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Kategorija:Taxonbar, odklopljen od Wikipodatkov

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To je sledilna kategorija za predlogo {{Taxonbar}} brez parametra |from#=, ki se nanaša na objekt v Wikipodatkih, in kaže na Wikipedijin članek.

Mogoči razlogi za to vključujejo (možni so tudi drugi razlogi):

  1. it is most likely that the Wikidata item that once pointed to the categorized page has changed, or
  2. one or more |from#= parameters contain garbage (less likely; see Kategorija:Taxonbar z neveljavnimi parametri from), or
  3. the page was copied as a template and the creator forgot to update the |from= parameter, or
  4. Wikidata has separate items for a taxon and a topic associated with the taxon (e.g, a disease and its causal agent, or a vegetable and the plant species that produces it), and the Wikipedia article is linked to the associated concept at Wikidata.

Strani v tej kategoriji se dodajo avtomatsko prek Module:Taxonbar.