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Modul:Political party/I

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The political parties contained in this module are split into alphabetised lists based on the first character of the name (for example, "Labour Party (UK)" would be under /L). The /1 subpage is for any party that does not start with the letters A to Z of the Latin alphabet (including numbers and accented characters).

Within each data submodule are two local groups: local alternate and local full.

Alternativna imena strank[uredi kodo]

The alternate group is for alternate names of a party. The following is an example of alternate names for the Labour Party (UK):

local alternate = {
	["Labour and Co-operative"] = "Labour Party (UK)",
	["Labour Co-operative"] = "Labour Party (UK)",

The first entry in square brackets is the alternate name, and the second entry only in quotes is the name found in the full group, seen below. Note that the alternate name of a party should be stored in its corresponding letter-based subpage; "Alabama Democratic Party" is listed in /A even though it is an alternate name for "Democratic Party (US)" (which is stored in /D).

Table values[uredi kodo]

local full = {
	["Labour Party (UK)"] = {abbrev = "Lab", color = "#E4003B", shortname = "Labour",},

There are three values stored for each party:

  • The abbreviation (abbrev).
  • The color of the party (color), which can either be a hex triplet or a basic color name.
  • A shorter name for the party (shortname).

The values added to these parameters need not be unique from other parties in this module, unlike the primary name of a party.

If a name value is not stored for a party, the module will attempt to return the other "short" name variant before returning the input. Thus, if abbrev is stored but shortname is not, regardless of which value is asked for it will return the abbrev value.

Color values[uredi kodo]

