Predloga:Infopolje Jezik/dok
![]() | To je dokumentacijska podstran za glavno stran Predloga:Infopolje Jezik. Namenjena je shranjevanju navodil, kategorizaciji in drugi vsebini, ki ni del glavne strani. Predloga ima preizkušanju namenjen peskovnik. |
![]() | Uporablja Lua: |
Ta predloga se uporablja v člankih o jezikih ali narečjih. Zagotavlja standardizirani prikaz za izpis podatkov o jeziku.
[uredi kodo]{{Infopolje Jezik | name = ime jezika #ZAHTEVANO | altname = dodatno ime jezika | nativename = domače ali drugo dodatno ime | pronunciation = IPA izgovorjava domačega imena | states (state) = države v katerih se jezik največ govori | region = geografska lokacija regije kjer je jezik največ govorjen | ethnicity = ljudje katerim je ta jezik etnični materni jezik; lahko se uporabi tudi za etnično populacijo, če se razlikuje od števila govorcev (čeprav so izbrana imena za članke o ljudstvih in jezikih v splošnem enaka, je tukaj mogoče potrebno napraviti wikipovezavo na domače ime ljudstva) | speakers = {{sigfig|number of native speakers/signers|2}} | extinct = datum izumrtja ali informacija o izumrtju; 'speakers' se ne bo izpisal | era = era uporabe zgodovinskega jezika (tistega, ki se je razvil v nov jezik); 'speakers' se ne bo izpisal | date = datum ocene števila govorcev/podpisnikov (začeti se mora z 4-mestno letnico: glej naslednega) | dateprefix = besedilo za katerega želite, da se izpiše v oklepajih pred 'date' | ref = sklic za število govorcev/podpisnikov. Izpiše se za 'date' parametrom. | speakers2 = 2. vrstica (2. ocena, 2. država, L2 govorci, itd.) | familycolor = ustrezna družina jezika #ZAHTEVANO Glej tabelo spodaj za seznam možnosti. Prosimo, da ne uporabljate drugih imen, ker jih predloga ne bo prepoznala, in infopolje bo obarvano sivo. V večini primerov, bo 'familycolor' prednastavljen podatek za parameter 'fam1', tako da je to polje nepotrebno (nadaljujete lahko z 'fam2' parametrom), toda to lahko prepišete z katerimkoli vnosom v 'fam1'. ZA barve območij (American, Khoisan, Paleosiberian, itd.), boste opozorjeni za vnos v 'fam1', če ga sami niste določili. Če uporabite 'isolate' ali 'unclassified', fam1–xx drevo ne bo prikazano. | fam1 = najširša splošno sprejeta [[jezikovna družina]] katere del je jezik | fam2 = bolj specifična pod-družina | ... | fam15 = najožje določena podskupina | family = napišete lahko karkoli; fam1–xx ne bo izpisan | ancestor(2/3) = ancestral or reconstructed forms | creator = name of language creator | created = year of first creation | setting = the use or setting for a created language | posteriori = natural-language sources of a created language | dia1 = a primary dialect | dia2 = another primary dialect | ... (up to 20) | dialects = whatever you want to say | stand1 = a standardized register | stand2 = a second standardized register | ... (up to 6) | standards = whatever you want to say | script = the writing system(s) used for the language by literate speakers | nation = seznam držav v katerih je ta jezik uraden | minority = seznam držav v katerih je ta jezik prepoznan kot manjšinski jezik | agency = regulatory body or language academy for the language | iso1 = oznaka jezika ISO 639-1 | iso2 = oznaka jezika ISO 639-2 (ne za lastno družino) | iso2b = bibliografska oznaka jezika ISO 639-2 | iso2t = terminološka oznaka ISO 639-2 | iso3 = oznaka jezika ISO 639-3 Polje se bo izpisalo tudi, če ga pustite praznega, razen če uporabite 'lc1' itd. Uporabite 'none', če jezik (ne narečje) nima oznake iso3, in članek se bo dodal v [[:Kategorija:Jeziki brez oznake iso3]]. Use 'linglist' if it has an iso3 code, but