ali lahko nekdo, ki bolje obvlada plovila, preveri ustreznost interwikija? En: namreč nima gesla drakar, dracar, draccar, ipd. --Ziga 10:01, 18 februar 2007 (CET)
en:Viking ship. Sem popravil. --IP 213 10:43, 18 februar 2007 (CET)
Evo, sem tudi jaz malo pobrskal. Glede na drakar = zmaj je na wiki en, v okviru članka en:Longship zapisan odstavek:
Dragon ships: Dragon ships are known from historical sources, such as the 13th century Göngu-Hrólfs Saga (the Saga of Rollo). Here, the ships are described as elegant and ornately decorated, and used by those who went í Viking (raiding and plundering). According to the historical sources the ships' prows carried carvings of menacing beasts, such as dragons and snakes, allegedly to protect the ship and crew, and to ward off the terrible sea monsters of Norse mythology. It is however likely that the carvings, like those on the Oseberg ship, might have had a ritual purpose, or that the purported effect was to frighten enemies and townspeople. No true dragon ship, as defined by the sagas, has been found by archaeological excavation. Therefore, their existence is only supported by the historical sources.
Glede na slovenski izraz (nahaja se tudi v SSKJ) torej obstaja možnost, da je drakar zelo posplošeno geslo. Obstajalo je kar nekaj vrst vikingških ladij, ki jih slovenščina vse po vrsti imenuje drakar, morda so imele vse zmaja na kljunu?.
po en:
- Hjortspring ship
- Nydam ship
- Kvalsund ship
- Oseberg ship
- Snekke (snekkja)
- Dragon ships
- Roskilde ship
- Pravzaprav ne vem, kaj bi odgovoril, ker v resnici nisem specialist za vikinške ladje. Iw sem dodal, ko sem našel angl. geslo in videl, da je iw za nekatere jezike drakkar. Sedaj pa vidim, da je enako pri en:Longship. Očitno se gesli v angl. WP prekrivata. SE mi pa zdi, da v slovenščini prevladuje izraz drakar, tako da najbrž kar ustreza. --IP 213 17:33, 18 februar 2007 (CET)
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