Political party namecolorabbrevshortnameIs color valid?Contrast normal textContrast unvisited linkContrast visited link
I Don't Pay MovementdarksalmonKDPAAAFailedAA
I Have Honor Alliance#D9222AFailedFailedFailed
I Noble (Independent)#FFFFFFAAAAAAAAA
I live for Serbia#2A2E83ŽZSFailedFailedFailed
I the South#0A5C8AFailedFailedFailed
ICCSian Liberal#23238EFailedFailedFailed
ICM Party (US)#FF4500AAFailedAA
ICT Energy#F9882AAAAFailedAA
IMRO – Bulgarian National Movement#000000IMRO–BNMFailedFailedFailed
ISLAM (political party)#226814FailedFailedFailed
IT Voice#BB1F5EFailedFailedFailed
IT Voice 2012#F47622AAAFailedAA
Ia Ora te Nuna'a#FBD101AAAAAAAA
Iauko Group#6796B2IaukoAAFailedAA
Iberian Natural Action#0A6430FailedFailedFailed
Iberian Union#FF9A31UNIBAAAFailedAAA
Iceland Democratic Party#0000CCFailedFailedFailed
Icelandic Movement – Living Country#4682B4AAFailedFailed
Icelandic National Front#3b64a6FailedFailedFailed
Icelandic Socialist Party#EF4839AAFailedFailed
Ideal Democratic Party#009900AAFailedFailed
Idenpedent Party#ff8c00AAAFailedAA
Identity Ireland#1A1A68FailedFailedFailed
Identity and Action#0045AAFailedFailedFailed
Identity and Democracy#0E408AIDFailedFailedFailed
Identity and Democracy Party#0E408AIDFailedFailedFailed
Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty#0000FFFailedFailedFailed
Idle Toad#DC143CFailedFailedFailed
If You Want It, Chile ChangeslightblueAAAAAAAA
Ikkjutt Jammu#F4C430AAAAAAAA
Ilia Chavchavadze Society#FFB900Chavchavadze SocietyAAAAAAAA
Ilicitans for Elche#4A913CAAFailedFailed
Illankai Tamil Arasu Kachchi#FFFF00AAAAAAAAA
Imagina Burgos#ADBF2DAAAFailedAAA
Imbokodvo National MovementpurpleFailedFailedFailed
Immigration Control Platform#A52A2AImmigration ControlFailedFailedFailed
Imperial British Conservative Party#00008BImperial British ConservativeFailedFailedFailed
Imperial Liberal Party#F7B600LRPAAAAAAAA
Imperial Party (UK)purpleImperialFailedFailedFailed
Imperial Rule Assistance Association#CE2029Taisei YokusankaiFailedFailedFailed
Imperium EuropablackFailedFailedFailed
Impulsa Ciudad#2EB7B0AAAFailedAA
Impulsa Getafe#7EBD28AAAFailedAA
In Black and White (Montenegro)#812991CnBFailedFailedFailed
In Struggle#E63C2CAAFailedFailed
Inclusive Alliance Platform – Terra Ranka#DF0A0EPAI–Terra RankaFailedFailedFailed
Independence (Israeli political party)#013068IndependenceFailedFailedFailed
Independence (Italian political party)#14506EIndependenceFailedFailedFailed
Independence (legislative bloc)#255FCFIndependenceFailedFailedFailed
Independence Movement (Lebanon)#D92025IMFailedFailedFailed
Independence Party (Alaska)#FFC14EAAAAAAAA
Independence Party (Finland)#017BC4IPUIndependence PartyAAFailedFailed
Independence Party (Florida)#FFC14EIndependenceAAAAAAAA
Independence Party (Hungary)#40826DIndependenceAAFailedFailed
Independence Party (Iceland)#00ADEFIndependenceAAAFailedAA
Independence Party (Iceland, historical)#0099FFIndependenceAAAFailedAA
Independence Party (Minnesota)#FFC14EIndependenceAAAAAAAA
Independence Party (New York)#FFC14EIndependenceAAAAAAAA
Independence Party (Puerto Rico)#009C4DPIPIndependenceAAFailedFailed
Independence Party (US)#FFC14EIndependenceAAAAAAAA
Independence Party - Langsum#0085FFLangsumAAFailedFailed
Independence Party - Þversum#3399FFAAAFailedAA
Independence Party of the Czech Republic#EE3135SNČRAAFailedFailed
Independence for Scotland Party#2980B9ISPAAFailedFailed
Independence from Europe#800080FailedFailedFailed
Independence—Alliance Party#FFC14EIAPIndependence—AllianceAAAAAAAA
Independent (Delaware)#DDDDBBAAAAAAAA
Independent (India)#DB7099AAFailedAA
Independent (US)#DDDDBBIIndependentAAAAAAAA
Independent (Vietnam)#FF6666AAAFailedAA
Independent Agrarian (Spain)#8FBC8FAAAFailedAAA
Independent Agrarian Movement#DAFF61AAAAAAAAA
Independent Alliance (Ireland)#CCCCFFIndependent AllianceAAAAAAAA
Independent Alliance (Kent)#7B9B5CIAKInd. AllianceAAFailedAA
Independent Alliance for Reform#E50A81AAFailedFailed
Independent Alternative for Italians Abroad#FFF100AAAAAAAAA
Independent Alternative for Zas#A3D6E4AAAAAAAA
Independent Alternative of Galicia#000000FailedFailedFailed
Independent Alternative–Progressives#339966AAFailedFailed
Independent American Party#c49334IAPIndependent AmericanAAAFailedAA
Independent Aragonese Party#F4B74DAAAAAAAA
Independent Autonomists#EBECF0AAAAAAAAA
Independent Belemite Party#e76100PIBAAFailedAA
Independent Bloc (Bosnia and Herzegovina)#4089B6NBAAFailedFailed
Independent Bosnian-Herzegovinian List#00C000NBLAAAFailedAA
Independent Britwellian ResidentspinkBritwellianAAAAAAAA
Independent Candidacy#AAAAAAAAAFailedAA
Independent Candidacy (Castile and León)#CC2B54FailedFailedFailed
Independent Canterbury Nationalist#E6E6FAAAAAAAAA
Independent Carlist#A3B5F1AAAFailedAAA
Independent Catalan Nationalist#FFF895AAAAAAAAA
Independent Catholic (Netherlands)#032900FailedFailedFailed
Independent Catholic (Spain)#7B97B0AAFailedAA
Independent Centre of the Canaries#239CA4AAFailedAA
Independent Citizens Movement#67FFFFAAAAAAAAA
Independent Citizens of Sanlúcar#7EC55DAAAFailedAAA
Independent Civic Organisation of South Africa#999999Independent Civic OrganisationAAAFailedAA
Independent Communist#D50000FailedFailedFailed
Independent Community & Health Concern#3C474FIndependent Health ConcernFailedFailedFailed
Independent Conservative#DDEEFFInd. ConservativeAAAAAAAAA
Independent Conservative (Spain)#77B1D4AAAFailedAA
Independent Coordinator#094C12FailedFailedFailed
Independent Democratic#6699CCAAFailedAA
Independent Democratic Action#ffeb00ADIAAAAAAAA
Independent Democratic Alternative of Ibi#008366FailedFailedFailed
Independent Democratic Candidacy#EEEE6EAAAAAAAA
Independent Democratic Centre#FBB126AAAAAAAA
Independent Democratic ConferenceIDC
Independent Democratic Party (US)#6699CCIndependent DemocraticAAFailedAA
Independent Democratic Party (Yugoslavia)#FCF342SDSAAAAAAAAA
Independent Democratic Party of Serbia#545AA7S DSSFailedFailedFailed
Independent Democratic PoleyellowAAAAAAAAA
Independent Democratic Serb Party#2D3C8CSDSSFailedFailedFailed
Independent Democratic Union#29398AUDIFailedFailedFailed
Independent Democratic Union (Spain)#2295B3AAFailedAA
Independent Democratic Union of Chad#4682B4UDITAAFailedFailed
Independent Democrats#ef8321IDAAAFailedAA
Independent Democrats (Czech Republic)darkgreenFailedFailedFailed
Independent Ecijan Socialist Party#3E4E72FailedFailedFailed
Independent Ecological Alliance#a7c325AEIAAAFailedAAA
Independent Ecological Movement#6EBE43MEIAAAFailedAA
Independent EcologyPaleGreenAAAAAAAA
Independent Effectiveness#B5955DAAAFailedAA
Independent Farmers#66FF99Ind. FarmersAAAAAAAA
Independent Farnham ResidentspinkInd. Farnham Res.AAAAAAAA
Independent Federalist Confederation#008000FailedFailedFailed
Independent Fianna Fáil#7FFF00IFFIndependent Fianna FáilAAAAAAAA
Independent Forward BlocyellowAAAAAAAAA
Independent Genilensan Unity#F0B732AAAAAAAA
Independent Greeks#38A3E7ANELAAAFailedAA
Independent Green#ccffccAAAAAAAAA
Independent Green Ecologists of the Balearics#07824AFailedFailedFailed
Independent Green Voice#008080FailedFailedFailed
Independent Greens (Denmark)#E8CCC7Independent GreensAAAAAAAA
Independent Greens (Virginia)#0BDA51Independent GreensAAAAAAAA
Independent Group Pro-City Council of El Palmar de Troya#04BC0CAAAFailedAA
Independent Group for Almería#0043A1FailedFailedFailed
Independent Group for Villarrobledo#005246FailedFailedFailed
Independent Group for the Municipal Autonomy of Torrenueva#759F91AAAFailedAA
Independent Group of Benalmádena#EB7711AAAFailedAA
Independent Group of Cendea de Cizur#FFDA1BAAAAAAAA
Independent Group of Cercedilla#0E8535FailedFailedFailed
Independent Group of Estella#6E9BBCAAAFailedAA
Independent Group of Huarte#F20114AAFailedFailed
Independent Group of Porto Cristo#0141ADFailedFailedFailed
Independent Group of Porto Cristo–S'illoters and Sympathisers#128EA9AAFailedFailed
Independent Group of Santa Úrsula#873597FailedFailedFailed
Independent Group of Torrejón#FCD91DAAAAAAAA
Independent Group of Zizur Mayor#6495EDAAAFailedAA
Independent Grouping for Reflection#005CABGIRFailedFailedFailed
Independent Guanacaste Party#2e9effPGIAAAFailedAA
Independent Health Alliance#B0C4DEInd. Health AllianceAAAAAAAA
Independent Herrenian Group#29AA4DAHIAAFailedAA
Independent Hungarian Democratic Party#50C878FMDPAAAFailedAAA
Independent Initiative#2517ABFailedFailedFailed
Independent Initiative (Spain)#212084FailedFailedFailed
Independent Ireland#3BEE56IIIndependent IrelandAAAAAAAA
Independent Irish Labour#FFE8E8AAAAAAAAA
Independent Irish Nationalist#99FF66AAAAAAAA
Independent Irish Party#DDFFDDIndependent IrishAAAAAAAAA
Independent Kidderminster Hospital and Health ConcernhotpinkHealth ConcernAAAFailedAA
Independent Labor (Australia)#F00012Independent LaborAAFailedFailed
Independent Labour#FFBBBBAAAAAAAA
Independent Labour Group#FFE8E8Ind. Labour GroupAAAAAAAAA
Independent Labour Party#B22222Ind. Labour PartyFailedFailedFailed
Independent Langley ResidentspinkInd. Langley Res.AAAAAAAA
Independent Left (Ireland)#FF3300Independent LeftAAFailedFailed
Independent Left (Italy)#CE2029Independent LeftFailedFailedFailed
Independent Left of Castellón#528063AAFailedFailed
Independent Left–Initiative for San Sebastián de los Reyes#18742AFailedFailedFailed
Independent Liberal#FFFFAAAAAAAAAAA
Independent Liberal (Australia)#1C0DABIndependent LiberalFailedFailedFailed
Independent Liberal (Philippines)#f7f2c1LP (Ind.)Liberal (ind.)AAAAAAAAA
Independent Liberal (Spain)#B0D18BAAAAAAAA
Independent Liberal Democrat#FFEEAAInd. Lib DemAAAAAAAAA
Independent Liberal Group of Villaviciosa#40C052AAAFailedAA
Independent Liberal Party (Chile)orangeAAAFailedAAA
Independent Liberal Party (Kosovo)#FFD700AAAAAAAA
Independent Liberal Party (Nicaragua)#FF69B4PLIAAAFailedAA
Independent Liberal Party (Spain)#029138AAFailedFailed
Independent Liberal Party (Trinidad and Tobago)#006F45ILPFailedFailedFailed
Independent Liberal Unionist#2061FFInd. Liberal UnionistFailedFailedFailed
Independent Liberal-Labour#FED8B1Ind. Lib-LabAAAAAAAA
Independent Liberals (Israel)#FFD700Independent LiberalsAAAAAAAA
Independent Lugo Forum#028C64AAFailedFailed
Independent Moralizing Front#F08080AAAFailedAA
Independent Motrilenian Democratic Group#1BE4FFAAAAAAAA
Independent Movement for Justice and Dignity#B0C236AAAFailedAAA
Independent Movement of Absolute Renovation#0033a0MIRAFailedFailedFailed
Independent Movement of Justice and Dignity#AEC306MIJDAAAFailedAAA
Independent Nacionalista#d2fdd2NP (Ind.)Nacionalista (ind.)AAAAAAAAA
Independent NationalgreyAAFailedFailed
Independent National (Australia)#99FF99Independent NationalAAAAAAAA
