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Anglo-ameriška vojna

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Anglo-ameriška vojna
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Clockwise from top:
Datum18. junij 1812 – 17. februar 1815
Izid Inconclusive[a]
Poveljniki in vodje
Žrtve in izgube
  • 2,200 killed in action[4]
  • 5,200 died of disease[5]
  • Up to 15,000 deaths from all causes[6]
  • 4,505 wounded[7]
  • 20,000 captured[8]
  • 8 frigates captured or burned
  • 1,400 merchant ships captured
  • 278 privateers captured
  • 4,000 slaves escaped or freed[9]
  • 2,700 died in combat or disease[5]
  • 10,000 died from all causes[1][b]
  • 15,500 captured
  • 4 frigates captured
  • ~1,344 merchant ships captured (373 recaptured)[4]
  • 10,000 Indigenous warriors and civilians dead from all causes[1][c]
  • 14 Spanish killed and 6 wounded[10]

V anglo-ameriški vojni (angleško War of 1812) so se Združene države Amerike in njihovi zavezniki borili proti Združenemu kraljestvu in njegovim zaveznikom v Severni Ameriki. Začela se je, ko so Združene države 18. junija 1812 napovedale vojno Združenemu kraljestvu. Čeprav so bili mirovni pogoji dogovorjeni v Gentski pogodbi decembra 1814, se je vojna uradno končala šele 17. februarja 1815, ko je mirovno pogodbo ratificiral ameriški kongres.[11][12]


[uredi | uredi kodo]
  1. see Results of the War of 1812
  2. Includes 2,250 men of the Royal Navy.
  3. Includes 1,000 combat casualties on the northern front.
  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 Clodfelter 2017, str. 245.
  2. Allen 1996, str. 121; Clodfelter 2017, str. 245.
  3. Tucker et al. 2012, str. 570.
  4. 4,0 4,1 Clodfelter 2017, str. 244.
  5. 5,0 5,1 Stagg 2012, str. 156.
  6. Hickey 2006, str. 297; Stagg 2012, str. 156.
  7. Leland 2010, str. 2.
  8. Tucker et al. 2012, str. 311; Hickey 2012n.
  9. Weiss 2013.
  10. Owsley 2000, str. 118.
  11. Order of the Senate of the United States 1828, str. ;619–620.
  12. Carr 1979, str. 276.