Predloga:Infopolje Element/symbol-to-saw/abridged
Pregled: uradne vrednosti standarne atomske teže[1]
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Element (E) |
Ar, standard(E) Table 1[2] |
Value type |
Ar, std abridged(E) Table 2[3] |
Ar, std conventional(E) Table 3[4] |
Ar, std formal short(E) Tables 2 and 3[5] |
Masno število [najstabilnejši izotop] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
vodik | 1H | [1,00784; 1,00811] | Interval | [1,0078, 1,0082] | 1,008 | 1,008 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
dušik | 7N | [14,00643; 14,00728] | Interval | [14,006, 14,008] | 14,007 | 14,007 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
fluor | 9F | 18,998403163(6) | Value (uncertainty) | 18,998 | 18,998 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
kalcij | 20Ca | 40,078(4) | Value (uncertainty) | 40,078(4) | 40,078(4) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
tehnicij | 43Tc | (none) | Najstabilnejši izotop | [97] |
- Data: /symbol-to-saw
- For most stable isotope mass number (Tc, Rf, Uue etc.) see also {{Infopolje Element/symbol-to-most-stable-isotope}}.
[uredi kodo]Use parameter |format=
- {{Infopolje Element/symbol-to-saw|format=...}}
- For most stable isotope (Tc, Rf, Uue etc.) see also {{Infopolje Element/symbol-to-most-stable-isotope}}.
[uredi kodo]Z | Simbol | Ime | Ar, standard Table 1 |
Type |
Abridged Table 2 |
Conventional Table 3 |
→ Short Table 2, 3 |
→ Short- rounded |
m.s.i. | Year changed | Note | |
1 | H | vodik | [1,00784; 1,00811] | 2 | [1,0078, 1,0082] | 1,008 | 1,008 | 1,008 |
2009[1] | ||
2 | He | helij | 4,002602(2) | 1 | 4,0026 | 4,0026 | 4,0026 |
1983[2] | |||
3 | Li | litij | [6,938; 6,997] | 2 | [6,938, 6,997] | 6,94 | 6,94 | 6,94 |
2009[3] | ||
4 | Be | berilij | 9,0121831(5) | 1 | 9,0122 | 9,0122 | 9,0122 |
2013[4] | |||
5 | B | bor | [10,806; 10,821] | 2 | [10,806, 10,821] | 10,81 | 10,81 | 10,81 |
2009[5] | ||
6 | C | ogljik | [12,0096; 12,0116] | 2 | [12,009, 12,012] | 12,011 | 12,011 | 12,011 |
2009[6] | ||
7 | N | dušik | [14,00643; 14,00728] | 2 | [14,006, 14,008] | 14,007 | 14,007 | 14,007 |
2009[7] | ||
8 | O | kisik | [15,99903; 15,99977] | 2 | [15,999, 16,000] | 15,999 | 15,999 | 15,999 |
2009[8] | ||
9 | F | fluor | 18,998403163(6) | 1 | 18,998 | 18,998 | 18,998 |
2013[9] | |||
10 | Ne | neon | 20,1797(6) | 1 | 20,180 | 20,180 | 20,180 |
1985[10] | |||
11 | Na | natrij | 22,98976928(2) | 1 | 22,990 | 22,990 | 22,990 |
2005[11] | |||
12 | Mg | magnezij | [24,304; 24,307] | 2 | [24,304, 24,307] | 24,305 | 24,305 | 24,305 |
2011[12] | ||
13 | Al | aluminij | 26,9815384(3) | 1 | 26,982 | 26,982 | 26,982 |
2017[13] | |||
14 | Si | silicij | [28,084; 28,086] | 2 | [28,084, 28,086] | 28,085 | 28,085 | 28,085 |