Independent National Electoral Movement#85614DFailedFailedFailed
Independent National Party (Luxembourg)#993366FailedFailedFailed
Independent National Party (Uruguay)#00008bPNIFailedFailedFailed
Independent Nationalist#cdffabAAAAAAAAA
Independent Nationalist PartygreenFailedFailedFailed
Independent Navarrese Front#FF0002AAFailedFailed
Independent Neighborhood Initiative of Alcorcón#00923FAAFailedFailed
Independent Neighbours from Velilla#0D00AFFailedFailedFailed
Independent Network#483D8BInd. NetworkFailedFailedFailed
Independent Parliamentary Group#DDDDDDIPGInd. Parliamentary GroupAAAAAAAA
Independent Party (Costa Rica)#663267PIFailedFailedFailed
Independent Party (Denmark)#8091BCIndependentsAAFailedAA
Independent Party (Laos)#002654FailedFailedFailed
Independent Party (Thailand)#ff8c00IndependentAAAFailedAA
Independent Party (Uruguay)#500778Independent PartyFailedFailedFailed
Independent Party Ven–T#FF9933AAAFailedAAA
Independent Party for Estella#FF0011AAFailedFailed
Independent Party of Capital Mérida#D7A039AAAFailedAA
Independent Party of Ciempozuelos#357E39FailedFailedFailed
Independent Party of Connecticut#f39311IPCIndependent PartyAAAFailedAA
Independent Party of Delaware#98d8e9IPoDIndependent PartyAAAAAAAA
Independent Party of Florida#470a85IPFIndependent PartyFailedFailedFailed
Independent Party of Melilla#F19D1AAAAFailedAAA
Independent Party of Nigrán#54B8F3AAAFailedAAA
Independent Party of Oregon#f39311IPOIndependent PartyAAAFailedAA
Independent Party of Siero#B0008EFailedFailedFailed
Independent Party of the Right#008000FailedFailedFailed
Independent Patriots for Change#deaa87IPCAAAFailedAAA
Independent People's Party (Luxembourg)lightblueAAAAAAAA
Independent Platform of the North#2c9180NPSAAFailedFailed
Independent Political Labour League#CC0033Ind. Labour LeagueFailedFailedFailed
Independent Politics Netherlands#CBBB9FOPNLAAAAAAAA
Independent Popular Action#228B22APIAAFailedFailed
Independent Popular Council of Formentera#49AE53AIPFAAAFailedAA
Independent Possibilist (Spain)#B87FB8AAFailedAA
Independent ProgressiveorangeAAAFailedAAA
Independent Progressive (Spain)#F0B9D6AAAAAAAA
Independent Progressive Candidacy#EEA26EAAAFailedAAA
Independent Progressive Left of the Valencian Country#E62F4CAAFailedFailed
Independent Progressives (Torrevieja)#D2136AFailedFailedFailed
Independent Protestant (Netherlands)#009D70AAFailedAA
Independent Radical Party#727497SRSAAFailedFailed
Independent Radical Socialist Republican Party#FF007FAAFailedFailed
Independent Radicals#FFA07ARIAAAFailedAAA
Independent Ratepayers#ddddddInd. RatepayersAAAAAAAA
Independent Reform#99FF99AAAAAAAA
Independent Regional Unity#4437A2FailedFailedFailed
Independent Regionalist (Spain)#DB777BAAFailedAA
Independent Regionalist ForcegreenFailedFailedFailed
Independent Regionalist Party#D42D34RegionalistFailedFailedFailed
Independent Republican (Ireland)#d1ffb2Independent RepublicanAAAAAAAAA
Independent Republican (Spain)#A77B9CAAFailedFailed
Independent Republican (US)#CC6666Independent RepublicanAAFailedFailed
Independent Republicans#002654RIFailedFailedFailed
Independent Resident#ddddddAAAAAAAA
Independent Residents Association#ddddddInd. ResidentsAAAAAAAA
Independent Revolutionary Party#008800AAFailedFailed
Independent Royalist Party of Estonia#800a80RoyalistsFailedFailedFailed
Independent Rural Party (Sweden)#92D04FLOAAAAAAAA
Independent Segovian Alternative#5F8BB8AAFailedFailed
Independent Senate Group#B4C7D2OSFAAAAAAAA
Independent Sencelleran People#D12026FailedFailedFailed
Independent Sineueran People#FED200AAAAAAAA
Independent Smallholders, Agrarian Workers and Civic Party#36492bFKGPFailedFailedFailed
Independent Social Alliance#1FA12EASIAAFailedAA
Independent Social Democrat#D9B3FFInd. Social DemocratAAAAAAAA
Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany#C40000USPDFailedFailedFailed
Independent Social Group#006733FailedFailedFailed
Independent Social Group (Asturias)#606A77FailedFailedFailed
Independent Social Group of Avilés#E108DBAAFailedFailed
Independent Social Party of the Rincón de la Victoria Municipality#445684FailedFailedFailed
Independent SocialistredAAFailedFailed
Independent Socialist Labor Party (US)#CD3700Independent Socialist LaborFailedFailedFailed
Independent Socialist Party (Argentina)#FFC0CBPSIIndependent Socialist PartyAAAAAAAA
Independent Socialist Party (Bolivia)#F4A460AAAFailedAAA
Independent Socialist Party (Ireland)#FF3333ISPIndependent Socialist PartyAAFailedFailed
Independent Socialist Party (Luxembourg)#F8D821AAAAAAAA
Independent Socialist Party of Chad#FF8080PSITAAAFailedAA
Independent Socialist Union#E48085USIAAAFailedAA
Independent Socialists (France)#FF5E4DSIAAFailedAA
Independent Socialists of Extremadura#0BB828AAAFailedAA
Independent Solidarity#EDE16FAAAAAAAA
Independent Solution#C0C0C0AAAAAAAA
Independent Solutions for Roquetas de Mar#69D136AAAFailedAAA
Independent Sorian Alternative#C71585FailedFailedFailed
Independent Student Faction#631163FailedFailedFailed
Independent Supporters for Change#FFFF00ISCAAAAAAAAA
Independent Tudelan Group#347AADAAFailedFailed
Independent Turkey Party#FF4747BTPAAFailedAA
Independent Union (political party)#203961IUFailedFailedFailed
Independent Union and Progress of Bétera#00652DFailedFailedFailed
Independent Union of Carreño#088241FailedFailedFailed
Independent Union of Mallorca#292C73FailedFailedFailed
Independent Unionist#aadfffInd UInd. UnionistAAAAAAAA
Independent Unionist AssociationblueInd. Unionist PartyFailedFailedFailed
Independent Utreran Citizen Formation#FFB606AAAAAAAA
Independent Voters Association#E64E4ERepublican/IVAAAFailedFailed
Independent Whig#FBCEB1Ind. WhigAAAAAAAA
Independent Workers' Party#941318POIFailedFailedFailed
Independent Workers' Party (German Socialists)#CFEFEEUAPAAAAAAAA
Independent Working Class Association#0095B6Ind. Working ClassAAFailedAA
Independent Zimbabwe Group#6B3FA0IZGFailedFailedFailed
Independent and Citizen Alternative Candidacy of Sabadell#DEC939AAAAAAAA
Independent democrat (Hong Kong)#DDDDDDInd. democratAAAAAAAA
Independent members of the House of LordslightgreyIndependentAAAAAAAA
Independent politician (Robredo, 2022)#FE18A3Independent (Robredo)AAFailedFailed
Independent-Republicans (Minnesota)#E81B23Ind.-RepublicanAAFailedFailed
Independents (political party)#104E8BNEZFailedFailedFailed
Independents 4 Change#FFC0CBI4CInds. 4 ChangeAAAAAAAA
Independents Movement (Cyprus)#402666FailedFailedFailed
Independents for Canberra#4F1128IFCFailedFailedFailed
Independents for Carballo#FD7D02AAAFailedAA
Independents for Cartaya#0A396DFailedFailedFailed
Independents for Cee#08AF17AAAFailedAA
Independents for Croatia#08457EFailedFailedFailed
Independents for Cuenca#FBF104AAAAAAAAA
Independents for Extremadura#019132AAFailedFailed
Independents for Ferrol#0525B4FailedFailedFailed
Independents for Frome#000000ifFFailedFailedFailed
Independents for Huelva#053DDCFailedFailedFailed
Independents for León#800080FailedFailedFailed
Independents for Sa Pobla#16762FFailedFailedFailed
Independents for Teruel#B14173FailedFailedFailed
Independents for Vilagarcía#3BD1FAAAAAAAAA
Independents for the Municipal Progress of Osona#BE624BAAFailedFailed
Independents for the National Community#DF0101IPCNFailedFailedFailed
Independents of Aguadulce and El Parador#A04D47FailedFailedFailed
Independents of Asma Lands#6DC5EFAAAFailedAAA
Independents of Asturias#2ECCFAAAAAAAAA
Independents of Formentera Group#004D24FailedFailedFailed
Independents of Fuerteventura#AFAF39AAAFailedAA
Independents of Galicia#1DB2B9AAAFailedAA
Independents of Getxo#BF0161FailedFailedFailed
Independents of Hope#ECEEA1AAAAAAAAA
Independents of Ibiza and Formentera Federation#2A52BEFailedFailedFailed
Independents of Inca#4F71B0FailedFailedFailed
Independents of La Selva#488121FailedFailedFailed
Independents of Marratxí#002651FailedFailedFailed
Independents of Meaño#92AF53AAAFailedAA
Independents of Navarre#DB5A5AAAFailedFailed
Independents of Porriño#4A4AB5FailedFailedFailed
Independientes Portuenses#FFD403AAAAAAAA
Indhiya Jananayaga Katchi#F08080IJKAAAFailedAA
India Janshakti PartyorangeredIJPAAFailedAA
Indian Bahujan Samajwadi Party#2EFEF7IBSPAAAAAAAA
Indian Christian Secular Party#7002b0ICSPFailedFailedFailed
Indian Congress (Socialist)#00FF00IC(S)AAAAAAAA
Indian Congress (Socialist) – Sarat Chandra Sinha#000000INS(SCS)FailedFailedFailed
Indian Democratic PartysilverIDPAAAAAAAA
Indian Democratic Socialist Party#0B3B0BIDSPFailedFailedFailed
Indian Federal Democratic Party#CC3399AAFailedFailed
Indian Gandhiyan Party#54C0DBIGPAAAFailedAAA
Indian Justice PartygreyIJPAAFailedFailed
Indian Liberal Party#FF9999ILPAAAFailedAAA
Indian National Congress#19AAEDINCAAAFailedAA
Indian National Congress (Indira)#0EF4E1INC(I)AAAAAAAA
Indian National Congress (Jagjivan)#00CCFFINC(J)AAAAAAAA
Indian National Congress (Organisation)#a5f1f9INC(O)AAAAAAAA
Indian National Congress (Requisitionists)turquoiseINC(R)AAAAAAAA
Indian National Congress (Urs)#7777FFINC(U)AAFailedFailed
Indian National Democratic CongressBlueCRCFailedFailedFailed
Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance#00B7EBINDIAAAAFailedAA
Indian National Labour Party#B7A693INLPAAAFailedAA
Indian National League#006600INLFailedFailedFailed
Indian National Lok Dal#336600INLDFailedFailedFailed
Indian People's Forward BlocRedIPFBAAFailedFailed
Indian People's Front#e40017IPFFailedFailedFailed
Indian Secular Front#0204efISFFailedFailedFailed
Indian Union Muslim League#006600IUMLFailedFailedFailed
Indigenous Authorities of ColombiagreenAICOFailedFailedFailed
Indigenous Nationalist Party of Twipra#008100INPTFailedFailedFailed
Indigenous People's Front of Tripura#07892fIPFTAAFailedFailed
Indigenous and Social Alternative Movement#ED151FMAISAAFailedFailed
Indigenous-Aboriginal Party of Australia#344734FailedFailedFailed
Indonesian Christian Party#799BCBParkindoAAAFailedAA
Indonesian Christian Party 1945#0e2f25FailedFailedFailed
Indonesian Democratic Party#DB2016PDIFailedFailedFailed
Indonesian Democratic Party of Devotion#00862CPKDIFailedFailedFailed
Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle#DB2016PDI-PFailedFailedFailed
Indonesian Democratic Vanguard Party#D6000EPPDIFailedFailedFailed
Indonesian Islamic Union Party#000000PSIIFailedFailedFailed
Indonesian Justice and Unity Party#E4000EPKPFailedFailedFailed
Indonesian Marhaen People's UnionredPermaiAAFailedFailed
Indonesian Nahdlatul Community Party#1E6539PNUFailedFailedFailed
Indonesian National Party#D20000PNIFailedFailedFailed
Indonesian National Party Marhaenism#A50005PNIMFailedFailedFailed