this is maintained at Linguist List instead of at SIL. Add the code itself under |linglist= (This is not necessary if the SIL page provides its own link to the Linguist List page.) | iso3comment = for comments to not interfere with the link | isoexception = a maintenance field to organize cleanup categories (see below). currently excludes article from general missing-ISO category if set to 'dialect', 'historical', 'protolanguage', or 'talkpage'. | lc1 = oznaka ISO za prvo narečje ('iso3' parameter se ne bo izpisal, če parameter ta nima vrednosti, je pa vključen v predlogi this is included) | ld1 = ime prvega narečja jezika | lc2 = oznaka ISO za drugo narečje | ld2 = ime drugega narečja jezika | ... (do 45) | iso6 = oznaka jezika ISO 639-6 | isoexception = | linglist = a private or local Linguist List ISO 639-3 code or substitute for an ISO code; use xxx-xxx format for dialects. Use for code range qaa–qtz or those involving numerals only; enter other codes under 'iso3' and the reader will be redirected from Ethnologue. | lingname = comment on the Linguist List code or support | linglist2 = additional Linguist List codes | lingname2 = additional comments. (If Linguist List has redundant codes, write to them, and they will likely retire them.) | glotto = | glottoname = | glotto2 = <!-- up to glotto5 --> | glottoname2 = <!-- up to glottoname5 --> | aiatsis = | aiatsisname = | aiatsis2 = <!-- up to aiatsis6 --> | aiatsisname2 = <!-- up to aiatsisname6 --> | guthrie = | ELP = | ELPname = | ELP2 = <!-- up to ELP6 --> | ELPname2 = <!-- up to ELPname6 --> | glottopedia = | lingua = | lingua_ref = | ietf = | map = image at bottom of info box. Use format "image name.png", without "file/image" or brackets. | mapsize = prepiše prednastavljeno velikost zemljevida (trenutno je 350px). Uporabite enote ("123px", "12em"). Affects both maps. | mapalt = alt besedilo za zemljevid | mapcaption = besedilo pod zemljevidom | map2 = drugi zemljevid | mapalt2 = alt besedilo za drugi zemljevid | mapcaption2 = besedilo pod obema zemljevidoma | pushpin_map = | pushpin_image = | pushpin_map_alt = | pushpin_map_caption = | pushpin_mapsize = | pushpin_label = | pushpin_label_position = | coordinates = <!-- use {{Koord novi}} --> | module = | notice = IPA }}
[uredi kodo]{{{name}}} | |
{{{altname}}} | |
{{{nativename}}} | |
({{{acceptance}}}) | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|{{{imagesize}}}|alt={{{imagealt}}}]] {{{imagecaption}}} | |
Izgovarjava | {{{pronunciation}}} |
Materni jezik | {{{states}}} |
Področje | {{{region}}} |
Etničnost | {{{ethnicity}}} |
Izumrl | {{{extinct}}}{{{ref}}} {{{speakers2}}} |
Oživitev[[Kategorija:{{{revived-category}}}]] | {{{revived}}} |
{{{family}}} | |
Zgodnejše oblike | {{{protoname}}}
Standardne oblike | {{{standards}}} |
Narečja | {{{dialects}}} |
Pisava | {{{script}}} |
{{{sign}}} | |
Viri | {{{posteriori}}} |
Uradni status | |
Uradni jezik | {{{nation}}} |
Priznani manjšinski jezik | {{{minority}}} |
Regulator | {{{agency}}} |
Development body | {{{development_body}}} |
Jezikovne oznake | |
ISO 639-1 | {{{iso1}}} |
ISO 639-2 | [[ISO639-3:{{{iso2}}}|{{{iso2}}}]] {{{iso2comment}}} |
ISO 639-3 | [[ISO639-3:{{{iso3}}}|{{{iso3}}}]] – vključene oznake {{{iso3comment}}}Posamezne oznake: {{{lc1}}} – {{{ld1}}} {{{lc2}}} – {{{ld2}}} |
ISO 639-6 | {{{iso6}}} |
Seznam Linguist | {{{linglist}}} {{{lingname}}} |
{{{linglist2}}} {{{lingname2}}} | |
Glottolog | {{{glotto}}} {{{glottoname}}}{{{glotto2}}} {{{glottoname2}}} |
AIATSIS[1] | {{{aiatsis}}} {{{aiatsisname}}}, {{{aiatsis2}}} {{{aiatsisname2}}} |
{{{guthrie}}} [2] | |
