16, 4. marec 2017Sličica za različico z datumom 23:16, 4. marec 20174.851 × 3.816 (15,7 MB)Eugene alarger
23:32, 15. januar 2013Sličica za različico z datumom 23:32, 15. januar 20131.800 × 1.256 (986 KB)Michael Hurst{{Information |Description ={{en|1=The ''Way of Salvation'' fresco is in the Spanish Chapel (Cappella Spagnuolo, or Guidalotti Chapel) of Santa Maria Novella, Florence. Created by Andrea di Bonaiuto (Andrea da Firenze), it is also known as the ''Tri...

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