Indonesian National Party – Marhaen Masses#F24439PNI-MMAAFailedFailed
Indonesian National Party – Marhaenist Front#FF9B73PNI-FMAAAFailedAAA
Indonesian National Populist Fortress Party#85011FPNBKFailedFailedFailed
Indonesian People's Party#AE1C28PARIFailedFailedFailed
Indonesian People's Party 1955#D2B48CPRIAAAFailedAAA
Indonesian Solidarity Party#E6212APSIAAFailedFailed
Indonesian Unity Party#9B4200FailedFailedFailed
Industrial Government Party#DD051DIndustrial GovernmentFailedFailedFailed
Industrial Government Party (US)#DD051DIndustrial GovernmentFailedFailedFailed
Industrial Labor Party (US)#996600Industrial LaborFailedFailedFailed
Industrial Party (US)#666633IndustrialFailedFailedFailed
Industry Party#808080IndustryAAFailedFailed
Industry Will Save Georgia#5E1317MGSFailedFailedFailed
Industry and Business Party#01B0CFAAAFailedAA
Initiative for Albacete#CA1B23FailedFailedFailed
Initiative for Catalonia Greens#4E9E41AAFailedAA
Initiative for El Hierro#D90626FailedFailedFailed
Initiative for La Gomera#3D8B3DAAFailedFailed
Initiative for Tafalla#8DB974AAAFailedAAA
Initiative for the Development of Soria#DE6000AAFailedFailed
Initiative for the Ribera#EB7747AAAFailedAA
Initiative of Communist and Workers' Parties#D01010INITIATIVEFailedFailedFailed
Initiative of the Republic of PolandRedIRPAAFailedFailed
Inkatha Freedom Party#FF0000IFPAAFailedFailed
Inn National Development Party#00923FAAFailedFailed
Innovation Party (Turkey)#3671B7YPFailedFailedFailed
Innovation and Unity Party#EE9E09PINUAAAFailedAAA
Innovative Action#09599BFailedFailedFailed
Institutional Democratic Party#FBEC5DPIDAAAAAAAAA
Institutional Democratic Party (Dominican Republic)#fd8204AAAFailedAA
Institutional Renewal Party of National Action#FFFF00PRIANAAAAAAAAA
Institutional Republican Party#0F4D92PRIFailedFailedFailed
Institutional Revolutionary Party#4DA663PRIAAFailedAA
Institutionalist Democratic Coalition#ADFF2FAAAAAAAA
Insular Group of Gran Canaria#0066CCFailedFailedFailed
Integration Column#A52B20FailedFailedFailed
Integration and Development Movement#05238FFailedFailedFailed
Integration with Britain Party#bfbIWBPAAAAAAAAA
Integration, Representation and New Hope#E50066AAFailedFailed
Integrist Party#804000IntegristFailedFailedFailed
Integrity Party of Aotearoa New Zealand#ffffffAAAAAAAAA
Integrity Southampton#110b0bFailedFailedFailed
Intellectual Armenia Party#4385E3AAFailedFailed
Intelligent Madrid#FDDA0CAAAAAAAA
Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization–Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity#BF0202VMRO–DPMNEFailedFailedFailed
International Communist PartyredICPAAFailedFailed
International Marxist GroupredInternational MarxistAAFailedFailed
International Marxist Group (Germany)redGIMAAFailedFailed
International Revelation Congress#5BC22FAAAFailedAA
International Socialist Alternative (Austria)#CC0033ISAFailedFailedFailed
International Workers' Union – TrotskyistsredEDE–TAAFailedFailed
Internationalist Communist League (Portugal)RedLCIAAFailedFailed
Internationalist Communist Party (Italy)#FF0000PCIntAAFailedFailed
Internationalist Socialist Workers' Party#BC021CFailedFailedFailed
Internationalist Solidarity and Self-Management#C1022CFailedFailedFailed
Internationalist Struggle#8C0C21FailedFailedFailed
Internet Party (New Zealand)#662C92InternetFailedFailedFailed
Internet Party (Spain)#FF6C00AAAFailedAA
Internet Party and Mana Movement#7F0000Internet ManaFailedFailedFailed
Internet Party of Ukraine#90CA38IPUAAAFailedAAA
Intransigent Party#D10047PIFailedFailedFailed
Intransigent Radical Civic Union#E36552AAFailedAA
Inuit Ataqatigiit#AB2328FailedFailedFailed
Inuit Party#CF181AInuitFailedFailedFailed
Ir (political party)#E34234AAFailedFailed
Iran Novin Party#0087DCIran NovinAAFailedFailed
Iranian Principlists#000000FailedFailedFailed
Iranian Reformists#1C39BBFailedFailedFailed
Iraq Alliance#F16620AAFailedAA
Iraqi Accord Front#F47C20TawafuqAAAFailedAA
Iraqi Communist Party#FF0000AAFailedFailed
Iraqi Constitutional Monarchy#006400ICMFailedFailedFailed
Iraqi Independence PartyblackFailedFailedFailed
Iraqi Islamic Party#0066CCIIPFailedFailedFailed
Iraqi National Dialogue Front#00009FINDFFailedFailedFailed
Iraqi National ListblackINLFailedFailedFailed
Iraqi National Movement#00009FINMFailedFailedFailed
Iraqi Turkmen Front#00B8FDITFAAAFailedAA
Ireland First#105751FailedFailedFailed
Irish Anti-Partition League#DDFFDDAnti-PartitionAAAAAAAAA
Irish Confederate Party#044302Irish ConfederateFailedFailedFailed
Irish Conservative Party#0087DCIrish ConservativeAAFailedFailed
Irish Democratic Party#23588CIDPIrish DemocraticFailedFailedFailed
Irish Freedom Party#006633Irish FreedomFailedFailedFailed
Irish Independence Party#32CD32Irish IndependenceAAAFailedAAA
Irish Labour Party#CC0000Irish LabourFailedFailedFailed
Irish Loyal and Patriotic Union#DDDDDDAAAAAAAA
Irish Metropolitan Conservative Society#0000FFIMCSIrish Metropolitan ConservativeFailedFailedFailed
Irish Militant LabourredMilitantAAFailedFailed
Irish Monetary Reform Association#777777IMRMonetary ReformAAFailedFailed
Irish National Federation#00FA9AAAAAAAAA
Irish National League#99FF66AAAAAAAA
Irish Parliamentary Party#99FF66IPPIrish ParliamentaryAAAAAAAA
Irish Patriot Party#008000PatriotFailedFailedFailed
Irish Republican Socialist Party#004400IRSPIrish Republican SocialistFailedFailedFailed
Irish Socialist Network#FFC0CBAAAAAAAA
Irish Socialist Republican Party#FF0000ISRPIrish Socialist RepublicanAAFailedFailed
Irish Unionist Alliance#9999FFUIrish UnionistAAAFailedAA
Irish Worker League#FF0000IWLIrish Worker LeagueAAFailedFailed
Irish Workers' League#FF3300IWLIrish Workers' LeagueAAFailedFailed
Irish Workers' Party#FF3300IWPIrish Workers' PartyAAFailedFailed
Iron Guard#2E8B57TpȚAAFailedFailed
Irun Herria#BD1C0FFailedFailedFailed
Ishin Seito Shimpu#CC3334FailedFailedFailed
Islami Andolan Bangladesh#C7EA00IABAAAAAAAA
Islami Jamhoori Ittehad#284d00IJIFailedFailedFailed
Islami Jatiya Oikya Front#54AC00IJOFAAAFailedAA
Islami Oikya Jote#6AD900IOJAAAAAAAA
Islami Tehreek Pakistan#000000ITPFailedFailedFailed
Islamic Action Front#41984FAAFailedFailed
Islamic Alliance (Egypt)#009900IAAAFailedFailed
Islamic Association of Engineers#A52A2AIAEFailedFailedFailed
Islamic Association of Iranian Medical Society#ffe5b2AIMSIAAAAAAAA
Islamic Association of Teachers of Iran#3d98b3IATIAAFailedAA
Islamic Association of University Instructors#D2691EIAUIAAFailedFailed
Islamic Centre Party#58B524ICPAAAFailedAA
Islamic Coalition Party#009900ICPAAFailedFailed
Islamic Constitutional Movement#0098F1HadasAAFailedAA
Islamic Dawa Party#009900AAFailedFailed
Islamic Dawah Organisation of Afghanistan#007F00FailedFailedFailed
Islamic Democratic Alliance#006600FailedFailedFailed
Islamic Democratic Party (Maldives)#F00AAFailedFailed
Islamic Education Movement#005825PERTIFailedFailedFailed
Islamic Front Bangladesh#8F674EIslamic FrontFailedFailedFailed
Islamic Group (Lebanon)#009900AAFailedFailed
Islamic Iran Participation Front#43438bIIPFFailedFailedFailed
Islamic Labour Party#90EE90ILPAAAAAAAA
Islamic Movement of Afghanistan#1D6D01FailedFailedFailed
Islamic Party of Britain#337263Islamic PartyFailedFailedFailed
Islamic Renaissance Movement#000099MRIFailedFailedFailed
Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan#224272Islamic RenaissanceFailedFailedFailed
Islamic Republican Party#000000IRPFailedFailedFailed
Islamic Salafi Alliance#FF7E03Salafi AllianceAAAFailedAA
Islamic Salvation Front#008000FISFailedFailedFailed
Islamic Society of AthletesGreenISAFailedFailedFailed
Islamic Society of Engineers#FDEE00JAMAAAAAAAAA
Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq#03C03CISCIAAAFailedAA
Islamic Tharikah Unity PartyPPTI
Islamic Victory ForceAKUI
Islamic Virtue Party#2929FDFadhilaFailedFailedFailed
Islamist BlocblackFailedFailedFailed
Island Alternative#132B41FailedFailedFailed
Island Independents#000000FailedFailedFailed
Islander Party of the Balearic Islands#636163FailedFailedFailed
Isle of Man Green Party#0B9444GreenAAFailedFailed
Islington Tenants and Ratepayers Political Association#964B00IT&RIslington Tenants & RatepayersFailedFailedFailed
Isola Group#0087dcAAFailedFailed
Israel Resilience Party#7D7F33AAFailedFailed
Israeli Labor Party#EE1C25LaborAAFailedFailed
Israeli Liberal Party#FFCC00LiberalAAAAAAAA
Istehkam-e-Pakistan Party#67BA27IPPAAAFailedAA
Istiqlal Party#f1a4beIstiqlalAAAFailedAAA
Istrian Democratic Assembly#0CB14BIDSAAAFailedAA
Istrian Social Democratic ForumredAAFailedFailed
Italexit (political party)#366A9FItalexitFailedFailedFailed
Italia Viva#D6418CAAFailedFailed
Italia in Comune#349655AAFailedFailed
Italia. Bene Comune#EF3E3EAAFailedFailed
Italian Animalist Party#E60C0CPAIAnimalist PartyFailedFailedFailed
Italian Associations in South America#2B346CAISAFailedFailedFailed
Italian Catholic Electoral Union#FFEF65UECIAAAAAAAAA
Italian Communist Party#C72F35PCIFailedFailedFailed
Italian Communist Party (2016)#C72F35PCIFailedFailedFailed
Italian Democratic Liberal PartyGoldPLDIAAAAAAAA
Italian Democratic Party of Monarchist Unity#536CE8PDIUMAAFailedFailed
Italian Democratic Socialist Party#FF8282PSDIAAAFailedAA
Italian Democratic Socialists#ED1B34SDIAAFailedFailed
Italian Left#EF3E3ESIAAFailedFailed
Italian Liberal Party#2975C2PLIFailedFailedFailed
Italian Liberal Party (1997)#2975C2PLILiberal PartyFailedFailedFailed
Italian Nationalist Association#00008BANIFailedFailedFailed
Italian People's Party (1919)#87CEFAPPIAAAAAAAA
Italian People's Party (1994)#87CEFAPPIAAAAAAAA
Italian Radical Party#00542ERadical PartyFailedFailedFailed
Italian Radicals#FFD700RadicalsAAAAAAAA
Italian Reformist Socialist PartyPinkPSRIReformist Socialist PartyAAAAAAAA
Italian Renewal#0039AARIFailedFailedFailed
Italian Republican Party#3CB371PRIAAAFailedAA
Italian Social Movement#000000MSIFailedFailedFailed
Italian Socialist Party#ED2855PSIAAFailedFailed
Italian Socialist Party (2007)#DC143CPSIFailedFailedFailed
Italian Socialist Party of Proletarian Unity#FF0000PSIUPAAFailedFailed
Italy in the Centre#E58321AAAFailedAA
Italy is There#277BA0LICFailedFailedFailed
Italy of Values#FFA500IdVAAAFailedAAA
Ittehad-e-Millat CouncilgreenIEMCFailedFailedFailed
Ittifaq al-Muslimin#009933AAFailedFailed
Ittihad Party#6495EDIttihadAAAFailedAA
Ivan Rybkin Bloc#DA2021FailedFailedFailed
Ivica Dačić — Prime Minister of Serbia#A60C19SPS coalitionFailedFailedFailed
Ivorian Popular Front#0066ccFPIFailedFailedFailed
Ivorian Workers' PartypurplePITFailedFailedFailed
Izquierda-Ezkerra#C80F70I–E (n)FailedFailedFailed
-- Constant data used by [[Module:Political party]]

