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Primerjava drug ob drugem {{Infopolje Pasma psov }} {{Infopolje Pasma psov/peskovnik }}
Kraški ovčar Druga imena kraševec Karst Shepherd Dog Izvor Slovenija Teža
30-42 kg
25-37 kg Višina
57-63 cm
54-60 cm Kožuh
bogata krovna ravna dlaka, z gosto podlanko (posebej pozimi) Barva
železno siva Življenjska doba
do 15 let, povprečno 12 let.
Domači pes (Canis lupus familiaris )
Kraški ovčar Druga imena kraševec Karst Shepherd Dog Izvor Slovenija Teža
30-42 kg
25-37 kg Višina
57-63 cm
54-60 cm Kožuh
bogata krovna ravna dlaka, z gosto podlanko (posebej pozimi) Barva
železno siva Življenjska doba
do 15 let, povprečno 12 let.
Domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris )
Primerjava drug ob drugem {{Infopolje Pasma psov }} {{Infopolje Pasma psov/peskovnik }}
Nemški ovčar Vzdevki »GSD«, alzaški ovčar, Deutscher Schäferhund Izvor Nemčija Teža
22-32kg Višina
57-60cm Kožuh
kratka, srednja, dolga Barva
kostanjeva barva, siva, črna, bledo rdeča Leglo
5-10 Življenjska doba
Domači pes (Canis lupus familiaris )
Nemški ovčar Vzdevki »GSD«, alzaški ovčar, Deutscher Schäferhund Izvor Nemčija Teža
22-32kg Višina
57-60cm Kožuh
kratka, srednja, dolga Barva
kostanjeva barva, siva, črna, bledo rdeča Leglo
5-10 Življenjska doba
Domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris )
Test of stock and x parameters for crossbreeds and hybrids [ uredi kodo ]
(or just to show modern breed ancestry). The foundation stock info is provided by |stock=
or |breeds=
, useful for both cross-breeds and for historical info for established breeds (and generic enough it can include dingoes, etc.) For inter-subspecific hybrids, |x=
names the wild ancestor subspecies.
Test of providing standards without classification info [ uredi kodo ]
We can't actually depend on random editors to do this perfectly, so the template has to not barf all over the place when they don't.
Primerjava drug ob drugem {{Infopolje Pasma psov }} {{Infopolje Pasma psov/peskovnik }}
Saluki without group/section details Salukis come in a variety of coat colors.
Druga imena Arabian Hound, Gazelle Hound, Persian Greyhound, Persian Sighthound Vzdevki Nicknames here Izvor Middle East Opombe there are no notes Domači pes (Canis lupus familiaris )
Saluki without group/section details Salukis come in a variety of coat colors.
Druga imena Arabian Hound, Gazelle Hound, Persian Greyhound, Persian Sighthound Vzdevki Nicknames here Izvor Middle East Opombe there are no notes Domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris )
Primerjava drug ob drugem {{Infopolje Pasma psov }} {{Infopolje Pasma psov/peskovnik }}
Saluki Salukis come in a variety of coat colors.
Druga imena Arabian Hound, Gazelle Hound, Persian Greyhound, Persian Sighthound Izvor Middle East Opombe there are no notes Domači pes (Canis lupus familiaris )
Saluki Salukis come in a variety of coat colors.
Druga imena Arabian Hound, Gazelle Hound, Persian Greyhound, Persian Sighthound Izvor Middle East Opombe there are no notes Domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris )
Primerjava drug ob drugem {{Infopolje Pasma psov }} {{Infopolje Pasma psov/peskovnik }}
New Guinea Singing Dog Druga imena New Guinea Dingo Singing Dog Singer New Guinea Highland Dog New Guinea Wild Dog Hallstrom Dog Papua New Guinea Singing Dog New Guinea Singing Dingo NGSD NGD Izvor Papua New Guinea Opombe Even though the NGSD belongs to the "domestic dog" branch of the Canid family tree, they are not really a "domesticated" animal by nature. Like their close cousin the Australian Dingo, they are technically called True Wild Dogs . Domači pes (Canis lupus familiaris )
New Guinea Singing Dog Druga imena New Guinea Dingo Singing Dog Singer New Guinea Highland Dog New Guinea Wild Dog Hallstrom Dog Papua New Guinea Singing Dog New Guinea Singing Dingo NGSD NGD Izvor Papua New Guinea Opombe Even though the NGSD belongs to the "domestic dog" branch of the Canid family tree, they are not really a "domesticated" animal by nature. Like their close cousin the Australian Dingo, they are technically called True Wild Dogs . Domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris )
Infopolje Pasma psov
Yorkie-Poo The appearance of Yorkipoos may vary from tan to black to white and brown
Druga imena Yorkiepoopoo, Yorkapoo, Yorkerpoo, Yoodle Status pasme Ni prepoznan s strani pomembnejše kinološke zveze ali kluba. Opombe notes Domači pes (Canis lupus familiaris )
Yorkie-Poo The appearance of Yorkipoos may vary from tan to black to white and brown
Druga imena Yorkiepoopoo, Yorkapoo, Yorkerpoo, Yoodle Status pasme Ni prepoznan s strani pomembnejše kinološke zveze ali kluba. Opombe notes Domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris )
Yorkie-Poo The appearance of Yorkipoos may vary from tan to black to white and brown
Druga imena Yorkiepoopoo, Yorkapoo, Yorkerpoo, Yoodle Foundation stock Yorkshire Terrier Poodle Status pasme Izumrl . Ni prepoznan s strani pomembnejše kinološke zveze ali kluba.Opombe notes Domači pes (Canis lupus familiaris )
Yorkie-Poo The appearance of Yorkipoos may vary from tan to black to white and brown
Druga imena Yorkiepoopoo, Yorkapoo, Yorkerpoo, Yoodle Foundation stock Yorkshire Terrier Poodle Status pasme Izumrl . Ni prepoznan s strani pomembnejše kinološke zveze ali kluba.Opombe notes Domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris )