[uredi kodo]English: I suggest merge EADS CASA with main article of Construcciones Aeronáuticas SA (CASA). Both articles are about the same - CASA, initially as a independent company, later as part of EADS, and now as part of Airbus. Article of EADS CASA is a separate article covering a short period (1999-2009, 10-years) of under the government of EADS. This is unnecessary article, introducing unnecessary confusion.
Google Translator for sl: Predlagam združitev EADS CASA z glavnim členom Construcciones Aeronáuticas SA (CASA). Oba članka sta približno enaka - CASA, sprva kot samostojno podjetje, kasneje kot del EADS in zdaj kot del Airbusa. Člen EADS CASA je ločen člen, ki zajema kratko obdobje (1999–2009, 10-letno) pod vlado EADS. To je nepotreben članek, ki uvaja nepotrebno zmedo. Subtropical-man (pogovor) 19:48, 29. januar 2019 (CET)