local alternate = {
	["ICM Party (United States)"] = "ICM Party (US)",
	["ICV-EUiA"] = "Initiative for Catalonia Greens",
	["ICV–EUiA"] = "Initiative for Catalonia Greens", -- dash differences
	["Idaho Democratic Party"] = "Democratic Party (United States)",
	["Idaho Republican Party"] = "Republican Party (United States)",
	["IDS"] = "Istrian Democratic Assembly",
	["IJI"] = "Islami Jamhoori Ittehad",
	["Illinois Democratic Party"] = "Democratic Party (United States)",
	["Illinois Republican Party"] = "Republican Party (United States)",
	["INC"] = "Indian National Congress",
	["Independence-Alliance Party"] = "Independence—Alliance Party",
	["Independence Party (United States)"] = "Independence Party (US)",
	["Independence Party of Florida"] = "Independence Party (US)",
	["Independence Party of Minnesota"] = "Independence Party (US)",
	["Independence Party of New York"] = "Independence Party (US)",
	["Independent (Montana)"] = "Independent (US)",
	["Ind"] = "Independent politician",
	["Independent"] = "Independent politician",
	["independent"] = "Independent politician",
	["INDEPENDENT"] = "Independent politician",
	["Independent (politican)"] = "Independent politician",
	["Independent (politician)"] = "Independent politician",
	["Independent (politics)"] = "Independent politician",
	["Independent (United States)"] = "Independent (US)",
	["Independent American Party of Nevada"] = "Independent American Party",
	["Independent Democrat Union"] = "Independent Democratic Union",
	["Independent Democrat"] = "Independent Democratic",
	["Independent Democratic Party"] = "Independent Democratic",
	["Independent Forward Blok"] = "Independent Forward Bloc",
	["Independent Galician Party"] = "Galician Coalition",
	["Independent Green Party of Virginia"] = "Independent Greens (Virginia)",
	["Independent Greens of Virginia"] = "Independent Greens (Virginia)",
	["Independent Group (Luxembourg)"] = "National Independent Union",
	["Independent Group of Porto Cristo-S'illoters and Sympathizers"] = "Independent Group of Porto Cristo–S'illoters and Sympathisers",
	["Independent Group of Porto Cristo–S'illoters and Sympathizers"] = "Independent Group of Porto Cristo–S'illoters and Sympathisers", -- dash differences
	["Independent Labour Party (UK)"] = "Independent Labour Party",
	["Independent Left (Luxembourg)"] = "Party of Independents of the East",
	["Independent Liberal Party"] = "Independent Liberal Party (Nicaragua)",
	["Independent nationalist"] = "Independent Nationalist",
	["Independent Party (Luxembourg)"] = "National Independent Union",
	["Independent Party (United States)"] = "Independent (US)",
	["Independent Party (US)"] = "Independent (US)",
	["Independent Party of Utah"] = "Independent (US)",
	["Independent Party (Delaware)"] = "Independent Party of Delaware",
	["Independent Party (Florida)"] = "Independent Party of Florida",
	["Independent Party (Utah)"] = "Independent (US)",
	["Independent Party"] = "Independent Party (Thailand)",
	["Independent politician"] = "Neodvisni politik",
	["Independent politicians"] = "Neodvisni politiki",
	["Independent politician (Ireland)"] = "Neodvisni politik (Irska)",
	["Independent Republican (United States)"] = "Independent Republican (US)",
	["Independent Republican Party (US)"] = "Independent Republican (US)",
	["Independent Republican"] = "Independent Republican (US)",
	["Independent Residents"] = "Independent politician",
	["Independent Scottish Nationalist"] = "Scottish nationalism",
	["Independent Social Alliance Movement"] = "Independent Social Alliance",
	["Independent Social Democratic Party of the Valencian Community"] = "Social Democratic Party (Spain)",
	["Independent Socialist Labor"] = "Socialist Labor Party of America",
	["Independent Socialist Party (Bolivia, 1944)"] = "Independent Socialist Party (Bolivia)",
	["Independent Socialist Party"] = "Social Democratic Party (Spain)",
	["Independent Spanish Falange"] = "Falange Española Independiente",
	["Independent Union of Majorca"] = "Independent Union of Mallorca",
	["Independent Union"] = "Independent Union (political party)",
	["Independent unionist"] = "Independent Unionist",
	["Independent-Republican Party"] = "Independent-Republicans (Minnesota)",
	["Independent-Republicans of Minnesota"] = "Independent-Republicans (Minnesota)",
	["Independents (Luxembourg)"] = "National Independent Union",
	["Independents for Equality Movement"] = "Independents 4 Change",
	["Independents of Menorca"] = "Menorcan Union",
	["Independents"] = "Independent politicians",
	["Indhiya Jananayaka Katchi"] = "Indhiya Jananayaga Katchi",
	["Indian National Congress (Socialist)"] = "Indian Congress (Socialist)",
	["Indian National Congress (I)"] = "Indian National Congress (Indira)",
	["Indian Congress (J)"] = "Indian National Congress (Jagjivan)",
	["Indian National Congress (Organization)"] = "Indian National Congress (Organisation)",
	["Indian National Congress (O)"] = "Indian National Congress (Organisation)",
    ["Indian National Congress (R)"] = "Indian National Congress (Requisitionists)",
    ["Indian National Congress (U)"] = "Indian National Congress (Urs)",
	["Indian Peoples Front"] = "Indian People's Front",
	["Indiana Democratic Party"] = "Democratic Party (United States)",
	["Indiana Republican Party"] = "Republican Party (United States)",
	["Indigenous Nationalist Party of Tripura"] = "Indigenous Nationalist Party of Twipra",
	["Individual Freedom Party"] = "Libertarian Party (Spain)",
	["Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle"] = "Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle",
	["Indonesian Democratic Party – Struggle"] = "Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle", -- dash differences
	["Industrial Government Party (United States)"] = "Industrial Government Party (US)",
	["Industrial Labor Party (United States)"] = "Industrial Labor Party (US)",
	["Industrial Party (United States)"] = "Industrial Party (US)",
	["Initiative for Catalonia Greens - United and Alternative Left"] = "Initiative for Catalonia Greens",
	["Initiative for Catalonia Greens–United and Alternative Left"] = "Initiative for Catalonia Greens",
	["Initiative for Catalonia"] = "Initiative for Catalonia Greens",
	["Initiatives from Osaka"] = "Nippon Ishin no Kai",
	["Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization – Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity"] = "VMRO-DPMNE",
	["Internationalist Initiative–Solidarity among Peoples"] = "The Peoples Decide",
	["Internet MANA"] = "Internet Party and Mana Movement",
	["Internet Party and MANA Movement"] = "Internet Party and Mana Movement",
	["Iowa Democratic Party"] = "Democratic Party (United States)",
	["Iowa New Party"] = "Other parties",
	["Irish Labour"] = "Labour Party (Ireland)",
	["Irish Liberal Party"] = "Liberal Party (UK)",
	["Irish Repeal"] = "Repeal Association",
	["Irish Republican"] = "Republican (Ireland)",
	["Irish Unionist Party"] = "Irish Unionist Alliance",
	["Irish Unionist"] = "Irish Unionist Alliance",
	["Islamic Group of Kurdistan"] = "Kurdistan Islamic Group",
	["Island Alternative (Spain)"] = "Island Alternative",
	["Italian People's Party (1994-2002)"] = "Italian People's Party (1994)",
	["Italian People's Party (1994–2002)"] = "Italian People's Party (1994)", -- dash differences
	["Italian Reform Socialist Party"] = "Italian Reformist Socialist Party",
	["Italy in Common"] = "Italia in Comune",
	["Italy. Common Good"] = "Italia. Bene Comune",
	["Ivica Dačić – Prime Minister of Serbia"] = "Ivica Dačić — Prime Minister of Serbia",

