Kategorija:Koord predloga potrebna popravila
Administratorji: Prosimo, ne izbrišite te kategorije niti takrat, ko je prazna! Občasno ali večino časa je ta kategorija lahko prazna. |
To je vzdrževalna kategorija, ki se uporablja za vzdrževanje projektov Wikipedije. Ni del enciklopedije in vsebuje strani, ki niso članki, ali pa razvršča članke glede na njihovo stanje in ne po vsebini. Kategorije prosimo ne vključujte v kategorije vsebinskih člankov.
To je skrita kategorija in ni prikazana v člankih, kjer je uporabljena, če tega ne omogoča ustrezna uporabniška nastavitev (videz → prikaži skrite kategorije). |
Ta vzdrževalna kategorija vsebuje članke ki vsebujejo napačno uporabljeno predlogo {{Koord}}.
Sekcija | Napaka | Predlog za popravilo |
' | Coordinates with minutes >=60 or <0 (such as 1°75'N) |
Check the coordinates. Many programs treat 1°75' as 2°15'.
If the value is > 60, it's likely that decimal values have been entered as minutes, |
" | Coordinates with seconds >=60 or <0 (such as 1°01'80"N) |
Check the coordinates. Many programs treat 1'80" as 2'20".
If the value is > 60, it's likely that decimal values have been entered as degrees-minutes-seconds, If the value is exactly 60, it may be the result of poor numerical rounding, and only require the carrying of the value into the minutes field. |
> | Coordinates with latitude degrees > 90 (such as 96°N) or longitude degrees >= 360 (such as 7895°W) | Check the coordinates. It could be that the latitude and longitude are swapped or that a decimal point is missing. |
< | Coordinates with latitude degrees < -90 or longitude degrees <= -360 (e.g. -91°N) |
Check the coordinates. It could be that the latitude and longitude are swapped or that a decimal point is missing. |
? | {{Koord}} got parameters that don't match any of the formats it understands. | Check the unnamed parameters (listed in red after the error message) against the template documentation.
# | {{Koord}} got too many unnamed parameters. | Check the parameter list against the documentation of {{Koord}}. Often coordinate parameters need to be merged. This can be as simple as replacing a pipe ( | ) with an underscore ( _ ). For example:
D | {{Koord}} got a named parameter "dim=". | Replace the equal sign (=) with a colon (:) and merge as necessary. For example:
G | {{Koord}} got a named parameter "globe=". | Replace the equal sign (=) with a colon (:) and merge as necessary. For example:
R | {{Koord}} got a named parameter "region=". | Replace the equal sign (=) with a colon (:) and merge as necessary. For example:
S | {{Koord}} got a named parameter "scale=". | Replace the equal sign (=) with a colon (:) and merge as necessary. For example:
T | {{Koord}} got a named parameter "type=". | Replace the equal sign (=) with a colon (:) and merge as necessary. For example:
s | {{Koord}} got a named parameter "source=". | Replace the equal sign (=) with a colon (:) and merge as necessary. For example:
Articles with multiple {{Koord}} errors will appear in just one section.
There is also a daily report of {{Koord}} templates that may need repair at tools:~dispenser/view/File viewer#log:coord-enwiki.log.
Check for article namespace: Recent changes
See also: Template Koord, wp:NRIS info issues#Coordinates issues, WikiProject Geographical coordinates.
Strani v kategoriji »Koord predloga potrebna popravila«
Ta del kategorije vsebuje 1 naslednjo stran.