Hindenburg (cepelin)

LZ 129 Hindenburg (nemško: Luftschiff Zeppelin #129); registracija: D-LZ 129) je bila velika nemška zračna ladja (cepelin) s togo strukturo in glavna ladja razreda Hindenburg. Bila največja zračna ladja po volumnu. Načrtovalo in zgradilo jo je podjetje Luftschiffbau Zeppelin GmbH v Friedrichshafnu, z njo je poslovalo podjetje Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei. Prvič je poletela marca 1936 in uspešno izvedla 63 poletov, potem pa jo je 14 mesecev kasneje uničil požar 6. maja 1937. Ladja je bila napolnjena z vodikom, ker Združene države Amerike niso hotele prodati helija nacističnemu režimu. Helij ne gori in je zato bolj varen, vodik pa je dosti cenejši in daje več vzgona kot helij.

Hindenburg je imel togo strukturo iz duraluminija. Imela je 15 nepropustnih pregrad z 16 velikimi vrečami iz bombaža (celicami) za vodik, ki je zagotavljal vzgon. Zunanja površina je bila iz bombaža z reflektivno plastjo, ki je ščitila pred sončnim UV in IR sevanjem, da se vodik ne bi pregrel. Možna je bila uporaba duraluminija iz strmoglavnjene britanske ladje R101, Zeppelin je namreč kupil 5000 kg duraliminij iz te ladje.[1]
Pojav letal, plovil težjih od zraka, je napovedal konec tem veličastnim plovilom. Malo je pripomogla tudi nesreča Hindenburga. Danes ni v uporabi skoraj nobene zračne ladje s togo strukturo. Uporabljajo se precej manjši nerigidni "blimpi", katerih obliko balona vzdržuje helij. Obstajajo načrti za nove super ladje kot so SkyCat, Walrus HULA in Lockheed Martin P-791
Tehnične specifikacije
[uredi | uredi kodo]- Posadka: 40 do 61
- Kapaciteta: 50–72 potnikov
- Dolžina: 245 m
- Premer: 41,18 m
- Volumen: 200.000 m3
- Motorji: 4 × Daimler-Benz DB 602 dizelski, 890 kW (1200 KM) vsak
- Največja hitrost: 135 km/h (85 vozlov)
Glej tudi
[uredi | uredi kodo]Sklici in reference
[uredi | uredi kodo]- ↑ "R101: the Final Trials and Loss of the Ship." The Airship Heritage Trust. Pridobljeno 27. oktobra 2010.
- Airships.net LZ-129 Hindenburg
- Airship Voyages Made Easy (16 page booklet for "Hindenburg" passengers). Friedrichshafen, Germany: Luftschiffbau Zeppelin G.m.b.H. (Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei), 1937.
- Archbold, Rick. Hindenburg: An Illustrated History. Toronto: Viking Studio/Madison Press, 1994. ISBN 0-670-85225-2.
- Birchall, Frederick. "100,000 Hail Hitler; U.S. Athletes Avoid Nazi Salute to Him". The New York Times, August 1, 1936, p. 1.
- Botting, Douglas. Dr. Eckener's Dream Machine: The Great Zeppelin and the Dawn of Air Travel. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 2001. ISBN 0-8050-6458-3.
- Davis, Stephen. Hammer of the Gods: The Led Zeppelin Saga (LPC). New York: Berkley Boulevard Books, 1995. ISBN 0-425-18213-4.
- Dick, Harold G. and Douglas H. Robinson. The Golden Age of the Great Passenger Airships Graf Zeppelin & Hindenburg. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1985. ISBN 1-56098-219-5.
- Duggan, John. LZ 129 "Hindenburg": The Complete Story. Ickenham, UK: Zeppelin Study Group, 2002. ISBN 0-9514114-8-9.
- Eckener, Hugo, translated by Douglas Robinson. My Zeppelins. London: Putnam & Co. Ltd., 1958.
- Hindenburg's Fiery Secret (DVD). Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Video, 2000.
- Hoehling, A.A. Who Destroyed The Hindenburg? Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1962. ISBN 0-445-08347-6.
- Lehmann, Ernst. Zeppelin: The Story of Lighter-than-air Craft. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1937.
- Majoor, Mireille. Inside the Hindenburg. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 2000. ISBN 978-0316123860.
- Mooney, Michael Macdonald. The Hindenburg. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1972. ISBN 0-396-06502-3.
- Provan, John. LZ-127 "Graf Zeppelin": The story of an Airship, vol. 1 & vol. 2 (Amazon Kindle ebook). Pueblo, Colorado: Luftschiff Zeppelin Collection, 2011.
- Toland, John. The Great Dirigibles: Their Triumphs and Disasters. Mineola, New York: Dover Publishers, 1972.
- Vaeth, Joseph Gordon. They Sailed the Skies: U.S. Navy Balloons and the Airship Program. Annapolis Maryland: Naval Institute Press, 2005. ISBN 978-1-59114-914-9.
Zunanje povezave
[uredi | uredi kodo]- Prosto dostopni kratek film Giant Dirigible Sets Record, 1936/05/11 (1936) na Internet Archive [več]
- "Hindenburg – End Of A Successful Voyage" (Standard 4:3) (1937), Pathgrams (film shows docking team, passengers)
- "Hindenburg – Passengers Disembarking" (Standard 4:3) (1937), Pathgrams \(film of passengers descending ramp)
- Technical Drawing of the LZ 129 Hindenburg
- Airships.net: Detailed history and photographs of interior and exterior of LZ-129 Hindenburg
- "The Hindenburg Makes Her Last Standing at Lakehurst", Life Magazine article from 1937
- eZEP.de, The webportal for Zeppelin mail and airship memorabilia Arhivirano 2014-11-12 na Wayback Machine.
- Hindenburg: Sky Cruise. Illustrated account of a flight on the Hindenburg – with maiden voyage and final flight passenger lists
- Harold G. Dick Airship Collection – lists of contents of the collection
- ZLT Zeppelin Luftschifftechnik GmbH & Co KG. The modern Zeppelin company
- The Hindenburg at Navy Lakehurst Historical Society Arhivirano 2008-07-01 na Wayback Machine.
- "The Air Liners Of The Future." Popular Mechanics, February 1930, the future of dirigibles as aviation experts predicted in 1930, drawings on pages 220 and 221 shows how aviation experts saw the Hindenburg then under construction, including an overhead glass covered dance floor
- "Super Zepp To Have All Luxuries Of A Liner."Popular Mechanics, July 1932, early drawing of future Hindenburg
- "Biggest Birds That Ever Flew." Popular Science, May 1962
- [1] "75 Years Since The Hindenburg Disaster" The Atlantic, May 8, 2012