ELP | {{{ELP}}} |
Glottopedia | {{{glottopedia}}} [3] |
Linguasphere | {{{lingua}}} {{{lingua_ref}}} |
IETF | {{{ietf}}} |
[[File:{{{map}}}|{{{mapsize}}}|alt={{{mapalt}}}]] {{{mapcaption}}} | |
[[File:{{{map2}}}|{{{mapsize}}}|alt={{{mapalt2}}}]] {{{mapcaption2}}} | |
Koordinati: {{{coordinates}}} | |
{{{module}}} | |
{{Infopolje Jezik | name = | altname = | nativename = | acceptance = | image = | imagesize = <!-- or image_size --> | imagealt = | imagecaption = | pronunciation = | states = <!-- or state --> | region = | creator = | created = | setting = | ethnicity = | extinct = | era = | speakers = | date = | dateprefix = | ref = <!-- up to e21 (or current edition) if ref is ''Ethnologue'' --> | refname = | speakers2 = | revived = | revived-category = <!-- or revived-cat --> | familycolor = | family = | fam1 = | fam2 = | fam3 = <!-- up to fam15 --> | protoname = | ancestor = | ancestor2 = <!-- up to ancestor8 --> | standards = | stand1 = | stand2 = <!-- up to stand6 --> | dialects = | listclass = | dia1 = | dia2 = <!-- up to dia20 --> | script = | sign = | posteriori = | nation = | minority = | agency = | development_body = | iso1 = | iso1comment = | iso2 = | iso2b = | iso2t = | iso2comment = | iso3 = | iso3comment = | lc1 = | ld1 = | lc2 = <!-- up to lc30 --> | ld2 = <!-- up to ld30 --> | iso6 = | isoexception = | linglist = | lingname = | linglist2 = <!-- up to linglist6 --> | lingname2 = <!-- up to lingname6 --> | glotto = | glottoname = | glotto2 = <!-- up to glotto5 --> | glottoname2 = <!-- up to glottoname5 --> | aiatsis = | aiatsisname = | aiatsis2 = <!-- up to aiatsis6 --> | aiatsisname2 = <!-- up to aiatsisname6 --> | guthrie = | ELP = | ELPname = | ELP2 = <!-- up to ELP6 --> | ELPname2 = <!-- up to ELPname6 --> | glottopedia = | lingua = | lingua_ref = | ietf = | map = | mapsize = | mapalt = | mapcaption = | map2 = | mapalt2 = | mapcaption2 = | pushpin_map = | pushpin_image = | pushpin_map_alt = | pushpin_map_caption = | pushpin_mapsize = | pushpin_label = | pushpin_label_position = | coordinates = <!-- use {{Coord}} --> | module = | notice = IPA }}
[uredi kodo]Angleščina | |
Izgovorjava | /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/[4] |
Področje | (see below) |
Št. maternih govorcev | 360 million (cited 2010)[5] L2: 375 million and 750 million EFL[6] |
Pisava | English alphabet (Latin script) |
Uradni status | |
Uradni jezik | 54 countries 27 non-sovereign entities United Nations European Union Commonwealth of Nations Council of Europe IOC NATO NAFTA OAS OECD OIC PIF UKUSA Agreement |
Jezikovne kode | |
ISO 639-1 | en |
ISO 639-2 | eng |
ISO 639-3 | eng |
Linguasphere | 52-ABA |
![]() Countries where English is the native language of the majority of the population Countries where English is an official but not primary language | |
{{Infopolje Jezik | name = English | pronunciation = {{IPAc-en|ˈ|ɪ|ŋ|ɡ|l|ɪ|ʃ}}<ref>[ English Adjective] – Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary – Oxford University Press ©2010.</ref> |region = (see [[#Geographical distribution|below]]) | speakers = 360 million | date = 2010 | dateprefix = cited | ref = <ref name=NE>[[Nationalencyklopedin]] "Världens 100 största språk 2010" The World's 100 Largest Languages in 2010</ref> | speakers2 = [[Second language|L2]]: 375 million and 750 million [[English as a foreign or second language|EFL]]<ref name=BritishCouncilEnglish>{{cite web |url= |title=Future of English|accessdate=24 August 2011 |publisher=The British Council}} (page 10)</ref> | familycolor = Indo-European | fam2 = [[Germanic languages|Germanic]] | fam3 = [[West Germanic languages|West