local full = {
	["I Don't Pay Movement"] = {abbrev = "KDP", color = "darksalmon", shortname = "",},
	["I Have Honor Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D9222A", shortname = "",},
	["I live for Serbia"] = {abbrev = "ŽZS", color = "#2A2E83", shortname = "",},
	["I Noble (Independent)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFFFF", shortname = "",},
	["I the South"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0A5C8A", shortname = "",},
	["Ia Ora te Nuna'a"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FBD101", shortname = "",},
	["Iauko Group"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6796B2", shortname = "Iauko",},
	["Iberian Natural Action"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0A6430", shortname = "",},
	["Iberian Union"] = {abbrev = "UNIB", color = "#FF9A31", shortname = "",},
	["ICCSian Liberal"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#23238E", shortname = "",},
	["Iceland Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000CC", shortname = "",},
	["Icelandic Movement – Living Country"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4682B4", shortname = "",},
	["Icelandic National Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3b64a6", shortname = "",},
	["Icelandic Socialist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EF4839", shortname = "",},
	["ICM Party (US)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF4500", shortname = "",},
	["ICT Energy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F9882A", shortname = "",},
	["Ideal Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009900", shortname = "",},
	["Idenpedent Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ff8c00", shortname = "",},
	["Identity and Action"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0045AA", shortname = "",},
	["Identity and Democracy"] = {abbrev = "ID", color = "#0E408A", shortname = "",},
	["Identity and Democracy Party"] = {abbrev = "ID", color = "#0E408A", shortname = "",},
	["Identity Ireland"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1A1A68", shortname = "",},
	["Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000FF", shortname = "",},
	["Idle Toad"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC143C", shortname = "",},
	["If You Want It, Chile Changes"] = {abbrev = "", color = "lightblue", shortname = "",},
	["Ifiye"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#f29222", shortname = "",},
	["Ikkjutt Jammu"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F4C430", shortname = "",},
	["Ikune"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#88868B", shortname = "",},
	["Ilia Chavchavadze Society"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFB900", shortname = "Chavchavadze Society",},
	["Ilicitans for Elche"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4A913C", shortname = "",},
	["Illankai Tamil Arasu Kachchi"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
	["Imagina Burgos"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ADBF2D", shortname = "",},
	["Imbokodvo National Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "purple", shortname = "",},
	["Immigration Control Platform"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A52A2A", shortname = "Immigration Control",},
	["Imperial British Conservative Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00008B", shortname = "Imperial British Conservative",},
	["Imperial Liberal Party"] = {abbrev = "LRP", color = "#F7B600", shortname = "",},
	["Imperial Party (UK)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "purple", shortname = "Imperial",},
	["Imperial Rule Assistance Association"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CE2029", shortname = "Taisei Yokusankai",},
	["Imperium Europa"] = {abbrev = "", color = "black", shortname = "",},
	["Impulsa Ciudad"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2EB7B0", shortname = "",},
	["Impulsa Getafe"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7EBD28", shortname = "",},
	["IMRO – Bulgarian National Movement"] = {abbrev = "IMRO–BNM", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["In Black and White (Montenegro)"] = {abbrev = "CnB", color = "#812991", shortname = "",},
	["In Struggle"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E63C2C", shortname = "",},
	["Inclusive Alliance Platform – Terra Ranka"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DF0A0E", shortname = "PAI–Terra Ranka",},
	["Independence—Alliance Party"] = {abbrev = "IAP", color = "#FFC14E", shortname = "Independence—Alliance",},
	["Independence Movement (Lebanon)"] = {abbrev = "IM", color = "#D92025", shortname = "",},
	["Independence for Scotland Party"] = {abbrev = "ISP", color = "#2980B9", shortname = "",},
	["Independence from Europe"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#800080", shortname = "",},
	["Independence Party of the Czech Republic"] = {abbrev = "SNČR", color = "#EE3135", shortname = "",},
	["Independence Party - Langsum"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0085FF", shortname = "Langsum",},
	["Independence Party - Þversum"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3399FF", shortname = "",},
	["Independence Party (Alaska)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFC14E", shortname = "",},
	["Independence Party (Finland)"] = {abbrev = "IPU", color = "#017BC4", shortname = "Independence Party",},
	["Independence Party (Florida)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFC14E", shortname = "Independence",},
	["Independence Party (Hungary)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#40826D", shortname = "Independence",},
	["Independence Party (Iceland, historical)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0099FF", shortname = "Independence",},
	["Independence Party (Iceland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00ADEF", shortname = "Independence",},
	["Independence Party (Minnesota)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFC14E", shortname = "Independence",},
	["Independence Party (New York)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFC14E", shortname = "Independence",},
	["Independence Party (Puerto Rico)"] = {abbrev = "PIP", color = "#009C4D", shortname = "Independence",},
	["Independence Party (US)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFC14E", shortname = "Independence",},
	["Independence (Israeli political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#013068", shortname = "Independence",},
	["Independence (Italian political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#14506E", shortname = "Independence",},
	["Independence (legislative bloc)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#255FCF", shortname = "Independence",},
	["Independence/Democracy"] = {abbrev = "IND/DEM", color = "#F7AF20", shortname = "",},
	["Independent (Delaware)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDDDBB", shortname = "",},
	["Independent (India)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DB7099", shortname = "",},
	["Independent (US)"] = {abbrev = "I", color = "#DDDDBB", shortname = "Independent",},
	["Independent (Vietnam)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF6666", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Agrarian (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8FBC8F", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Agrarian Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DAFF61", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Alliance (Ireland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CCCCFF", shortname = "Independent Alliance",},
	["Independent Alliance (Kent)"] = {abbrev = "IAK", color = "#7B9B5C", shortname = "Ind. Alliance",},
	["Independent Alliance for Reform"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E50A81", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Alternative for Italians Abroad"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFF100", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Alternative for Zas"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A3D6E4", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Alternative of Galicia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Alternative–Progressives"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#339966", shortname = "",},
	["Independent American Party"] = {abbrev = "IAP", color = "#c49334", shortname = "Independent American",},
	["Independent and Citizen Alternative Candidacy of Sabadell"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DEC939", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Aragonese Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F4B74D", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Autonomists"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EBECF0", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Bloc (Bosnia and Herzegovina)"] = {abbrev = "NB", color = "#4089B6", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Belemite Party"] = {abbrev = "PIB", color = "#e76100", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Bosnian-Herzegovinian List"] = {abbrev = "NBL", color = "#00C000", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Britwellian Residents"] = {abbrev = "", color = "pink", shortname = "Britwellian",},
	["Independent Candidacy (Castile and León)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC2B54", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Candidacy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#AAAAAA", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Canterbury Nationalist"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E6E6FA", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Carlist"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A3B5F1", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Catalan Nationalist"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFF895", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Catholic (Netherlands)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#032900", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Catholic (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7B97B0", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Centre of the Canaries"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#239CA4", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Citizens Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#67FFFF", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Citizens of Sanlúcar"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7EC55D", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Civic Organisation of South Africa"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#999999", shortname = "Independent Civic Organisation",},
	["Independent Community & Health Concern"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3C474F", shortname = "Independent Health Concern",},
	["Independent Communist"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D50000", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Conservative"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDEEFF", shortname = "Ind. Conservative",},
	["Independent Conservative (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#77B1D4", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Coordinator"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#094C12", shortname = "",},
	["Independent democrat (Hong Kong)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDDDDD", shortname = "Ind. democrat",},
	["Independent Democratic Action"] = {abbrev = "ADI", color = "#ffeb00", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Democratic Alternative of Ibi"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008366", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Democratic Candidacy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EEEE6E", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Democratic Centre"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FBB126", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Democratic Conference"] = {abbrev = "IDC", color = "", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Democratic Party (US)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6699CC", shortname = "Independent Democratic",},
	["Independent Democratic Party (Yugoslavia)"] = {abbrev = "SDS", color = "#FCF342", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Democratic Pole"] = {abbrev = "", color = "yellow", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Democratic Serb Party"] = {abbrev = "SDSS", color = "#2D3C8C", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Democratic Party of Serbia"] = {abbrev = "S DSS", color = "#545AA7", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Democratic Union (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2295B3", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Democratic Union of Chad"] = {abbrev = "UDIT", color = "#4682B4", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Democratic Union"] = {abbrev = "UDI", color = "#29398A", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Democratic"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6699CC", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Democrats (Czech Republic)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "darkgreen", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Democrats"] = {abbrev = "ID", color = "#ef8321", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Ecijan Socialist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3E4E72", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Ecological Alliance"] = {abbrev = "AEI", color = "#a7c325", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Ecological Movement"] = {abbrev = "MEI", color = "#6EBE43", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Ecology"] = {abbrev = "", color = "PaleGreen", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Effectiveness"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B5955D", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Farmers"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#66FF99", shortname = "Ind. Farmers",},
	["Independent Farnham Residents"] = {abbrev = "", color = "pink", shortname = "Ind. Farnham Res.",},
	["Independent Federalist Confederation"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Fianna Fáil"] = {abbrev = "IFF", color = "#7FFF00", shortname = "Independent Fianna Fáil",},
	["Independent Forward Bloc"] = {abbrev = "", color = "yellow", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Genilensan Unity"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F0B732", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Greeks"] = {abbrev = "ANEL", color = "#38A3E7", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Green Ecologists of the Balearics"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#07824A", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Green Voice"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008080", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Green"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ccffcc", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Greens (Denmark)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E8CCC7", shortname = "Independent Greens",},
	["Independent Greens (Virginia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0BDA51", shortname = "Independent Greens",},
	["Independent Group for Almería"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0043A1", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Group for the Municipal Autonomy of Torrenueva"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#759F91", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Group for Villarrobledo"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#005246", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Group of Benalmádena"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EB7711", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Group of Cendea de Cizur"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFDA1B", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Group of Cercedilla"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0E8535", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Group of Estella"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6E9BBC", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Group of Huarte"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F20114", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Group of Porto Cristo–S'illoters and Sympathisers"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#128EA9", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Group of Porto Cristo"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0141AD", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Group of Santa Úrsula"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#873597", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Group of Torrejón"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FCD91D", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Group of Zizur Mayor"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6495ED", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Group Pro-City Council of El Palmar de Troya"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#04BC0C", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Grouping for Reflection"] = {abbrev = "GIR", color = "#005CAB", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Guanacaste Party"] = {abbrev = "PGI", color = "#2e9eff", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Health Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B0C4DE", shortname = "Ind. Health Alliance",},
	["Independent Hungarian Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "FMDP", color = "#50C878", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Herrenian Group"] = {abbrev = "AHI", color = "#29AA4D", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Initiative (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#212084", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Initiative"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2517AB", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Ireland"] = {abbrev = "II", color = "#3BEE56", shortname = "Independent Ireland",},
	["Independent Irish Labour"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFE8E8", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Irish Nationalist"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#99FF66", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Irish Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDFFDD", shortname = "Independent Irish",},
	["Independent Kidderminster Hospital and Health Concern"] = {abbrev = "", color = "hotpink", shortname = "Health Concern",},
	["Independent Labor (Australia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F00012", shortname = "Independent Labor",},
	["Independent Labour Group"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFE8E8", shortname = "Ind. Labour Group",},
	["Independent Labour Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B22222", shortname = "Ind. Labour Party",},
	["Independent Labour"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFBBBB", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Langley Residents"] = {abbrev = "", color = "pink", shortname = "Ind. Langley Res.",},
	["Independent Left (Ireland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF3300", shortname = "Independent Left",},
	["Independent Left (Italy)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CE2029", shortname = "Independent Left",},
	["Independent Left of Castellón"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#528063", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Left–Initiative for San Sebastián de los Reyes"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#18742A", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Liberal"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFFAA", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Liberal (Philippines)"] = {abbrev = "LP (Ind.)", color = "#f7f2c1", shortname = "Liberal (ind.)",},
	["Independent Nacionalista"] = {abbrev = "NP (Ind.)", color = "#d2fdd2", shortname = "Nacionalista (ind.)",},
	["Independent Liberal (Australia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1C0DAB", shortname = "Independent Liberal",},
	["Independent Liberal (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B0D18B", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Liberal Democrat"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFEEAA", shortname = "Ind. Lib Dem",},
	["Independent Liberal Group of Villaviciosa"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#40C052", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Liberal-Labour"] = {abbrev = "Ind. Lib-Lab", color = "#FED8B1", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Liberal Party (Chile)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "orange", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Liberal Party (Kosovo)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFD700", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Liberal Party (Nicaragua)"] = {abbrev = "PLI", color = "#FF69B4", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Liberal Party (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#029138", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Liberal Party (Trinidad and Tobago)"] = {abbrev = "ILP", color = "#006F45", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Liberal Unionist"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2061FF", shortname = "Ind. Liberal Unionist",},