2009[14] | ||
15 | P | fosfor | 30,973761998(5) | 1 | 30,974 | 30,974 | 30,974 |
2013[15] | |||
16 | S | žveplo | [32,059; 32,076] | 2 | [32,059, 32,076] | 32,06 | 32,06 | 32,06 |
2009[16] | ||
17 | Cl | klor | [35,446; 35,457] | 2 | [35,446, 35,457] | 35,45 | 35,45 | 35,45 |
2009[17] | ||
18 | Ar | argon | [39,792; 39,963] | 2 | [39,792, 39,963] | 39,95[6] | 39,95 | 39,95 |
2017[18] | ||
19 | K | kalij | 39,0983(1) | 1 | 39,098 | 39,098 | 39,098 |
1979[19] | |||
20 | Ca | kalcij | 40,078(4) | 1 | 40,078(4) | 40,078(4) | 40,078 |
1983[20] | |||
21 | Sc | skandij | 44,955908(5) | 1 | 44,956 | 44,956 | 44,956 |
2013[21] | |||
22 | Ti | titan | 47,867(1) | 1 | 47,867 | 47,867 | 47,867 |
1993[22] | |||
23 | V | vanadij | 50,9415(1) | 1 | 50,942 | 50,942 | 50,942 |
1977[23] | |||
24 | Cr | krom | 51,9961(6) | 1 | 51,996 | 51,996 | 51,996 |
1983[24] | |||
25 | Mn | mangan | 54,938043(2) | 1 | 54,938 | 54,938 | 54,938 |
2017[25] | |||
26 | Fe | železo | 55,845(2) | 1 | 55,845(2) | 55,845(2) | 55,845 |
1993[26] | |||
27 | Co | kobalt | 58,933194(3) | 1 | 58,933 | 58,933 | 58,933 |
2017[27] | |||
28 | Ni | nikelj | 58,6934(4) | 1 | 58,693 | 58,693 | 58,693 |
2007[28] | |||
29 | Cu | baker | 63,546(3) | 1 | 63,546(3) | 63,546(3) | 63,546 |
1969[29] | |||
30 | Zn | cink | 65,38(2) | 1 | 65,38(2) | 65,38(2) | 65,38 |
2007[30] | |||
31 | Ga | galij | 69,723(1) | 1 | 69,723 | 69,723 | 69,723 |
1987[31] | |||
32 | Ge | germanij | 72,630(8) | 1 | 72,630(8) | 72,630(8) | 72,630 |
2009[32] | |||
33 | As | arzen | 74,921595(6) | 1 | 74,922 | 74,922 | 74,922 |
2013[33] | |||
34 | Se | selen | 78,971(8) | 1 | 78,971(8) | 78,971(8) | 78,971 |
2013[34] | |||
35 | Br | brom | [79,901; 79,907] | 2 | [79,901, 79,907] | 79,904 | 79,904 | 79,904 |
2011[35] | ||
36 | Kr | kripton | 83,798(2) | 1 | 83,798(2) | 83,798(2) | 83,798 |
2001[36] | |||
37 | Rb | rubidij | 85,4678(3) | 1 | 85,468 | 85,468 | 85,468 |
1969[37] | |||
38 | Sr | stroncij | 87,62(1) | 1 | 87,62 | 87,62 | 87,62 |
1969[38] | |||
39 | Y | itrij | 88,90584(1) | 1 | 88,906 | 88,906 | 88,906 |
2017[39] | |||
40 | Zr | cirkonij | 91,224(2) | 1 | 91,224(2) | 91,224(2) | 91,224 |
1983[40] | |||
41 | Nb | niobij | 92,90637(1) | 1 | 92,906 | 92,906 | 92,906 |
2017[41] | |||
42 | Mo | molibden | 95,95(1) | 1 | 95,95 | 95,95 | 95,95 |
2013[42] | |||
43 | Tc | tehnecij | - | 3 | [97]
44 | Ru | rutenij | 101,07(2) | 1 | 101,07(2) | 101,07(2) | 101,07 |
1983[43] | |||
45 | Rh | rodij | 102,90549(2) | 1 | 102,91 | 102,91 | 102,91 |
2017[44] | |||
46 | Pd | paladij | 106,42(1) | 1 | 106,42 | 106,42 | 106,42 |
1979[45] | |||
47 | Ag | srebro | 107,8682(2) | 1 | 107,87 | 107,87 | 107,87 |
1985[46] | |||