Germanic]] | fam4 = [[Anglo-Frisian languages|Anglo–Frisian]] | fam5 = [[English languages|Anglic]] | script = [[English alphabet]] ([[Latin script]]) | nation = [[List of countries where English is an official language#Sovereign states|54 countries]]<br />[[List of countries where English is an official language#Non-sovereign entities|27 non-sovereign entities]]<br />[[United Nations]]<br />[[European Union]]<br />[[Commonwealth of Nations]]<br />[[Council of Europe]]<br />[[International Olympic Committee|IOC]]<br />[[NATO]]<br />[[North American Free Trade Agreement|NAFTA]]<br />[[Organization of American States|OAS]]<br />[[Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development|OECD]]<br />[[Organisation of Islamic Cooperation|OIC]]<br />[[Pacific Islands Forum|PIF]]<br />[[UKUSA Agreement]] | iso1 = en | iso2 = eng | iso3 = eng | lingua = 52-ABA | map = Anglospeak.svg | mapcaption = {{legend|#0000ff|Countries where English is the native language of the majority of the population}} {{legend|#8ddada|Countries where English is an official but not primary language}} | notice = IPA }}
- Sklici v infopolju
- ↑ {{{aiatsis}}} {{{aiatsisname}}} at the Australian Indigenous Languages Database, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (see the info box for additional links)
- ↑ Jouni Filip Maho, 2009. New Updated Guthrie List Online
- ↑ Glottopedia article on Infopolje Jezik/dok.
- ↑ English Adjective – Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary – Oxford University Press ©2010.
- ↑ Nationalencyklopedin "Världens 100 största språk 2010" The World's 100 Largest Languages in 2010
- ↑ »Future of English« (PDF). The British Council. Pridobljeno 24. avgusta 2011. (page 10)
[uredi kodo]Glej tudi | Wikipedija:WikiProjekt jeziki |
The template should placed at the very top of the wikitext of the article, before any text. The absolute basic syntax is as shown below:
- {{Infopolje Jezik ← this calls the template
- | name = name of language ← the name of the language needs to be given
- | familycolor = appropriate language family ← refer to the coloured chart to the right (or above, depending on your browser), and type the name shown there; this will add the appropriate family color to the template top. Using "Altaic" or "Caucasian" etc. does *not* result in a claim that the language belongs to that family: think of them as areal codings.
- }} ← this ends the template call
However, you will probably want to add more than just this. Other parameters are listed below, they can be incorporated anywhere between the first and last lines, and in any order.
Dodatni parametri
[uredi kodo]There are several more parameters that can be defined between the opening and closing lines. These are:
- | altname = additional name of the language [not every one, but one a reader would be likely to look for]
- | nativename = native name, or a second alternative name [most cases as of 2012 not actually the native name]
- | states = countries in which it is mainly spoken (multigenerational communities) ← you do not have to define both this and region. Do not use flag icons except for national or official status (WP:INFOBOXFLAG).
- | region = geographic region in which it is mainly spoken ← you do not have to define both this and states; use this parameter for a single statement about geographic distribution. It is not for the broader region where the states are located, but rather the regions within the country, or across countries, where it is spoken. (That is, do not add SE Asia if we state it's in Laos, or West Africa if we state it's in Mali.)
