Iz Wikipedije, proste enciklopedije
(Preusmerjeno s strani Predloga:Infobox unit )
{{{name}}} [[File:{{{image}}}|frameless]]{{{caption}}}
Sistem enote {{{standard}}} Enota {{{quantity}}} Simbol {{{symbol}}} or {{{symbol2}}} Poimenovano po {{{namedafter}}} {{{extralabel}}} {{{extradata}}} 1 {{{symbol}}} v ... ... je enako ...
{{{units1}}} {{{inunits1}}} {{{units2}}} {{{inunits2}}} ...... ...... {{{units6}}} {{{inunits6}}}1 imp {{{symbol}}} v ... ... je enako ...
{{{units_imp1}}} {{{inunits_imp1}}} {{{units_imp2}}} {{{inunits_imp2}}} ...... ...... {{{units_imp6}}} {{{inunits_imp6}}}1 US {{{symbol}}} v ... ... je enako ...
{{{units_us1}}} {{{inunits_us1}}} {{{units_us2}}} {{{inunits_us2}}} ...... ...... {{{units_us6}}} {{{inunits_us6}}}
{{Infopolje Enota
| bgcolor =
| name =
| image =
| caption =
| standard =
| quantity =
| symbol =
| symbol2 =
| namedafter =
| extralabel =
| extradata =
| units1 =
| inunits1 =
| units6 =
| inunits6 =
| units_imp1 =
| inunits_imp1 =
| units_imp6 =
| inunits_imp6 =
| units_us1 =
| inunits_us1 =
| units_us6 =
| inunits_us6 =
The colour of the background of the table
The name of the unit (defaults to {{PAGENAME}}
). Capitalize the name as if it appeared in the middle of a sentence, for example, "watt" rather than "Watt".
The image for the infobox (use full wikicode)
A caption for the image
The unit system (system of measurement ) of which the unit is a part (e.g. SI )
The physical quantity of which it is a unit
The symbol used for the unit
A secondary, alternative symbol for the unit
The person after which the unit is named
extralabel extradata
Miscellaneous (e.g. If there's just one unit conversion, it can be put here.)
Conversions: the unit expressed in {{{unitsN }}}, where N can be 1 to 6
Imperial conversions: the unit expressed in {{{units_impN }}}, where N can be 1 to 6
U.S. conversions: the unit expressed in {{{units_usN }}}, where N can be 1 to 6
{{Infopolje Enota
| name = Coulomb
| standard = [[Izpeljana enota SI]]
| quantity = [[električni naboj|električnega naboja]]
| symbol = C
| namedafter = [[Charles-Augustin de Coulomb]]
| units1 = [[Osnovna enota SI]]
| inunits1 = 1 [[Amper|A]] [[sekunda|s]]
| units2 = [[Sistem enot CGS|enota CGS]]
| inunits2 = {{gaps|2|997|924|580}} [[Statcoulomb|statC]]
| units3 = [[Naravne enote#Naravne enote (fizika osnovnih delcev)|Naravne enote]]
| inunits3 = 6,242 x {{val|e=18}} [[osnovni naboj|e]]
{{Infopolje Enota
| name = Kilogram
| image = [[File:CGKilogram.jpg|300px]]
| caption = {{longitem|A computer-generated image of the IPK [...] }}
| standard = [[Osnovna enota SI]]
| quantity = [[masa|mase]]
| symbol = kg
| units1 = [[United States customary units|U.S. customary]]
| inunits1 = ≈{{thinsp}}{{val|2.205}} [[Funt (mera)|funt]]
| units2 = [[Naravne enote]]
| inunits2 = ≈{{thinsp}} 4,59 x {{val|e=7|u=[[Planckova masa|Planckove mase]]}}
{{Infopolje Enota
| name = hertz
| standard = [[Izpeljana enota SI]]
| quantity = [[frekvenca|frekvence]]
| symbol = Hz
| namedafter = [[Heinrich Hertz]]
| extralabel = V [[Osnovna enota SI|osnovnih enotah SI]]
| extradata = 1 Hz = 1/[[sekunda|s]]