48 | Cd | kadmij | 112,414(4) | 1 | 112,41 | 112,41 | 112,41 |
2013[47] | |||
49 | In | indij | 114,818(1) | 1 | 114,82 | 114,82 | 114,82 |
2011[48] | |||
50 | Sn | kositer | 118,710(7) | 1 | 118,71 | 118,71 | 118,71 |
1983[49] | |||
51 | Sb | antimon | 121,760(1) | 1 | 121,76 | 121,76 | 121,76 |
1993[50] | |||
52 | Te | telur | 127,60(3) | 1 | 127,60(3) | 127,60(3) | 127,60 |
1969[51] | |||
53 | I | jod | 126,90447(3) | 1 | 126,90 | 126,90 | 126,90 |
1985[52] | |||
54 | Xe | ksenon | 131,293(6) | 1 | 131,29 | 131,29 | 131,29 |
1999[53] | |||
55 | Cs | cezij | 132,90545196(6) | 1 | 132,91 | 132,91 | 132,91 |
2013[54] | |||
56 | Ba | barij | 137,327(7) | 1 | 137,33 | 137,33 | 137,33 |
1985[55] | |||
57 | La | lantan | 138,90547(7) | 1 | 138,91 | 138,91 | 138,91 |
2005[56] | |||
58 | Ce | cerij | 140,116(1) | 1 | 140,12 | 140,12 | 140,12 |
1995[57] | |||
59 | Pr | prazeodim | 140,90766(1) | 1 | 140,91 | 140,91 | 140,91 |
2017[58] | |||
60 | Nd | neodim | 144,242(3) | 1 | 144,24 | 144,24 | 144,24 |
2005[59] | |||
61 | Pm | prometij | - | 3 | [145]
62 | Sm | samarij | 150,36(2) | 1 | 150,36(2) | 150,36(2) | 150,36 |
2005[60] | |||
63 | Eu | evropij | 151,964(1) | 1 | 151,96 | 151,96 | 151,96 |
1995[61] | |||
64 | Gd | gadolinij | 157,25(3) | 1 | 157,25(3) | 157,25(3) | 157,25 |
1969[62] | |||
65 | Tb | terbij | 158,925354(8) | 1 | 158,93 | 158,93 | 158,93 |
2017[63] | |||
66 | Dy | disprozij | 162,500(1) | 1 | 162,50 | 162,50 | 162,50 |
2001[64] | |||
67 | Ho | holmij | 164,930328(7) | 1 | 164,93 | 164,93 | 164,93 |
2017[65] | |||
68 | Er | erbij | 167,259(3) | 1 | 167,26 | 167,26 | 167,26 |
1999[66] | |||
69 | Tm | tulij | 168,934218(6) | 1 | 168,93 | 168,93 | 168,93 |
2017[67] | |||
70 | Yb | iterbij | 173,045(10) | 1 | 173,05 | 173,05 | 173,05 |
2015[68] | |||
71 | Lu | lutecij | 174,9668(1) | 1 | 174,97 | 174,97 | 174,97 |
2007[69] | |||
72 | Hf | hafnij | 178,486(6) | 1 | 178,49 | 178,49(2) | 178,49 |
2019[70] | |||
73 | Ta | tantal | 180,94788(2) | 1 | 180,95 | 180,95 | 180,95 |
2005[71] | |||
74 | W | volfram | 183,84(1) | 1 | 183,84 | 183,84 | 183,84 |
1991[72] | |||
75 | Re | renij | 186,207(1) | 1 | 186,21 | 186,21 | 186,21 |
1973[73] | |||
76 | Os | osmij | 190,23(3) | 1 | 190,23(3) | 190,23(3) | 190,23 |
1991[74] | |||
77 | Ir | iridij | 192,217(2) | 1 | 192,22 | 192,22 | 192,22 |
2017[75] | |||
78 | Pt | platina | 195,084(9) | 1 | 195,08 | 195,08 | 195,08 |
2005[76] | |||
79 | Au | zlato | 196,966570(4) | 1 | 196,97 | 196,97 | 196,97 |
2017[77] | |||
80 | Hg | živo srebro | 200,592(3) | 1 | 200,59 | 200,59 | 200,59 |
2011srebro.htm | |||
81 | Tl | talij | [204,382; 204,385] | 2 | [204,38, 204,39] | 204,38 | 204,38 | 204,38 |
2009[78] | ||
82 | Pb | svinec | 207,2(1) | 1 | 207,2 | 207,2 | 207,2 |
