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{{Infopolje Bivša država}}
{{Infopolje Bivša država/peskovnik}}
German Democratic Republic Deutsche Demokratische Republik
|  | Glavno mesto | omitted |
Skupni jeziki | Official: German Unofficial minority languages: Sorbian |
Zgodovinska doba | Cold War |
| | 7 October 1949 |
| 25 September 1990 |
• German reunification | 3 October 1990 |
German Democratic Republic Deutsche Demokratische Republik
|  | Glavno mesto | omitted |
Skupni jeziki | Official: German Unofficial minority languages: Sorbian |
Zgodovinska doba | Cold War |
| | 7 October 1949 |
| 25 September 1990 |
• German reunification | 3 October 1990 |
Vzporedna primerjava
{{Infopolje Bivša država}}
{{Infopolje Bivša država/peskovnik}}
Tanganyika (1961-1962) Republic of Tanganyika (1962-1964) |
Flag of Tanganyika | Himna: Mungu ibariki Afrika | Status | Commonwealth realm (1961-1962) Republic (1962-1964) |
Glavno mesto | Dar es Salaam |
Skupni jeziki | Swahili English |
Vlada | Constitutional Monarchy (1961-1962) Republic (1962-1964) |
Head of State | |
| • 1961-1962 | Elizabeth II |
• 1962-1964 | Julius Nyerere |
| | • 1961-1962 | Richard Gordon Turnbull |
| Zgodovina | |
| • Independence | 9 December 1961 |
| 26 April 1964 |
| Valuta | East African Shilling |
Tanganyika (1961-1962) Republic of Tanganyika (1962-1964) |
Flag of Tanganyika | Himna: Mungu ibariki Afrika | Status | Commonwealth realm (1961-1962) Republic (1962-1964) |
Glavno mesto | Dar es Salaam |
Skupni jeziki | Swahili English |
Vlada | Constitutional Monarchy (1961-1962) Republic (1962-1964) |
Head of State | |
| • 1961-1962 | Elizabeth II |
• 1962-1964 | Julius Nyerere |
| | • 1961-1962 | Richard Gordon Turnbull |
| Zgodovina | |
| • Independence | 9 December 1961 |
| 26 April 1964 |
| Valuta | East African Shilling |
Vzporedna primerjava
{{Infopolje Bivša država}}
{{Infopolje Bivša država/peskovnik}}
Even in English, this place's name is unavoidably long-winded A particularly and unavoidably long-winded native_name
| Geslo: national_motto | Himna: national_anthem |  This is the wordy caption for image_map_caption, which should spill over onto a second line. |  This is the wordy caption for image_map2_caption, which should spill over onto a second line. | Status | ("status") Unfortunately, this place's status is also quite difficult to summarize |
Glavno mesto | capital 0°0′N, 0°0′E |
Prestolnica v izgnanstvu | capital_exile |
Skupni jeziki | common_languages |
Religija | religion |
Vlada | government_type |
The Long and Most Gloriously Titled Leader | |
| • year_leader1 | leader1 |
• year_leader4 | leader4 |
| The Representative also has a Convoluted Title | |
And the Deputy has a Pretty Long Title Too | |
| • year_deputy1 | deputy1 |
• year_deputy4 | deputy4 |
| Zakonodajalec | legislature |
• type_house1 | house1 |
• type_house2 | house2 |
Zgodovinska doba | era |
| • ustanovitev | 2012 |
• event1 | date_event1 |
• event4 | date_event4 |
• ukinitev | 2012 |
| |
stat_year1 | 1 km2 |
stat_year5 | 1 km2 |
| • stat_year1 | 1 |
• stat_year5 | 1 |
| Valuta | currency |
- footnote_a
extended across more than one line. - footnote_b
- footnote_c
extended across more than one line. - footnote_e
- footnote_h
| "footnotes" parameter extending across more than one line. "footnotes2" parameter extending across more than one line. |
Even in English, this place's name is unavoidably long-winded A particularly and unavoidably long-winded native_name
| Geslo: national_motto | Himna: national_anthem |  This is the wordy caption for image_map_caption, which should spill over onto a second line. |  This is the wordy caption for image_map2_caption, which should spill over onto a second line. | Status | ("status") Unfortunately, this place's status is also quite difficult to summarize |
Glavno mesto | capital 0°0′N, 0°0′E |
Prestolnica v izgnanstvu | capital_exile |
Skupni jeziki | common_languages |
Religija | religion |
Vlada | government_type |
The Long and Most Gloriously Titled Leader | |
| • year_leader1 | leader1 |
• year_leader4 | leader4 |
| The Representative also has a Convoluted Title | |
And the Deputy has a Pretty Long Title Too | |
| • year_deputy1 | deputy1 |
• year_deputy4 | deputy4 |
| Zakonodajalec | legislature |
• type_house1 | house1 |
• type_house2 | house2 |
Zgodovinska doba | era |
| • ustanovitev | 2012 |
• event1 | date_event1 |
• event4 | date_event4 |
• ukinitev | 2012 |
| |
stat_year1 | 1 km2 |
stat_year5 | 1 km2 |
| • stat_year1 | 1 |
• stat_year5 | 1 |
| Valuta | currency |
- footnote_a
extended across more than one line. - footnote_b
- footnote_c
extended across more than one line. - footnote_e
- footnote_h
| "footnotes" parameter extending across more than one line. |