Pogovor:Katinski pokol
Katinski pokol has two meanings:
- the murder in Katin forest;
- more than 20 000 officers, policemen and civilians killed in three main places and many other ones.
- There are thousands of sources, many of them listed in other language pages. The source listed in the page (codis) doesn't exists, perhaps http://www.katyn-books.ru/. I have added a Slovenian link V Katinskem gozdu kot tudi na drugih mestih današnje Rusije, Ukrajine in Belorusije naj bi bilo za časa Stalinove vladavine leta 1940 ubitih okoli 22.000 poljskih častnikov. Not all of the victims were however častniki.Xx236 (pogovor) 12:21, 23. avgust 2017 (CEST)