Pogovor:Seznam otokov v Italiji
[uredi kodo]I would suggest to specify in title ISLAND OF THE REPUBLIC OF ITALY. In fact Italy may be seen as a State (the Republic of Italy) or as a geographical region. The island listed are OK for the Republic of Italy, but not for Italy as geographical region, which encompasses islands belonging to other States (France, Croatia, Malta, Switzerland). On the other hand the Republic of Italy has islands not belonging to Italy as geographical regions (i.e. Lampedusa and Linosa). Therefore I ask to kindly write ISLANDS OF THE REPUBLIC OF ITALY instead of Italian Islands. Thanks.--Deguef 12:33, 16. april 2010 (CEST)
- The link "Italiji" points to the article about the country, so I think the situation is clear. — Yerpo Ha? 12:50, 16. april 2010 (CEST)
- The situation of Italy is hardly understood in other countries without this peculiarity. Italian does not mean at all the belonging to the Italian State (the Republic of Italy). The Republic of San Marino is a part of Italy (as geographical region) but not of the Italian State. Even a part of Switzerland is usually called Italian Switzerland (Suisse Italienne) and certain does not belong to the Republic of Italy. Therefore it is necessary to specify that the listed island belong to the Republic of Italy.--Deguef 09:12, 20. april 2010 (CEST)
- Better now? — Yerpo Ha? 09:21, 20. april 2010 (CEST)
Let me define some little details. 1) I have not found any formal definition about geografical region Italy; the geografical/geological region you mind is currently called Apennine region. 2) In Slovene language "italian" means "belonging to Italy" and "Italy" means "Republic of Italy". As here the discussion is about a slovene article, the given definition is perfectly correct. 3) If "the situation of Italy is hardly understood in other countries", this is not our problem. We understand it quite well. I suggest you to spend your efforts in explaining the problem in those wikipedias where it is misunderstood. 4) The Republic of San Marino is NOT part of Italy anyway: it is an independent State lying in the middle of the Apennine peninsula. For a comparison, Portugal is situated on the Iberian peninsula and although its only border is with Spain, it is NOT a spanish part. 5) Nobody has ever said that the Italian Switzerland is part of Italy and it is neither part of the Apennine region. It is only a part of Switzerland where the language spoken is italian. Your notions seem to be rather confused. 6) The rectification introduced by Yerpo is a mark of wikiquette. I am sure that thinking over the above considerations will show your wikiquette. --IzTrsta 10:21, 20. april 2010 (CEST)
- So, because there's no formal definition, proper terms in Slovene at least should be:
- "seznam otokov v apeninski regiji" - for 'Italian' as region, and
- "seznam otokov v Italiji" (this list) - which is, as Triester already explained, well understood. --xJaM 12:44, 20. april 2010 (CEST)