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Alasdair MacIntyre

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Alasdair MacIntyre
RojstvoAlasdair Chalmers MacIntyre
12. januar 1929({{padleft:1929|4|0}}-{{padleft:1|2|0}}-{{padleft:12|2|0}})[1][2][…] (95 let)
Državljanstvo ZDA
Poklicfilozof, univerzitetni učitelj

Alasdair Chalmers MacIntyre, škotski filzof, * 12. januar 1929, Glasgow.

Poleg filozofskega dela je znan tudi njegov prispevek k zgodovini filozofije in teologije. Je višji znanstveni sodelavec v centru za Sodobne aristotelova Študije na etiko in politiko (CASEP) na londonski Metropolitan University in zaslužni profesor filozofije na Univerzi Notre Dame. V svoji dolgi akademski karieri je predaval tudi na Unniverzi Brandeis, Univerzi Duke, Univerzi Vanderbilt in Univerzi v Bostonu. MacIntyreva After Virtue (1981) je priznana kot ena izmed najpomembnejših del moralne in politične filozofije 20. stoletja v angleškem jeziku.


[uredi | uredi kodo]
  • 1953 Marxism: An Interpretation. London: SCM Press,
  • 1955 (edited with Antony Flew). New Essays in Philosophical Theology. London: SCM Press.
  • 1966 A Short History of Ethics. London and New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Second edition 1998.
  • 2004 (1958). The Unconscious: A Conceptual Analysis, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  • 1959 Difficulties in Christian Belief. London: SCM Press.
  • 1965 Hume's Ethical Writings. (ed.) New York: Collier.
  • 1967 Secularization and Moral Change. The Riddell Memorial Lectures. Oxford University Press.
  • 1969 (with Paul Ricoeur). The Religious Significance of Atheism. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • 1970 Herbert Marcuse: An Exposition and a Polemic. New York: The Viking Press.
  • 1970 Marcuse. London: Fontana Modern Masters.
  • 1970 Sociological Theory and Philosophical Analysis (anthology co-edited with Dorothy Emmet). London and Basingstoke: Macmillan.
  • 1971 Against the Self-Images of the Age: Essays on Ideology and Philosophy. London: Duckworth.
  • 2007 (1981). After Virtue, 3rd ed. University of Notre Dame Press.
  • 2002 (with Anthony Rudd and John Davenport). Kierkegaard After Macintyre: Essays on Freedom, Narrative, and Virtue. Chicago: Open Court.
  • 1988 Whose Justice? Which Rationality? University of Notre Dame Press.
  • 1990 Three Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry. The Gifford Lectures. University of Notre Dame Press.
  • 1990 First Principles, Final Ends, and Contemporary Philosophical Issues. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press.
  • 1995 Marxism and Christianity, London: Duckworth, 2nd ed.
  • 1998 The MacIntyre Reader Knight, Kelvin, ed. University of Notre Dame Press.
  • 1999 Dependent Rational Animals: Why Human Beings Need the Virtues. Chicago: Open Court.
  • 2005 Edith Stein: A Philosophical Prologue, 1913–1922. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  • 2006 The Tasks of Philosophy: Selected Essays, Volume 1. Cambridge University Press.
  • 2006 Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Volume 2. Cambridge University Press.
  • 2008 (Blackledge, P. & Davidson, N., eds.), Alasdair MacIntyre's Early Marxist Writings: Essays and Articles 1953–1974, Leiden: Brill.
  • 2009 God, philosophy, universities: A Selective History of the Catholic Philosophical Tradition . Rowman & Littlefield.
  • 2009 Living Ethics. Excerpt, "The Nature of The Virtues". Minch & Weigel.
  • "The End of Education: The Fragmentation of the American University," Commonweal, 20 October 2006 / Volume CXXXIII, Number 18.


[uredi | uredi kodo]
  • Alasdair Chalmers MacIntyre (1929— ) Pridobljeno 30. 11. 2016. Dostopno na naslovu: http://www.iep.utm.edu/mac-over/
  • MACINTYRE, Alasdair C., 1993, Kratka zgodovina etike, Ljubljana, Znanstveno in publicistično središče, ISBN 961-6014-08-