- | speakers = the number of native speakers of the language. If unknown, enter ⟨?⟩ and do not enter NA for the date. If no native speakers, enter ⟨none⟩. Otherwise, if no date is supplied, missing date will be displayed. Use
to round to 2 significant figures while retaining the exact figure from the reference. - | date = the date of publication of the estimate of the number of speakers.
- Used for calculations for obsolete data, so needs to start with a 4-digit year. Exception: If ⟨NA⟩ is entered, nothing will display. If ⟨no date⟩ is entered, "no date" will display. Do not enter a date parameter at all if speakers is set to ⟨none⟩.
- Articles with old dates (currently ≥ 30 years) appear in Kategorija:Članki o jezikih s starimi podatki o govorcih.
- | ref = reference for the speaker data.
- If ⟨e17⟩ is entered, this will automatically generate a reference to the Ethnologue 17 article that bears the ISO 639-3 code entered at 'iso3'.
- To link to the auto-generated reference from elsewhere in the article, use
<ref name=e17/>
. - ⟨e16⟩ and
<ref name=e16/>
or ⟨e15⟩ and<ref name=e15/>
can be used to ref the 16th or 15th edition, for example for extinct languages which are no longer supported. - ⟨linglist⟩ and
<ref name=linglist/>
can be used to ref the MultiTree entry at the Linguist List. <ref name=Guthrie/>
and<ref name=AIATSIS/>
can be used in the text to cross-ref Maho's edition of the Guthrie list for Bantu languages and the AIATSIS entry for Australian languages, but unlike Ethnologue, require this longer format for the |ref field of the infobox as well.
- | speakers2 = a 2nd line for speaker data, such as L2 speakers, appearing after the date.
- If this is a second line of L1 speakers, it should be arranged so that, if there are two dates cited, the oldest appears in the date parameter, for automated update calculations. Data from different countries should not be added together if they are not comparable: say if one is from 1973 and another from 2006, or if one is rounded to the nearest million and another is on the order of 10,000.
- | iso1 = the ISO 639-1 code for the language
- | iso2 = the ISO 639-2 code for the language; creates a link to the ISO page ← see just hereafter for the situation where a language has two ISO 639-2 codes
- | iso3 = the ISO 639-3 code for the language; creates a link to the ISO page ← see below for the situation where multiple ISO 639-3 codes apply; if there is no ISO 639-3 code, set iso3=none to return the text none and add the article to a list of uncoded languages (if iso3comment is also used, that will display in place of none)
- Only iso3 will appear (with a dash) if the code is omitted. If a language has two ISO 639-2 codes, one will be defined as the bibliographic code, and the other terminological. These can be added in separate fields using the following parameters:
- | iso2b = the ISO 639-2 bibliographic code
- | iso2t = the ISO 639-2 terminological code
- | lingua = the Linguasphere code for the language
- | linglist(2,3) = the Linguist List code(s) for the language. May be a proper ISO code maintained at Linguist List, or a local non-ISO code; creates a link to the Linguist List page.
- | lingname(2,3) = the Linguist List name for the language, or other comment
- | guthrie = the Guthrie code for Bantu languages. Generates a reference which can be accessed via name="Guthrie".
- | aiatsis(2,3) = the AIATSIS code(s) for Australian languages. Generates a reference which can be accessed via name="AIATSIS".
- | aiatsis(2,3)name = the AIATSIS name, if different from the entry at |name=.
- | iso3comment = allows a comment in the ISO field that will not interfere with the link
- | isoexception = handles exceptions to the handling of missing ISO codes. Currently there are dedicated tracking categories for 'dialect' (variety of a language with an ISO code), 'historical' (ancestral form of a language with an ISO code), 'protolanguage', 'talkpage' (add to templates on talk pages and in archives so that they stop showing up in the tracking categories).
Genetic classification
[uredi kodo]You can use the language template to show the genetic classification of a language at a glance. This classification is displayed as a descending staircase of language families, from the broadest to the most specific. To add the genetic classification use the following:
- | fam1 = the broadest possible widely accepted language family of which the language is a part ← if this would be exactly the same as you have defined for familycolor, it may be omitted
- | fam2 = a more specific sub-family
- | fam3 = a more specific group
You can keep adding parameters in like fashion until you have completed the classification. If you would prefer to enter some other information in this box (for example, disputed), use this parameter instead:
- | family = whatever you want to say (sequesters the repetition of the name of the language)
This can be set to "na" to avoid specifying a family relationship at all, an for a geographical group that has no single origin.
