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Predloga:Infopolje Planetni sestav

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Uporaba[uredi kodo]

{{Infopolje Planetni sestav
| title               = 
| image               = 
| caption             = 
| age                 = 
| location            = 
| ascension           = 
| declination         = 
| system_mass         = 
| neareststar         = 
| nearestplanetary    = 
| semimajoraxis       = 
| proto-planetarydisc = 
| Kuiper_cliff        = 
| stars               = 
| planets             = 
| dwarfplanets        = 
| satellites          = 
| minorplanets        = 
| comets              = 
| roundsat            = 
| roundsatlink      =
| inclination         = 
| galacticcenter      = 
| orbitalspeed        = 
| orbitalperiod       =
| spectral            = 
| variable            = 
| frostline           = 
| heliopause          = 
| hillsphere          = 
| noknown_stars       = 
| noknown_planets     = 
| outerplanetname     = 

Opombe[uredi kodo]

  • noknown_stars - If anything is in this field, then the word "known" will NOT precede "stars" in the "No. of stars" section.
  • noknown_planets - If anything is in this field, then the word "known" will NOT precede "planets" in the "No. of planets" and "Semi-major axis of outer planet" sections.

Zgled[uredi kodo]

Sonce in planeti v Osončju. Velikosti so v razmerju, razdalje pa ne.
Starost4,568 milijarde let
LegaKrajevni medzvezdni oblak, Orionov krak, Rimska cesta
Masa sistema1,0014 sončevih mas
Najbližja zvezdaProksima Kentavra (4,22 sv.l.), sistem Alfa Kentavra (4,37 sv.l.)
Najbližji znan planetni sestavSistem Alfa Kentavra (4,37 sv.l.)
Planetni sestav
Velika polos zunanjega planeta (Neptun)30,10 a.e. (4.503 milijard km)
Razdalja do Kuiperjeve pečine50 a.e.
Št. zvezd1
Št. planetov8
Merkur, Venera, Zemlja, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uran, Neptun
Št. znanih pritlikavih planetovVerjetno več sto.[1]
5 (Ceres, Pluton, Haumea, Makemake, Erida) so trenutno prepoznani s strani IAU
Št. znanih naravnih satelitov422 (173 od planetov[2] in 249 od planetoidov[3])
Št. znanih planetoidov628.057 (od 2013-12-12)[4]
Št. znanih kometov3.244 (od 2013-12-12)[4]
Št. identificiranih okroglih satelitov19
Tirnica okrog galaktičnega središča
Nagib nespremenljive ravnine na galaktično ravnino60,19° (ekliptika)
Razdalja do središča galaksije27.000±1.000 sv.l.
Tirna hitrost220 km/s
Obhodna doba225–250 Myr
Značilnosti povezane z zvezdami
Spektralni tipG2V
Frost line≈5 a.e.[5]
Razdalja do heliopavze≈120 a.e.
Polmer Hillove krogle≈1–2 sv.l.

Ta zgled uporablja večino parametrov in je vzet iz verzije Osončje.

{{Infopolje Planetni sestav
| title             = Osončje
| image             = [[Image:Planets2013.jpg|300px]]
| caption           = Sonce in [[planet]]i v Osončju. Velikosti so v razmerju, razdalje pa ne.
| age               = 4,568 milijarde let
| location          = [[Krajevni medzvezdni oblak]], <!--[[Local Bubble]],-->[[Orionov krak]], [[Rimska cesta (galaksija)|Rimska cesta]]
| system_mass       = 1,0014 [[Sončeva masa|sončevih mas]]
| neareststar       = [[Proksima Kentavra]] (4,22 sv.l.), sistem [[Alfa Kentavra]] (4,37 sv.l.)
| nearestplanetary  = Sistem Alfa Kentavra (4,37 sv.l.)
| semimajoraxis     = 30,10 [[astronomska enota|a.e.]] (4.503 milijard km)
| Kuiper_cliff      = 50 [[astronomska enota|a.e.]]
| stars             = 1 <br>[[Sonce]]
| noknown_stars     = yes
| planets           = 8 <br>[[Merkur (planet)|Merkur]], [[Venera]], [[Zemlja]], [[Mars]], [[Jupiter]], [[Saturn]], [[Uran]], [[Neptun]]
| outerplanetname   = [[Neptun]]
| noknown_planets   = yes
| dwarfplanets      = Verjetno več sto.<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.mikebrownsplanets.com/2011/08/free-dwarf-planets.html | author=[[Michael E. Brown|Mike Brown]] | title=Free the dwarf planets! | date=August 23, 2011 | work="Mike Brown's Planets (self-published)"}}</ref><br>5 ([[Ceres (pritlikavi planet)|Ceres]], [[Pluton]], [[Haumea]], [[Makemake]], [[Erida (pritlikavi planet)|Erida]]) so trenutno prepoznani s strani IAU
| satellites        = 422 (173 od planetov<ref name=planetarymoons>{{cite web|url=http://www.dtm.ciw.edu/users/sheppard/satellites/ |title=The Giant Planet Satellite and Moon Page|author=Sheppard, Scott S.|publisher=Departament of Terrestrial Magnetism at Carniege Institution for science|accessdate=2013-07-23}}</ref> in 249 od planetoidov<ref name=MPMJohnston>{{cite web
 | date=2013-12-06
 | title=Asteroids with Satellites
 | publisher=Johnston's Archive
 | author=Wm. Robert Johnston
 | url=http://www.johnstonsarchive.net/astro/asteroidmoons.html
 | accessdate=2013-12-12}}</ref>)
| minorplanets      = 628.057 (od 2013-12-12)<ref name=JPLbodies>{{cite web
  |title=How Many Solar System Bodies
  |publisher=NASA/JPL Solar System Dynamics
| comets            = 3.244 (od 2013-12-12)<ref name=JPLbodies/>
| roundsat          = 19
| roundsatlink      = List of gravitationally rounded objects of the Solar System#Satellite planemos
| inclination       = 60,19° (ekliptika) <!-- If anyone can find a cited value for the inclination of the Solar System's invariable plane to the galactic plane, then please replace this value -->
| galacticcenter    = 27.000±1.000 sv.l.
| orbitalspeed      = 220 km/s
| orbitalperiod     = 225–250 Myr
| spectral          = [[G-type main-sequence star|G2V]]
| frostline         = ≈5 [[astronomska enota|a.e.]]<ref name="Mumma">{{cite doi | 10.1016/S0273-1177(03)00578-7}}</ref>
| heliopause        = ≈120 [[astronomska enota|a.e.]]
| hillsphere        = ≈1–2 sv.l.
  1. Mike Brown (23. avgust 2011). »Free the dwarf planets!«. "Mike Brown's Planets (self-published)".
  2. Sheppard, Scott S. »The Giant Planet Satellite and Moon Page«. Departament of Terrestrial Magnetism at Carniege Institution for science. Pridobljeno 23. julija 2013.
  3. Wm. Robert Johnston (6. december 2013). »Asteroids with Satellites«. Johnston's Archive. Pridobljeno 12. decembra 2013.
  4. 4,0 4,1 »How Many Solar System Bodies«. NASA/JPL Solar System Dynamics. Pridobljeno 12. decembra 2013.
  5. DOI: 10.1016/S0273-1177(03)00578-7 10.1016/S0273-1177(03)00578-7
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