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Kategorija:Podpredloge predloge Rnd

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Spodaj je seznam podpredlog predloge {{rnd}}. Ta seznam izključuje glavno predlogo in njene dokumentacijske strani.


It calls {{rnd/b}} which crunches out a code to determine which of the {{rnd/c*}} subtemplates to go to next.


The {{rnd/c*}} subtemplates can be divided into four groups. There are the "dec0"s and "dec1"s and the positives and negatives. Negatives give a negative output. "dec1"s will give an output precision greater than zero.

They can also be divided into five groups. Take take the absolute value of the number after the c halve it. Call the result the "group number".

Skupina 0
gives zero
Skupina 1
gives scientific notation with a negative exponent
Skupina 2
gives regular numerical notation with a precision greater than −5
Skupina 3
gives regular numerical notation with a precision less than or equal to −5
Skupina 4
gives scientific notation with a positive exponent

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