Ancestral forms may be useful when we have an article on them, or when they have been assigned ISO codes:
- | ancestor = an ancestral form, such as Old English or Proto-Basque
- | ancestor2/3 = intermediate ancestral forms, such as Middle English or Aquitanian
Optional parameters
[uredi kodo]Some parts of the template remain invisible unless they are specifically called. Only use these parameters if they are required.
- | fontcolor = colour of font against 'familycolor' ← the font colour is usually black, use this to change it if it is difficult to read
- | pronunciation = pronunciation of the native name of the language in IPA → remember to enclose the transcription in an IPA template such as {{IPA-all}}
- | nation = list of countries in which it is an official language
- | minority = list of countries in which it is a recognised minority language
- | agency = regulatory body or language academy for the language
- | extinct = date of extinction, or information about extinction ← this replaces speakers
- | era = era of use of an ancestral form of a language ← this replaces speakers
- | script = writing system(s) used to represent the language ← in the form script (instantiation), such as "Latin (English alphabet)"
(Common variants of "Latin (alphabet)" redirect to Latin script. For the Latin alphabet itself, add an element such as
Language with more than one ISO 639-3 code
[uredi kodo]Some languages have a number of ISO 639-3 codes, one for each dialect of that language. If you try putting all of these codes in the usual iso3 = parameter, it will get quite messy. Instead, use the following parameters:
- | lc1 = language code of the first dialect
- | ld1 = name of the first language dialect
For subsequent dialects, use lc2 and so forth. Lc entries will be automatically linked to the Ethnologue site. Wikipedia articles on the dialects may be linked from the ld entries..
For languages with an ISO 639-3 macrolanguage code and several individual codes, use iso3 for the macrolanguage and lcn, ldn for the individual codes.
Constructed languages
[uredi kodo]This template is appropriate to use for constructed languages. The following parameters can be used:
- | creator = name of language creator
- | created = year of first creation
- | setting = the use or setting for the language
- | posteriori = natural-language sources
Using these parameters, or setting familycolor=Conlang, automatically sets the coloured bars of the infobox to black
background with white fonts, and removes the states and region parameters from use (nation is also disabled). If the iso2 parameter is left undefined, it is treated as being iso2=art. For conlangs, the family or famn parameters are used to describe the hierarchy of purpose of the language, whereas posteriori is used to describe the a posteriori sources on which the conlang draws.
Images in the template
[uredi kodo]You should not put large images at the top of the language template: they just make it very messy. You can place a small image at the top of the template using the following parameters:
- | image = image name.png
- | imagesize = 200px ← overrides the default image size
- | imagealt = alt text
- | imagecaption = caption
- | imageheader = very simple description of image ('logo', 'map', 'script', etc.) ← this is placed in the left-hand column, and so needs to be short
If you have a larger image or two, such as a map, you can place them at the bottom of the template, spanning both columns, with the following parameter:
- | map(2) = image name.png
- | mapsize = 300px ← overrides the default image size
- | mapalt(2) = alt text
- | mapcaption(2) = caption
The usual image markup applies for both images. Alt text is for visually impaired readers, and the caption is for all readers; typically they should have little in common (see WP:ALT).
Footer notice
[uredi kodo]A notice or notices may be placed at the bottom of the infobox:
[uredi kodo]- Predloga:Infopolje Jezik/seznam oznak
- Predloga:Infopolje Jezik/barva-družine
- Predloga:Infopolje Jezik/genetika
- Predloga:Infopolje Jezik/linguistlist
- Predloga:Infopolje Jezik/sklic
- Predloga:Infopolje Jezik/quilt
Napakovne-sledilne kategorije
[uredi kodo]The following automating tracking categories should catch some of the more common errors. They also produce lists of articles that should be reviewed occasionally, because they lack population data or the data is dated.