	["Independent Liberals (Israel)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFD700", shortname = "Independent Liberals",},
	["Independent Lugo Forum"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#028C64", shortname = "",},
	["Independent members of the House of Lords"] = {abbrev = "", color = "lightgrey", shortname = "Independent",},
	["Independent Moralizing Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F08080", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Motrilenian Democratic Group"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1BE4FF", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Movement for Justice and Dignity"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B0C236", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Movement of Absolute Renovation"] = {abbrev = "MIRA", color = "#0033a0", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Movement of Justice and Dignity"] = {abbrev = "MIJD", color = "#AEC306", shortname = "",},
	["Independent National"] = {abbrev = "", color = "grey", shortname = "",},
	["Independent National (Australia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#99FF99", shortname = "Independent National",},
	["Independent National Electoral Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#85614D", shortname = "",},
	["Independent National Party (Luxembourg)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#993366", shortname = "",},
	["Independent National Party (Uruguay)"] = {abbrev = "PNI", color = "#00008b", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Nationalist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Nationalist"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#cdffab", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Navarrese Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0002", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Neighborhood Initiative of Alcorcón"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00923F", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Neighbours from Velilla"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0D00AF", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Network"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#483D8B", shortname = "Ind. Network",},
	["Independent Parliamentary Group"] = {abbrev = "IPG", color = "#DDDDDD", shortname = "Ind. Parliamentary Group",},
	["Independent Party (Costa Rica)"] = {abbrev = "PI", color = "#663267", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Party (Denmark)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8091BC", shortname = "Independents",},
	["Independent Party (Laos)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#002654", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Party (Thailand)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ff8c00", shortname = "Independent",},
	["Independent Party (Uruguay)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#500778", shortname = "Independent Party",},
	["Independent Party for Estella"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0011", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Party of Capital Mérida"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D7A039", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Party of Ciempozuelos"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#357E39", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Party of Connecticut"] = {abbrev = "IPC", color = "#f39311", shortname = "Independent Party",},
	["Independent Party of Delaware"] = {abbrev = "IPoD", color = "#98d8e9", shortname = "Independent Party",},
	["Independent Party of Florida"] = {abbrev = "IPF", color = "#470a85", shortname = "Independent Party",},
	["Independent Party of Melilla"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F19D1A", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Party of Nigrán"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#54B8F3", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Party of Oregon"] = {abbrev = "IPO", color = "#f39311", shortname = "Independent Party",},
	["Independent Party of Siero"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B0008E", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Party of the Right"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Party Ven–T"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF9933", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Patriots for Change"] = {abbrev = "IPC", color = "#deaa87", shortname = "",},
	["Independent People's Party (Luxembourg)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "lightblue", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Platform of the North"] = {abbrev = "NPS", color = "#2c9180", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Political Labour League"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC0033", shortname = "Ind. Labour League",},
	["Independent Politics Netherlands"] = {abbrev = "OPNL", color = "#CBBB9F", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Popular Action"] = {abbrev = "API", color = "#228B22", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Popular Council of Formentera"] = {abbrev = "AIPF", color = "#49AE53", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Possibilist (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B87FB8", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Progressive (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F0B9D6", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Progressive Candidacy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EEA26E", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Progressive Left of the Valencian Country"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E62F4C", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Progressive"] = {abbrev = "", color = "orange", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Progressives (Torrevieja)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D2136A", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Protestant (Netherlands)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009D70", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Radical Party"] = {abbrev = "SRS", color = "#727497", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Radical Socialist Republican Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF007F", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Radicals"] = {abbrev = "RI", color = "#FFA07A", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Ratepayers"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#dddddd", shortname = "Ind. Ratepayers",},
	["Independent Reform"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#99FF99", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Regional Unity"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4437A2", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Regionalist (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DB777B", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Regionalist Force"] = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Regionalist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D42D34", shortname = "Regionalist",},
	["Independent Republican (Ireland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#d1ffb2", shortname = "Independent Republican",},
	["Independent Republican (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A77B9C", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Republican (US)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC6666", shortname = "Independent Republican",},
	["Independent Republicans"] = {abbrev = "RI", color = "#002654", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Resident"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#dddddd", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Residents Association"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#dddddd", shortname = "Ind. Residents",},
	["Independent Revolutionary Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008800", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Royalist Party of Estonia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#800a80", shortname = "Royalists",},
	["Independent Rural Party (Sweden)"] = {abbrev = "LO", color = "#92D04F", shortname = "",},
    ["Independent politician (Robredo, 2022)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FE18A3", shortname = "Independent (Robredo)",},
	["Independent Segovian Alternative"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5F8BB8", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Senate Group"] = {abbrev = "OSF", color = "#B4C7D2", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Sencelleran People"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D12026", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Sineueran People"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FED200", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Smallholders, Agrarian Workers and Civic Party"] = {abbrev = "FKGP", color = "#36492b", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Social Alliance"] = {abbrev = "ASI", color = "#1FA12E", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Social Democrat"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D9B3FF", shortname = "Ind. Social Democrat",},
	["Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany"] = {abbrev = "USPD", color = "#C40000", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Social Group (Asturias)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#606A77", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Social Group of Avilés"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E108DB", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Social Group"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#006733", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Social Party of the Rincón de la Victoria Municipality"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#445684", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Socialist Labor Party (US)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CD3700", shortname = "Independent Socialist Labor",},
	["Independent Socialist Party (Argentina)"] = {abbrev = "PSI", color = "#FFC0CB", shortname = "Independent Socialist Party",},
	["Independent Socialist Party (Bolivia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F4A460", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Socialist Party (Ireland)"] = {abbrev = "ISP", color = "#FF3333", shortname = "Independent Socialist Party",},
	["Independent Socialist Party (Luxembourg)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F8D821", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Socialist Party of Chad"] = {abbrev = "PSIT", color = "#FF8080", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Socialist Union"] = {abbrev = "USI", color = "#E48085", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Socialist"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Socialists (France)"] = {abbrev = "SI", color = "#FF5E4D", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Socialists of Extremadura"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0BB828", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Solidarity"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EDE16F", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Solution"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C0C0C0", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Solutions for Roquetas de Mar"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#69D136", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Sorian Alternative"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C71585", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Student Faction"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#631163", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Supporters for Change"] = {abbrev = "ISC", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Tudelan Group"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#347AAD", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Turkey Party"] = {abbrev = "BTP", color = "#FF4747", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Union (political party)"] = {abbrev = "IU", color = "#203961", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Union and Progress of Bétera"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00652D", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Union of Carreño"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#088241", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Union of Mallorca"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#292C73", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Unionist Association"] = {abbrev = "", color = "blue", shortname = "Ind. Unionist Party",},
	["Independent Unionist"] = {abbrev = "Ind U", color = "#aadfff", shortname = "Ind. Unionist",},
	["Independent Utreran Citizen Formation"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFB606", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Voters Association"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E64E4E", shortname = "Republican/IVA",},
	["Independent Whig"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FBCEB1", shortname = "Ind. Whig",},
	["Independent Workers' Party"] = {abbrev = "POI", color = "#941318", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Workers' Party (German Socialists)"] = {abbrev = "UAP", color = "#CFEFEE", shortname = "",},
	["Independent Working Class Association"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0095B6", shortname = "Ind. Working Class",},
	["Independent Zimbabwe Group"] = {abbrev = "IZG", color = "#6B3FA0", shortname = "",},
	["Independent-Republicans (Minnesota)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E81B23", shortname = "Ind.-Republican",},
	["Independents"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DCDCDC", shortname = "Independents", link = "Independent politician",},
	["Independents (political party)"] = {abbrev = "NEZ", color = "#104E8B", shortname = "",},
	["Independents 4 Change"] = {abbrev = "I4C", color = "#FFC0CB", shortname = "Inds. 4 Change",},
	["Independents for Canberra"] = {abbrev = "IFC", color = "#4F1128", shortname = "",},
	["Independents for Carballo"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FD7D02", shortname = "",},
	["Independents for Cartaya"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0A396D", shortname = "",},
	["Independents for Cee"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#08AF17", shortname = "",},
	["Independents for Croatia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#08457E", shortname = "",},
	["Independents for Cuenca"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FBF104", shortname = "",},
	["Independents for Extremadura"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#019132", shortname = "",},
	["Independents for Ferrol"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0525B4", shortname = "",},
	["Independents for Frome"] = {abbrev = "ifF", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["Independents for Huelva"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#053DDC", shortname = "",},
	["Independents for León"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#800080", shortname = "",},
	["Independents for Sa Pobla"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#16762F", shortname = "",},
	["Independents for Teruel"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B14173", shortname = "",},
	["Independents for the National Community"] = {abbrev = "IPCN", color = "#DF0101", shortname = "",},
	["Independents for the Municipal Progress of Osona"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BE624B", shortname = "",},
	["Independents for Vilagarcía"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3BD1FA", shortname = "",},
	["Independents Movement (Cyprus)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#402666", shortname = "",},
	["Independents of Aguadulce and El Parador"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A04D47", shortname = "",},
	["Independents of Asma Lands"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6DC5EF", shortname = "",},
	["Independents of Asturias"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2ECCFA", shortname = "",},
	["Independents of Formentera Group"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#004D24", shortname = "",},
	["Independents of Fuerteventura"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#AFAF39", shortname = "",},
	["Independents of Galicia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1DB2B9", shortname = "",},
	["Independents of Getxo"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BF0161", shortname = "",},
	["Independents of Hope"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ECEEA1", shortname = "",},
	["Independents of Ibiza and Formentera Federation"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2A52BE", shortname = "",},
	["Independents of Inca"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4F71B0", shortname = "",},
	["Independents of La Selva"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#488121", shortname = "",},
	["Independents of Marratxí"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#002651", shortname = "",},
	["Independents of Meaño"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#92AF53", shortname = "",},
	["Independents of Navarre"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DB5A5A", shortname = "",},
	["Independents of Porriño"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4A4AB5", shortname = "",},
	["Independientes Portuenses"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFD403", shortname = "",},
	["Indhiya Jananayaga Katchi"] = {abbrev = "IJK", color = "#F08080", shortname = "",},
	["India Janshakti Party"] = {abbrev = "IJP", color = "orangered", shortname = "",},
	["Indian Bahujan Samajwadi Party"] = {abbrev = "IBSP", color = "#2EFEF7", shortname = "",},
	["Indian Christian Secular Party"] = {abbrev = "ICSP", color = "#7002b0", shortname = "",},
	["Indian Congress (Socialist) – Sarat Chandra Sinha"] = {abbrev = "INS(SCS)", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["Indian Congress (Socialist)"] = {abbrev = "IC(S)", color = "#00FF00", shortname = "",},
	["Indian Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "IDP", color = "silver", shortname = "",},
	["Indian Democratic Socialist Party"] = {abbrev = "IDSP", color = "#0B3B0B", shortname = "",},
	["Indian Federal Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC3399", shortname = "",},
	["Indian Gandhiyan Party"] = {abbrev = "IGP", color = "#54C0DB", shortname = "",},
	["Indian Justice Party"] = {abbrev = "IJP", color = "grey", shortname = "",},
	["Indian Liberal Party"] = {abbrev = "ILP", color = "#FF9999", shortname = "",},
	["Indian National Congress"] = {abbrev = "INC", color = "#19AAED", shortname = "",},
	["Indian National Congress (Indira)"] = {abbrev = "INC(I)", color = "#0EF4E1", shortname = "",},
	["Indian National Congress (Jagjivan)"] = {abbrev = "INC(J)", color = "#00CCFF", shortname = "",},
	["Indian National Congress (Organisation)"] = {abbrev = "INC(O)", color = "#a5f1f9", shortname = "",},
	["Indian National Congress (Requisitionists)"] = {abbrev = "INC(R)", color = "turquoise", shortname = "",},
	["Indian National Congress (Urs)"] = {abbrev = "INC(U)", color = "#7777FF", shortname = "",},
	["Indian National Democratic Congress"] = {abbrev = "CRC", color = "Blue", shortname = "",},
	["Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance"] = {abbrev = "INDIA", color = "#00B7EB", shortname = "",},
	["Indian National Labour Party"] = {abbrev = "INLP", color = "#B7A693", shortname = "",},
	["Indian National League"] = {abbrev = "INL", color = "#006600", shortname = "",},
	["Indian National Lok Dal"] = {abbrev = "INLD", color = "#336600", shortname = "",},
	["Indian Peace Party"] = {abbrev = "IPP", color = "#CECEF6", shortname = "",},
	["Indian People's Forward Bloc"] = {abbrev = "IPFB", color = "Red", shortname = "",},
	["Indian People's Front"] = {abbrev = "IPF", color = "#e40017", shortname = "",},
	["Indian Secular Front"] = {abbrev = "ISF", color = "#0204ef", shortname = "",},
	["Indian Union Muslim League"] = {abbrev = "IUML", color = "#006600", shortname = "",},
	["Indigenous and Social Alternative Movement"] = {abbrev = "MAIS", color = "#ED151F", shortname = "",},
	["Indigenous Authorities of Colombia"] = {abbrev = "AICO", color = "green", shortname = "",},
	["Indigenous Nationalist Party of Twipra"] = {abbrev = "INPT", color = "#008100", shortname = "",},
	["Indigenous People's Front of Tripura"] = {abbrev = "IPFT", color = "#07892f", shortname = "",},
	["Indigenous-Aboriginal Party of Australia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#344734", shortname = "",},
	["Indonesian Christian Party 1945"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0e2f25", shortname = "",},
	["Indonesian Christian Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#799BCB", shortname = "Parkindo",},
	["Indonesian Democratic Party of Devotion"] = {abbrev = "PKDI", color = "#00862C", shortname = "",},
	["Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle"] = {abbrev = "PDI-P", color = "#DB2016", shortname = "",},
	["Indonesian Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "PDI", color = "#DB2016", shortname = "",},
	["Indonesian Democratic Vanguard Party"] = {abbrev = "PPDI", color = "#D6000E", shortname = "",},
