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Predloga:Infopolje Nesnovna dediščina/dok

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This template is used for UNESCO intangible heritage sites.


[uredi kodo]
{{Infopolje Nesnovna dediščina
|infoboxwidth = 
|Name         = <!-- or " | ICH = " -->
|Image        = 
|imagesize    = 
|alt          = 
|Caption      = <!-- or " | imagecaption = " -->
|Country      = <!-- or " | Countries = " or " | State Party = " -->
|Domains      = 
|Criteria     = 
|ID           = <!-- or " | Link = " -->
|Region       = 
|Coordinates  = <!-- {{koord novi|xxxx|N/S|xxxx|E/W|region:ZZ_type:TT|display=inline,title}} ali {{koord novi|dd|mm|ss|N/S|dd|mm|ss|E/W|region:ZZ_type:TT|display=inline,title}} -->
|Year         = 
|Session      = 
|Extension    = 
|List         = 
|Below        = 
|Note         = 


[uredi kodo]

For example, the text to the left produces the infobox to the right (radif (glasba)):

The Radif of Iranian music
PodročjaUprizoritvena umetnost (glasba)
RegijaAzija in Pacifik
Vpis2009 (4. zasedanje)

Possible image
{{Infopolje Nesnovna dediščina
| Image       = 
| Caption     = ney (left) tar (mid) kanun (right)
| ICH         = The Radif of Iranian music
| State Party = Iran
| Domains     = Uprizoritvena umetnost (glasba)
| Criteria    = ???
| ID          = 279
| Region      = APA
| Year        = 2009
| Session     = 4.
| List        = Reprezentativni
| Link        = http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/en/RL/00279
| Below       = [[File:Unesco Cultural Heritage logo.svg|100px]]
| Note        = Possible image
  • Image: Image related to list item
  • Caption: Image caption
  • ICH: Subject title
  • State Party: Country which applied for the subject to be added the list
  • Domains: ustno izročilo, uprizoritvena umetnost, družbena praksa, ritual in praznovanje, znanje in prakse o naravi in svetu, tradicionalne obrtne veščine. "The boundaries between domains are extremely fluid and often vary from community to community. It is difficult, if not impossible, to impose rigid categories externally." Listing domains is subjective and thus may require citations. Nomination forms of inscribed elements feature the State Party's assessments of domain(s) represented by the element.
  • Criteria: ???
  • ID: 00XXX or XXX.
  • Region: AFR, AST, APA, ENA ali LAC
  • Year: Leto, ko je bil subjekt dodan v seznam
  • Session: Zasedanje tega leta
  • List: Nujno nenudoma zavarovati, Reprezentativni ali Register of best safeguarding practices
  • Link: www.unesco.org/culture/ich/en/RL/00 followed by the ID, this is only provided as a safeguard for any issues with the initial '00's
  • Below: Za dodatno sliko
  • Note: dodatna opomba ali opis slike

Glej tudi

[uredi kodo]

p · p · u · z

  • {{AFR}} [Afrika]
  • {{AST}} [Arabske države]
  • {{APA}} [Azija in Pacifik]
  • {{ENA}} [Evropa in S. Amerika]
  • {{LAC}} [Latinska Amerika in Karibi]
  • {{AFR}} [Afrika]
  • {{AST}} [Arabske države]
  • {{APA}} [Azija in Pacifik]
  • {{ENA}} [Evropa in S. Amerika]
  • {{LAC}} [Latinska Amerika in Karibi]