- ISO podpora
- Kategorija:Jeziki brez oznake ISO 639-3 (6) – [iso3=] is set to 'none', as it is not (yet) included in ISO. May have other codes.
- Kategorija:Umetni jeziki brez oznake ISO 639-3 (2) (subcat: most conlangs do not qualify for ISO)
- Kategorija:Neobstoječe E17 povezave (0) (setting [iso3=none] and [ref=e17] generates an invalid reference)
- Kategorija:Članki o jezikih brez oznake jezika (3) – no language code listed, but not specifically excluded from ISO with [iso3=none]
- Kategorija:Jeziki brez oznake ISO 639-3, toda z oznako Linguist List (8)
- podkategorija Kategorija:Narečja z oznako Linguist List (9) – LingList codes some dialects with sub-ISO codes as "xxx-yyy"
- Kategorija:Jeziki brez oznake ISO 639-3, toda z oznako Linguasphere (7)
- Kategorija:Jeziki brez oznake ISO 639-3, toda z oznako AIATSIS (0)
- Kategorija:Jeziki brez oznake ISO 639-3, toda z oznako Guthrie (0)
- Kategorija:Narečja jezikov z oznako ISO (0) (a normal exception)
- Kategorija:Zgodovinske oblike jezikov z oznako ISO (0) (a normal exception)
- Kategorija:Prajeziki brez oznake ISO (0) (a normal exception)
- Kategorija:Jeziki brez oznake ISO 639-3, toda z oznako Linguist List (8)
- Kategorija:Jeziki, ki potrebujejo ISO 639-3 komentar (2) – triggered by [lc1=] without [lc2=] (once used as a way to provide comments; occasionally still appropriate with [iso3=] when a second but redundant ISO code is included)
- Kategorija:Jeziki z oznako ISO 639-2 (154) (sometimes the 639-3 code is mistakenly copied into the
field) - Kategorija:Jeziki z oznako ISO 639-1 (115)
- Problemi z govorci in datumi
- Kategorija:Članki o jezikih brez ocene govorcev (12) – no entry under [speakers=], and not extinct, a sign language, or a conlang
- Kategorija:Članki o jezikih z nepravilnimi datumi (8) – entry error at [date=] (anything other than a 4-digit number at start)
- Kategorija:Članki o jezikih s praznim parametrom za datum (19) – no entry at [date=]
- Kategorija:Članki o jezikih brez datuma podatkov o govorcih (6) – [date=no date], used when the source lacks a date
- Kategorija:Članki o jezikih z NA datumi (0) – [date=NA], used when a date does not apply
- Kategorija:Članki o jezikih s starimi podatki o govorcih (25) (currently set to > 30 years)
- Kategorija:Članki o jezikih brez parametra za sklic (35)
- Kategorija:Članki o jezikih s sklici na Ethnologue 18 (1)
- Kategorija:Članki o jezikih s sklici na Ethnologue 16 (0)
- Kategorija:Članki o jezikih s sklici na Ethnologue 15 (0)
- Kategorija:Članki o jezikih s sklici na Ethnologue 14 (0)
- Klasifikacija
- Kategorija:Članki o jezikih s spornimi podatki o družini (0) (generally because [fam1=] is autofilled from [familycolor] to 'American', 'Australian', 'Papuan', 'Khoisan', 'Caucasian', 'Andamanese', or 'Paleosiberian')
- Kategorija:Jeziki brez oznake za barvo družine (0) – no or invalid familycolor
- Kategorija:Jeziki brez klasifikacije (0) – family displayed as 'unknown' (sometimes triggered by SLs or conlangs)
- Drugo
- Kategorija:Članki brez infopolja Infopolje Jezik (0) (manual cat: switch off (to "no") if you judge the article does not need one)
- Kategorija:Slabo oblikovane slike v infopolju Jezik (2) – images need to be stripped of external file formatting
- Kategorija:Članki o jezikih z nepodprtimi parametri v infopolju (29) (detects only specified errors, primarily 'caption' for image/map caption)
[uredi kodo]TemplateData documentation used by VisualEditor and other tools
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