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lua migration test cases

[uredi kodo]
Cite arXiv compare
{{ navedi arXiv | last=Mashnik | year=2000 | class=astro-ph | title=On Solar System and Cosmic Rays Nucleosynthesis and Spallation Processes | first=Stepan G. }}
Trenutno Mashnik, Stepan G. (2000). »On Solar System and Cosmic Rays Nucleosynthesis and Spallation Processes«. {{navedi arxiv}}: |arxiv= required (pomoč)
Peskovnik Mashnik, Stepan G. (2000). "On Solar System and Cosmic Rays Nucleosynthesis and Spallation Processes". |arxiv= zahtevan (pomoč)
Cite arXiv compare
{{ navedi arXiv | last=Mashnik | eprint=astro-ph/0008382 | isbn=123456789X | first=Stepan G. | title=On Solar System and Cosmic Rays Nucleosynthesis and Spallation Processes | year=2000 | class=astro-ph }}
Trenutno Mashnik, Stepan G. (2000). »On Solar System and Cosmic Rays Nucleosynthesis and Spallation Processes«. arXiv:astro-ph/0008382. {{navedi arxiv}}: Prezrt |class= (pomoč); Prezrt neznani parameter |isbn= (pomoč)
Peskovnik Napaka Lua v Modul:Citation/CS1/Identifiers/peskovnik v vrstici 1047: Unrecognized ID mode.
Cite arXiv compare
{{ navedi arXiv | eprint=astro-ph/0008382 | last=Mashnik | year=2000 | class=astro-ph | title=On Solar System and Cosmic Rays Nucleosynthesis and Spallation Processes | first=Stepan G. }}
Trenutno Mashnik, Stepan G. (2000). »On Solar System and Cosmic Rays Nucleosynthesis and Spallation Processes«. arXiv:astro-ph/0008382. {{navedi arxiv}}: Prezrt |class= (pomoč)
Peskovnik Napaka Lua v Modul:Citation/CS1/Identifiers/peskovnik v vrstici 1047: Unrecognized ID mode.
Cite arXiv compare
{{ navedi arXiv | first5=M. | date=2013 | last3=Almenara | last2=Díaz | first6=C. | first1=A. | first4=A. | last6=Moutou | eprint=1310.2133 | last1=Santerne | first2=R. F. | last4=Lethuillier | class=astro-ph.EP | title=Astrophysical false positives in exoplanet transit surveys: Why do we need bright stars? | last5=Deleuil | first3=J.-M. }}
Trenutno Santerne, A.; Díaz, R. F.; Almenara, J.-M.; Lethuillier, A.; Deleuil, M.; Moutou, C. (2013). »Astrophysical false positives in exoplanet transit surveys: Why do we need bright stars?«. arXiv:1310.2133 [astro-ph.EP].
Peskovnik Napaka Lua v Modul:Citation/CS1/Identifiers/peskovnik v vrstici 1047: Unrecognized ID mode.
Cite arXiv compare
{{ navedi arXiv | class=astro-ph.EP | eprint=1109.2497 | title=The HARPS Search for Southern Extra-solar Planets XXXIV. Occurrence, Mass Distribution and Orbital Properties of Super-Earths and Neptune-mass Planets | url=http://astro.up.pt/investigacao/ficheiros/2011_AA_Mayor.pdf | date=2011 | author=Mayor, M.; Marmier, M.; Lovis, C.; Udry, S; Ségransan, D.; Pepe, F.; Benz, W.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Bouchy, F.; Dumusque, X.; Lo Curto, G.; Mordasini, C.; Queloz, D.; Santos, N. C. }}
Trenutno Mayor, M.; Marmier, M.; Lovis, C.; Udry, S; Ségransan, D.; Pepe, F.; Benz, W.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Bouchy, F.; Dumusque, X.; Lo Curto, G.; Mordasini, C.; Queloz, D.; Santos, N. C. (2011). »The HARPS Search for Southern Extra-solar Planets XXXIV. Occurrence, Mass Distribution and Orbital Properties of Super-Earths and Neptune-mass Planets«. arXiv:1109.2497 [astro-ph.EP]. {{navedi arxiv}}: Prezrt neznani parameter |url= (pomoč)Vzdrževanje CS1: več imen: seznam avtorjev (povezava)
Peskovnik Napaka Lua v Modul:Citation/CS1/Identifiers/peskovnik v vrstici 1047: Unrecognized ID mode.
Cite arXiv compare
{{ navedi arXiv | first1=Steven | eprint=hep-th/0511037v1 | title=Living in the Multiverse | date=2005 | last1=Weinberg }}
Trenutno Weinberg, Steven (2005). »Living in the Multiverse«. arXiv:hep-th/0511037v1.
Peskovnik Napaka Lua v Modul:Citation/CS1/Identifiers/peskovnik v vrstici 1047: Unrecognized ID mode.
Cite arXiv compare
{{ navedi arXiv | class=physics.ed-ph | eprint=physics/0608061 | year=2006 | author=C.J. Efthimiou, R. Llewellyn | title=Is Pseudoscience the Solution to Science Literacy? }}
Trenutno C.J. Efthimiou, R. Llewellyn (2006). »Is Pseudoscience the Solution to Science Literacy?«. arXiv:physics/0608061. {{navedi arxiv}}: Prezrt |class= (pomoč)
Peskovnik Napaka Lua v Modul:Citation/CS1/Identifiers/peskovnik v vrstici 1047: Unrecognized ID mode.
Cite arXiv compare
{{ navedi arXiv | eprint=0808.0273 | title=Top Quark Mass and Cross Section Results from the Tevatron | class=hep-ex | year=2008 | author=F. Garberson }}
Trenutno F. Garberson (2008). »Top Quark Mass and Cross Section Results from the Tevatron«. arXiv:0808.0273 [hep-ex].
Peskovnik Napaka Lua v Modul:Citation/CS1/Identifiers/peskovnik v vrstici 1047: Unrecognized ID mode.
Cite arXiv compare
{{ navedi arXiv | class=astro-ph | title=Origin and dynamical evolution of comets and their reservoirs | eprint=astro-ph/0512256 | date=2005 | author=Alessandro Morbidelli }}
Trenutno Alessandro Morbidelli (2005). »Origin and dynamical evolution of comets and their reservoirs«. arXiv:astro-ph/0512256. {{navedi arxiv}}: Prezrt |class= (pomoč)
Peskovnik Napaka Lua v Modul:Citation/CS1/Identifiers/peskovnik v vrstici 1047: Unrecognized ID mode.
Cite arXiv compare
{{ navedi arXiv | eprint=1104.4952v1 | class=astro-ph.CO | title=The atmospheric parameters and spectral interpolator for the stars of MILES | author1=Philippe Prugniel | year=2011 | author2=Isabelle Vauglin | author3=Mina Koleva }}
Trenutno Philippe Prugniel; Isabelle Vauglin; Mina Koleva (2011). »The atmospheric parameters and spectral interpolator for the stars of MILES«. arXiv:1104.4952v1 [astro-ph.CO].
Peskovnik Napaka Lua v Modul:Citation/CS1/Identifiers/peskovnik v vrstici 1047: Unrecognized ID mode.
Cite arXiv compare
{{ navedi arXiv | last=Conte | date=2002 | class=quant-ph | journal=Proceedings Fundamental problems of Sciences, 271-304, S. Petersburg 2002 | arxiv=0711.2260 | title=A Quantum Like Interpretation and Solution of Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen Paradox in Quantum Mechanics | url=http://arxiv.org/abs/0711.2260v1 | first=Elio | pages=271-304 | accessdate=3 March 2014 }}
Trenutno Conte, Elio (2002). »A Quantum Like Interpretation and Solution of Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen Paradox in Quantum Mechanics«. str. 271–304. arXiv:0711.2260 [quant-ph]. {{navedi arxiv}}: Prezrt neznani parameter |accessdate= (pomoč); Prezrt neznani parameter |journal= (pomoč); Prezrt neznani parameter |url= (pomoč)
Peskovnik Napaka Lua v Modul:Citation/CS1/Identifiers/peskovnik v vrstici 1047: Unrecognized ID mode.
Cite arXiv compare
{{ navedi arXiv | year=2009 | eprint=0908.3408 | author1=Gerard 't Hooft | class=quant-ph | title=Entangled quantum states in a local deterministic theory }}
Trenutno Gerard 't Hooft (2009). »Entangled quantum states in a local deterministic theory«. arXiv:0908.3408 [quant-ph].
Peskovnik Napaka Lua v Modul:Citation/CS1/Identifiers/peskovnik v vrstici 1047: Unrecognized ID mode.

old test cases

[uredi kodo]
Pre-2007 (i.e. with category in eprint)
{{Navedi arXiv |author=George A.J. Sparling |authorlink=George A.J. Sparling|eprint=gr-qc/0610068 |title=Spacetime is spinorial; new dimensions are timelike |year=2006 |version=v1 }}
George A.J. Sparling (2006). »Spacetime is spinorial; new dimensions are timelike«. arXiv:gr-qc/0610068. {{navedi arxiv}}: Prezrt neznani parameter |version= (pomoč)
Napaka Lua v Modul:Citation/CS1/Identifiers/peskovnik v vrstici 1047: Unrecognized ID mode.
post-2007, multiple authors
{{Navedi arXiv |last=Jones|firs|at=Tom|last2=Perry|first2=Fred |eprint=0707.0835 |class=math.CT |title=The Euler characteristic of a category as the sum of a divergent series |year=2007 }}
Jones, Tom; Perry, Fred (2007). »The Euler characteristic of a category as the sum of a divergent series«. arXiv:0707.0835 [math.CT].
Napaka Lua v Modul:Citation/CS1/Identifiers/peskovnik v vrstici 1047: Unrecognized ID mode.
missing eprint
{{Navedi arXiv |last=Jones|firs|at=Tom|last2=Perry|first2=Fred |class=math.CT |title=The Euler characteristic of a category as the sum of a divergent series |year=2007 }}
Jones, Tom; Perry, Fred (2007). »The Euler characteristic of a category as the sum of a divergent series«. {{navedi arxiv}}: |arxiv= required (pomoč)
Jones, Tom; Perry, Fred (2007). "The Euler characteristic of a category as the sum of a divergent series". |arxiv= zahtevan (pomoč)