	["Indonesian Islamic Union Party"] = {abbrev = "PSII", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["Indonesian Justice and Unity Party"] = {abbrev = "PKP", color = "#E4000E", shortname = "",},
	["Indonesian Marhaen People's Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "Permai",},
	["Indonesian Nahdlatul Community Party"] = {abbrev = "PNU", color = "#1E6539", shortname = "",},
	["Indonesian National Party – Marhaen Masses"] = {abbrev = "PNI-MM", color = "#F24439", shortname = "",},
	["Indonesian National Party Marhaenism"] = {abbrev = "PNIM", color = "#A50005", shortname = "",},
	["Indonesian National Party – Marhaenist Front"] = {abbrev = "PNI-FM", color = "#FF9B73", shortname = "",},
	["Indonesian National Party"] = {abbrev = "PNI", color = "#D20000", shortname = "",},
	["Indonesian National Populist Fortress Party"] = {abbrev = "PNBK", color = "#85011F", shortname = "",},
	["Indonesian People's Party"] = {abbrev = "PARI", color = "#AE1C28", shortname = "",},
	["Indonesian People's Party 1955"] = {abbrev = "PRI", color = "#D2B48C", shortname = "",},
	["Indonesian Solidarity Party"] = {abbrev = "PSI", color = "#E6212A", shortname = "",},
	["Indonesian Unity Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9B4200", shortname = "",},
	["Industrial Government Party (US)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DD051D", shortname = "Industrial Government",},
	["Industrial Government Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DD051D", shortname = "Industrial Government",},
	["Industrial Labor Party (US)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#996600", shortname = "Industrial Labor",},
	["Industrial Party (US)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#666633", shortname = "Industrial",},
	["Industry and Business Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#01B0CF", shortname = "",},
	["Industry Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#808080", shortname = "Industry",},
	["Industry Will Save Georgia"] = {abbrev = "MGS", color = "#5E1317", shortname = "",},
	["IniciativaVerds"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A8A82B", shortname = "",},
	["Inite"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#228B22", shortname = "",},
	["Initiative for Albacete"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CA1B23", shortname = "",},
	["Initiative for Catalonia Greens"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4E9E41", shortname = "",},
	["Initiative for El Hierro"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D90626", shortname = "",},
	["Initiative for La Gomera"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3D8B3D", shortname = "",},
	["Initiative for Tafalla"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8DB974", shortname = "",},
	["Initiative for the Development of Soria"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DE6000", shortname = "",},
	["Initiative for the Ribera"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EB7747", shortname = "",},
	["Initiative of Communist and Workers' Parties"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D01010", shortname = "INITIATIVE",},
	["Initiative of the Republic of Poland"] = {abbrev = "IRP", color = "Red", shortname = "",},
	["Inkatha Freedom Party"] = {abbrev = "IFP", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
	["Inn National Development Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00923F", shortname = "",},
	["Innovation and Unity Party"] = {abbrev = "PINU", color = "#EE9E09", shortname = "",},
	["Innovative Action"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#09599B", shortname = "",},
	["Innovation Party (Turkey)"] = {abbrev = "YP", color = "#3671B7", shortname = "",},
	["Institutional Democratic Party (Dominican Republic)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#fd8204", shortname = "",},
	["Institutional Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "PID", color = "#FBEC5D", shortname = "",},
	["Institutional Renewal Party of National Action"] = {abbrev = "PRIAN", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
	["Institutional Republican Party"] = {abbrev = "PRI", color = "#0F4D92", shortname = "",},
	["Institutional Revolutionary Party"] = {abbrev = "PRI", color = "#4DA663", shortname = "",},
	["Institutionalist Democratic Coalition"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ADFF2F", shortname = "",},
	["Insular Group of Gran Canaria"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0066CC", shortname = "",},
	["Integration and Development Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#05238F", shortname = "",},
	["Integration Column"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A52B20", shortname = "",},
	["Integration with Britain Party"] = {abbrev = "IWBP", color = "#bfb", shortname = "",},
	["Integration, Representation and New Hope"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E50066", shortname = "",},
	["Integrist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#804000", shortname = "Integrist",},
	["Integrity Party of Aotearoa New Zealand"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ffffff", shortname = "",},
	["Integrity Southampton"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#110b0b", shortname = "",},
	["Intellectual Armenia Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4385E3", shortname = "",},
	["Intelligent Madrid"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FDDA0C", shortname = "",},
	["Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization–Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity"] = {abbrev = "VMRO–DPMNE", color = "#BF0202", shortname = "",},
	["Internationalist Communist League (Portugal)"] = {abbrev = "LCI", color = "Red", shortname = "",},
	["International Communist Party"] = {abbrev = "ICP", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["International Marxist Group"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "International Marxist",},
	["International Marxist Group (Germany)"] = {abbrev = "GIM", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["International Revelation Congress"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5BC22F", shortname = "",},
	["International Socialist Alternative (Austria)"] = {abbrev = "ISA", color = "#CC0033", shortname = "",},
	["International Workers' Union – Trotskyists"] = {abbrev = "EDE–T", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["Internationalist Communist Party (Italy)"] = {abbrev = "PCInt", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
	["Internationalist Socialist Workers' Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BC021C", shortname = "",},
	["Internationalist Solidarity and Self-Management"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C1022C", shortname = "",},
	["Internationalist Struggle"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8C0C21", shortname = "",},
	["Internet Party (New Zealand)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#662C92", shortname = "Internet",},
	["Internet Party (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF6C00", shortname = "",},
	["Internet Party and Mana Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7F0000", shortname = "Internet Mana",},
	["Internet Party of Ukraine"] = {abbrev = "IPU", color = "#90CA38", shortname = "",},
	["Intransigent Party"] = {abbrev = "PI", color = "#D10047", shortname = "",},
	["Intransigent Radical Civic Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E36552", shortname = "",},
	["Inuit Ataqatigiit"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#AB2328", shortname = "",},
	["Inuit Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CF181A", shortname = "Inuit",},
	["Inzar"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#337B6D", shortname = "",},
	["Ir (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E34234", shortname = "",},
	["Irabazi"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00B9F1", shortname = "",},
	["Iran Novin Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0087DC", shortname = "Iran Novin",},
	["Iran Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFFFF", shortname = "",},
	["Iranian Principlists"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["Iranian Reformists"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1C39BB", shortname = "",},
	["Iraq Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F16620", shortname = "",},
	["Iraqi Accord Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F47C20", shortname = "Tawafuq",},
	["Iraqi Communist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
	["Iraqi Constitutional Monarchy"] = {abbrev = "ICM", color = "#006400", shortname = "",},
	["Iraqi Independence Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "black", shortname = "",},
	["Iraqi Islamic Party"] = {abbrev = "IIP", color = "#0066CC", shortname = "",},
	["Iraqi National Dialogue Front"] = {abbrev = "INDF", color = "#00009F", shortname = "",},
	["Iraqi National List"] = {abbrev = "INL", color = "black", shortname = "",},
	["Iraqi National Movement"] = {abbrev = "INM", color = "#00009F", shortname = "",},
	["Iraqi Turkmen Front"] = {abbrev = "ITF", color = "#00B8FD", shortname = "",},
	["Iratzarri"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F93038", shortname = "",},
	["Ireland First"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#105751", shortname = "",},
	["Irish Anti-Partition League"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDFFDD", shortname = "Anti-Partition",},
	["Irish Confederate Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#044302", shortname = "Irish Confederate",},
	["Irish Conservative Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0087DC", shortname = "Irish Conservative",},
	["Irish Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "IDP", color = "#23588C", shortname = "Irish Democratic",},
	["Irish Freedom Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#006633", shortname = "Irish Freedom",},
	["Irish Independence Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#32CD32", shortname = "Irish Independence",},
    ["Irish Labour Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC0000", shortname = "Irish Labour",},
	["Irish Loyal and Patriotic Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDDDDD", shortname = "",},
	["Irish Metropolitan Conservative Society"] = {abbrev = "IMCS", color = "#0000FF", shortname = "Irish Metropolitan Conservative",},
	["Irish Militant Labour"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "Militant",},
	["Irish Monetary Reform Association"] = {abbrev = "IMR", color = "#777777", shortname = "Monetary Reform",},
	["Irish National Federation"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00FA9A", shortname = "",},
	["Irish National League"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#99FF66", shortname = "",},
	["Irish Parliamentary Party"] = {abbrev = "IPP", color = "#99FF66", shortname = "Irish Parliamentary",},
	["Irish Patriot Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008000", shortname = "Patriot",},
	["Irish Republican Socialist Party"] = {abbrev = "IRSP", color = "#004400", shortname = "Irish Republican Socialist",},
	["Irish Socialist Network"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFC0CB", shortname = "",},
    ["Irish Socialist Republican Party"] = {abbrev = "ISRP", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "Irish Socialist Republican",},
    ["Irish Unionist Alliance"] = {abbrev = "U", color = "#9999FF", shortname = "Irish Unionist",},
	["Irish Worker League"] = {abbrev = "IWL", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "Irish Worker League",},
	["Irish Workers' League"] = {abbrev = "IWL", color = "#FF3300", shortname = "Irish Workers' League",},
	["Irish Workers' Party"] = {abbrev = "IWP", color = "#FF3300", shortname = "Irish Workers' Party",},
	["Iron Guard"] = {abbrev = "TpȚ", color = "#2E8B57", shortname = "",},
	["Irun Herria"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BD1C0F", shortname = "",},
	["Isamaa"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009CE2", shortname = "",},
	["Ishenim"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#632D4D", shortname = "",},
	["Ishin Seito Shimpu"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC3334", shortname = "",},
	["ISLAM (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#226814", shortname = "",},
	["Islami Andolan Bangladesh"] = {abbrev = "IAB", color = "#C7EA00", shortname = "",},
	["Islami Jamhoori Ittehad"] = {abbrev = "IJI", color = "#284d00", shortname = "",},
	["Islami Jatiya Oikya Front"] = {abbrev = "IJOF", color = "#54AC00", shortname = "",},
	["Islami Oikya Jote"] = {abbrev = "IOJ", color = "#6AD900", shortname = "",},
	["Islami Tehreek Pakistan"] = {abbrev = "ITP", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Action Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#41984F", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Alliance (Egypt)"] = {abbrev = "IA", color = "#009900", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Association of Engineers"] = {abbrev = "IAE", color = "#A52A2A", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Association of Iranian Medical Society"] = {abbrev = "AIMSI", color = "#ffe5b2", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Association of Teachers of Iran"] = {abbrev = "IATI", color = "#3d98b3", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Association of University Instructors"] = {abbrev = "IAUI", color = "#D2691E", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Coalition Party"] = {abbrev = "ICP", color = "#009900", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Constitutional Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0098F1", shortname = "Hadas",},
	["Islamic Centre Party"] = {abbrev = "ICP", color = "#58B524", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Dawa Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009900", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Dawah Organisation of Afghanistan"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#007F00", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Democratic Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#006600", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Democratic Party (Maldives)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F00", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Education Movement"] = {abbrev = "PERTI", color = "#005825", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Front Bangladesh"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8F674E", shortname = "Islamic Front",},
	["Islamic Group (Lebanon)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009900", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Iran Participation Front"] = {abbrev = "IIPF", color = "#43438b", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Labour Party"] = {abbrev = "ILP", color = "#90EE90", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Movement of Afghanistan"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1D6D01", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Party of Britain"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#337263", shortname = "Islamic Party",},
	["Islamic Renaissance Movement"] = {abbrev = "MRI", color = "#000099", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#224272", shortname = "Islamic Renaissance",},
	["Islamic Republican Party"] = {abbrev = "IRP", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Salafi Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF7E03", shortname = "Salafi Alliance",},
	["Islamic Salvation Front"] = {abbrev = "FIS", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Society of Athletes"] = {abbrev = "ISA", color = "Green", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Society of Engineers"] = {abbrev = "JAM", color = "#FDEE00", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq"] = {abbrev = "ISCI", color = "#03C03C", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Tharikah Unity Party"] = {abbrev = "PPTI", color = "", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Victory Force"] = {abbrev = "AKUI", color = "", shortname = "",},
	["Islamic Virtue Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2929FD", shortname = "Fadhila",},
	["Islamist Bloc"] = {abbrev = "", color = "black", shortname = "",},
	["Island Alternative"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#132B41", shortname = "",},
	["Island Independents"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["Islander Party of the Balearic Islands"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#636163", shortname = "",},
	["Isle of Man Green Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0B9444", shortname = "Green",},
	["Islington Tenants and Ratepayers Political Association"] = {abbrev = "IT&R", color = "#964B00", shortname = "Islington Tenants & Ratepayers",},
	["Isola Group"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0087dc", shortname = "",},
	["Israel Resilience Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7D7F33", shortname = "",},
	["Israeli Labor Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EE1C25", shortname = "Labor",},
	["Israeli Liberal Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFCC00", shortname = "Liberal",},
	["Istehkam-e-Pakistan Party"] = {abbrev = "IPP", color = "#67BA27", shortname = "",},
	["Istiqlal Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#f1a4be", shortname = "Istiqlal",},
	["Istrian Democratic Assembly"] = {abbrev = "IDS", color = "#0CB14B", shortname = "",},
	["Istrian Social Democratic Forum"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["IT Voice 2012"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F47622", shortname = "",},
	["IT Voice"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BB1F5E", shortname = "",},
	["Italexit (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#366A9F", shortname = "Italexit",},
	["Italia Viva"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D6418C", shortname = "",},
	["Italia. Bene Comune"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EF3E3E", shortname = "",},
	["Italian Animalist Party"] = {abbrev = "PAI", color = "#E60C0C", shortname = "Animalist Party",},
	["Italian Associations in South America"] = {abbrev = "AISA", color = "#2B346C", shortname = "",},
	["Italian Catholic Electoral Union"] = {abbrev = "UECI", color = "#FFEF65", shortname = "",},
	["Italian Communist Party (2016)"] = {abbrev = "PCI", color = "#C72F35", shortname = "",},
	["Italian Communist Party"] = {abbrev = "PCI", color = "#C72F35", shortname = "",},
	["Italian Democratic Liberal Party"] = {abbrev = "PLDI", color = "Gold", shortname = "",},
	["Italian Democratic Party of Monarchist Unity"] = {abbrev = "PDIUM", color = "#536CE8", shortname = "",},
	["Italian Democratic Socialist Party"] = {abbrev = "PSDI", color = "#FF8282", shortname = "",},
	["Italian Democratic Socialists"] = {abbrev = "SDI", color = "#ED1B34", shortname = "",},
	["Italian Left"] = {abbrev = "SI", color = "#EF3E3E", shortname = "",},
	["Italian Liberal Party (1997)"] = {abbrev = "PLI", color = "#2975C2", shortname = "Liberal Party",},
	["Italian Liberal Party"] = {abbrev = "PLI", color = "#2975C2", shortname = "",},
	["Italian Nationalist Association"] = {abbrev = "ANI", color = "#00008B", shortname = "",},
	["Italian People's Party (1919)"] = {abbrev = "PPI", color = "#87CEFA", shortname = "",},
	["Italian People's Party (1994)"] = {abbrev = "PPI", color = "#87CEFA", shortname = "",},
	["Italian Radical Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00542E", shortname = "Radical Party",},
	["Italian Radicals"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFD700", shortname = "Radicals",},
	["Italian Reformist Socialist Party"] = {abbrev = "PSRI", color = "Pink", shortname = "Reformist Socialist Party",},
	["Italian Renewal"] = {abbrev = "RI", color = "#0039AA", shortname = "",},
	["Italian Republican Party"] = {abbrev = "PRI", color = "#3CB371", shortname = "",},
	["Italian Social Movement"] = {abbrev = "MSI", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["Italian Socialist Party (2007)"] = {abbrev = "PSI", color = "#DC143C", shortname = "",},
	["Italian Socialist Party of Proletarian Unity"] = {abbrev = "PSIUP", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
	["Italian Socialist Party"] = {abbrev = "PSI", color = "#ED2855", shortname = "",},
	["Italia in Comune"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#349655", shortname = "",},
	["Italy in the Centre"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E58321", shortname = "",},
	["Italy is There"] = {abbrev = "LIC", color = "#277BA0", shortname = "",},
	["Italy of Values"] = {abbrev = "IdV", color = "#FFA500", shortname = "",},
	["Ittehad-e-Millat Council"] = {abbrev = "IEMC", color = "green", shortname = "",},
	["Ittifaq al-Muslimin"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009933", shortname = "",},
	["Ittihad Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6495ED", shortname = "Ittihad",},
	["Ivan Rybkin Bloc"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DA2021", shortname = "",},
	["Ivica Dačić — Prime Minister of Serbia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A60C19", shortname = "SPS coalition",},
	["Ivorian Popular Front"] = {abbrev = "FPI", color = "#0066cc", shortname = "",},
	["Ivorian Workers' Party"] = {abbrev = "PIT", color = "purple", shortname = "",},
	["Izaugsme"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3C8734", shortname = "",},
	["Izquierda-Ezkerra"] = {abbrev = "I–E (n)", color = "#C80F70", shortname = "",},

return {
	full = full,
	alternate = alternate,