1969[79] | |||
83 | Bi | bizmut | 208,98040(1) | 1 | 208,98 | 208,98 | 208,98 |
2005[80] | |||
84 | Po | polonij | - | 3 | [209]
85 | At | astat | - | 3 | [210]
86 | Rn | radon | - | 3 | [222]
87 | Fr | francij | - | 3 | [223]
88 | Ra | radij | - | 3 | [226]
89 | Ac | aktinij | - | 3 | [227]
90 | Th | torij | 232,0377(4) | 1 | 232,04 | 232,04 | 232,04 |
2013[81] | |||
91 | Pa | protaktinij | 231,03588(1) | 1 | 231,04 | 231,04 | 231,04 |
2017[82] | |||
92 | U | uran | 238,02891(3) | 1 | 238,03 | 238,03 | 238,03 |
1999[83] | |||
93 | Np | neptunij | - | 3 | [237]
94 | Pu | plutonij | - | 3 | [244]
95 | Am | americij | - | 3 | [243]
96 | Cm | kirij | - | 3 | [247]
97 | Bk | berkelij | - | 3 | [247]
98 | Cf | kalifornij | - | 3 | [251]
99 | Es | ajnštajnij | - | 3 | [252]
100 | Fm | fermij | - | 3 | [257]
101 | Md | mendelevij | - | 3 | [258]
102 | No | nobelij | - | 3 | [259]
103 | Lr | lavrencij | - | 3 | [266]
104 | Rf | raderfordij | - | 3 | [267]
105 | Db | dubnij | - | 3 | [268]
106 | Sg | siborgij | - | 3 | [269]
107 | Bh | borij | - | 3 | [270]
108 | Hs | hasij | - | 3 | [269]
109 | Mt | majtnerij | - | 3 | [278]
110 | Ds | darmštatij | - | 3 | [281]
111 | Rg | rentgenij | - | 3 | [282]
112 | Cn | kopernicij | - | 3 | [285]
113 | Nh | nihonij | - | 3 | [286]
114 | Fl | flerovij | - | 3 | [289]
115 | Mc | moskovij | - | 3 | [290]
116 | Lv | livermorij | - | 3 | [293]
117 | Ts | tenes | - | 3 | [294]
118 | Og | oganeson | - | 3 | [294]
119 | Uue | ununenij | - | [315] (napovedano)
120 | Ubn | unbinilij | - | [299] (nepotrjeno)
121 | Ubu | unbiunij | - | [320] (napovedano)
122 | Ubb | unbibij | - |
[84] | |||||||
124 | Ubq | unbikvadij | - |
[85] | |||||||
126 | Ubh | unbiheksij | - |
[86] |
[uredi kodo]- ↑ Meija, Juris; in sod. (2016). »Atomic weights of the elements 2013 (IUPAC Technical Report)«. Pure and Applied Chemistry. 88 (3): 265–91. doi:10.1515/pac-2015-0305.
- ↑ Meija 2016, Table 1.
- ↑ Meija 2016, Table 2.
- ↑ Meija 2016, Table 3.
- ↑ Meija 2016, Tables 2 and 3.
- ↑ »IUPAC Periodic Table of the Elements and Isotopes«. King's Center for Visualization in Science. IUPAC, King's Center for Visualization in Science. Pridobljeno 8. oktobra 2019.
[uredi kodo]Predloga:Standard atomic weight of the elements/ciaaw-list-of-updates
See also
[uredi kodo]- {{Standard atomic weight of the elements}} - list, mainspace
- {{Infopolje Element/standard atomic weight/value illustration}} - illustrative table with 6 examples, mainspace
- {{Infopolje Element/symbol-to-saw/overview}}
- {{Infopolje Element/symbol-to-saw/overview-wikidata}} -- compares values with WD values
- {{Infopolje Element/standard atomic weight}} - {{Infopolje Element}} (pogovor) formatter