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Blood Axis

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Blood Axis je ameriška neofolk glasbena skupina, ki jo vodi novinar in avtor Michael Moynihan, glasbeni producent Robert Ferbrache in glasbenik in avtor Annabel Lee.

Michael Moynihan je tudi eden od urednikov ameriške tradicionalistične revije Tyr: Myth—Culture—Tradition.


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  • The Gospel of Inhumanity, 1995
    CD and 2xLP. Released by Cthulhu/Storm.
    CD rerelease on Elfenblut/Misanthropy/Storm in 1998.
    CD rerelease with deluxe packaging on Tesco Distribution/Storm in 2001.
  • Blót: Sacrifice in Sweden, 1998
    CD and 2x12" LP limited to 600 copies. Released by Cold Meat Industry.
  • Born Again, 2010
    CD released on Storm. STRM12
  • Ultimacy, 2011
    CD compilation of all the singles and compilation tracks. Released on Storm. STRM13

Sodelovanje z drugimi glasbeniki

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Zunanje povezave

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